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  1. Getting my lovebirds more used to hands: washcloths?
  2. Birds nest hair!
  3. plucking / itchy bird
  4. Major help!!!!!!!
  5. Good couple?
  6. humping?
  7. Noisy Noisy Noisy!
  8. method to using millet to train lovebirds!!
  9. moving the bird cage around the room?
  10. 4 week old lovebird help!! :)
  11. new pair of love birds
  12. two cages?
  13. catching lovebirds with a butterfly net?
  14. Birds Fav music!
  15. Out of cage time?
  16. Tarquin's 'Coming of Age'
  17. Lovebird biting help please
  18. IS this a sign of 2 depressed love birds?
  19. Infertile Eggs
  20. introduction of Lovies to a Meyer's Parrot?
  21. introduction of Lovies to a Meyer's Parrot?
  22. Hi, newbie about to get new lovebird
  23. Feather Plucking???
  24. Baby Black Masked Lovie
  25. time to give up?
  26. How Do I Interact with Her?
  27. Lovebird help!
  28. New Owner. Amazing animal, and so smart.
  29. humping?
  30. How to get them back in the cage?
  31. Confession time.
  32. Noisy Screaming monster
  33. Puberty?
  34. A couple of questions.
  35. He learnt his first trick!
  36. Laying Eggs & Feather Plucking
  37. Normal for baby to not be interested in it's toys?
  38. Parents seem to hate and want to kill thier chick
  39. laying eggs with no mate
  40. Is this normal?
  41. Rudy
  42. Concerns (long!)
  43. Under Newspaper?
  44. Update!
  45. Brother and Sister
  46. Biting hands but wanting kisses
  47. Odd Romace?
  48. Chewing Wing
  49. how can i tame my2 1 year old (so i was told) lovebirds
  50. Help! How much time can a single lovebird spend alone?
  51. Oscar is territorial/possessive and is stopping Willow come near us?
  52. Nyasa companion compatibility with other lovebirds
  53. Bird Emptying seed Feeder
  54. hormones driving me nuts, i need help
  55. Plucking at Babies
  56. How Normal is Normal??
  57. best lovebird to keep
  58. Humping AGAIN!!
  59. Havent been here in ages...LONG :(
  60. Odd(or not so odd) behaviour from my hen[pic included]
  61. chronic egg laying
  62. Baylee (aka Iris)
  63. Gentle Dominance Help
  64. What amazing little memories!
  65. Oh boy...this may be harder than I thought....
  66. Lovebird is regurgitating on his humpy toy and then eating it?
  67. need advice on territorial lovebird
  68. Melon has found his voice!
  69. Socializing handfed babies
  70. Toilet training lovebirds
  71. Odinn the Explorer
  72. Gone and not Forgotten? The Memory Retention of Lovebirds
  73. Humping Me!
  75. My lovebird doesn't seem happy...
  76. New to this - Help!
  77. New mom to a 4 month baby Lovebird
  78. Can I separate two lovebirds after 3 years?
  79. My Pair feeding each other (regurgitating for the other)
  80. Frequent egg laying
  81. Taming Mercer Bean!
  82. bird pic
  83. So discouraged/frustrated with Jitterbug
  84. Can't get bird to step up onto perch
  85. Could it be?
  86. Compatible pairing?
  87. Nap shoulder
  88. Stroking
  89. Amor and Vida - The Next Steps?
  90. I'm going insane!!!!!
  91. Obsession
  92. Dance ritual
  93. WILD lovebird... Any hope?
  94. New lovebird and taming
  95. swooping
  96. Should I try and pick him up?
  97. Not too sure if my lovies like me very much
  98. Just one little bird - tips to keep him amused?
  99. Will my baby ever chew wood?
  100. Making a nest
  101. Too tame?
  102. I seriously need help with taming my female/male Psittacidae Blue Masked Lovebird
  103. Timid little baby
  104. Help Taming my new lovies
  105. Anything wrong with my lovebird
  106. Clipped and got worst.
  107. A small success!
  108. Looking for Guide to "Bird Sign Language"
  109. Cage aggressive, but seems to WANT to be friends?
  110. can lovebirds be "toilet trained" ?
  111. What can I do? He is not interested in interacting suddently
  112. Loves petting or just scared?
  113. viciously attacking her toys
  114. Hormones, aggressiveness & now fear
  115. The feathered adventurer strikes again
  116. Very Spoilt Peachies
  117. Need help!
  118. Chatter beak?
  119. Son picking on Dad - I need HELP!
  120. my lovebird is afraid of everything except me!!
  121. Nibbler!!
  122. sons feeding mom
  123. Boy or girl ....
  124. My female lovebird only wants to stay in her cage!
  125. Any tips on how to bond with my birdy?
  126. Aggression Towards A Toy - Good or Bad?
  127. some behavior questions
  128. Training to become pettable?
  129. Lovies Afraid of Fireworks?
  130. A question on behavior
  131. Baby lovebird handling
  132. stressed bird
  133. Angry bird
  134. My new supposedly tame lovebird....
  135. Behavior questions
  136. Flight Suits
  137. It's all in the chirp...
  138. I am getting worried
  139. Fighting babies!! Help!!
  140. new to forum and lovie
  141. Sunny is constantly attacking Mango! What should I do?
  142. Young Lovebird Makes Head Motion??
  143. Hooray! Training is working!
  144. lovebird hiding in their nestbox
  145. Thinking of getting a friend for my lovebird, will he hurt the other bird?
  146. I just got two new Lovies
  147. territorial or hormone ?
  148. the new and the old
  149. 2nd week of training, am I doing this correctly?
  150. Shaking Head
  151. Training not working?
  152. Head Scratching while playing
  153. How to tame 4 month old love bird pair?
  154. Do lovebirds around 5-8 weeks old need a bed or cuddle box?
  155. Taming my young lovebird
  156. Please help me train Banana!!!!!!!!
  157. toenails on curtains
  158. Lovebird makes weird, quiet noise when my hand approaches her?
  159. More Eggs!
  160. Question on taming a lovebird
  161. Load Mouth Lovebird Getting Worse: Please Help!!!
  162. Taking lovies to work?
  163. Two lovies fighting over coconut
  164. Biting :)
  165. Lovebird regurgitates!!!
  166. Two baby lovebirds
  167. Does the play time effect the tame process?
  168. Kisses sounds ?
  169. Sleeping in bowl?
  170. Help I'm still having behavior problems >.<
  171. Sir Snip
  172. My lovebird is horny 24/7.. help!
  173. Temporary separation due to vets...
  174. help wanted as need to tame unloved birds
  175. Fischer's Versus Masked
  176. Should Sonny Come Out?
  177. is training possible from 8 weeks old?
  178. Help keeping a hand reared lovebird tame please
  179. will my lovie stop being tame ?
  180. My Personal Trainer
  181. My birds are behaving like toddlers
  182. Need Advice
  183. Big leap for Byrd!
  184. how to keep from attacking my facial piercing
  185. Territorial Sunny
  186. To Clip or Not to Clip?
  187. My taming/trust gaining diary.
  188. climbing in clothing
  189. Chronic Egg Laying
  190. Velcro Tink
  191. He loves me, he loves me not :(
  192. Female lovebird
  193. lovebird disease and death
  194. Any Step-Up Training Tips?
  195. Croaks when I stroke her cheeks? What does this mean??
  196. A Breakthrough with Loki!
  197. total confuse
  198. Weird beak noises
  199. Another ?, about yes, poop. ha
  200. lovebird fly to shoulder and bite
  201. Tips on gaining a Lovebird's trust?
  202. Thinking about buying a lovebird -but I need advice
  203. Need Advice on Violet Black Masked Lovebirds
  204. lovebirds making water bottle drop
  205. Need advise for baby lovebird
  206. Female lovebird behaviour
  207. should i cut my lovebird wing?
  208. Looking for Tips for when i bring my Lovie home!
  209. New lovebird
  210. Question: Things to do and NOT do so my hen does not start laying eggs
  211. Can i clip my tamed lovebird wings myself?
  212. Getting a Girl
  213. Screaming 24/7
  214. A little advice please? :)
  215. Coco's new behavior problem
  216. Anybody else tried this (somewhat different training technique)?
  217. Hello! My new Lovebird - Need some help please :)
  218. unknown history of new lovebird pair
  219. DNA sexing via blood/feathers in the UK
  220. my new love bird
  221. lovie doesnt want stroking?
  222. Why is my baby lovebird non longer close to me?
  223. Help! Lovie behavior has changed drastically.
  224. New Birds In the House
  225. Teflon and tail bobbing
  226. What happens if I get another lovebird?
  227. Clicking and Mating....
  228. Why there is a Sudden change of behavior of my lovebird?
  229. Scared lovie?
  230. Athena: Progress report
  231. For Those With More Than One
  232. A lovebird Product killed by lovebird
  233. Help! Should I buy this lovebird?
  234. Our lovebirds don't love us :(
  235. New lovebird fell in love, but that wasn't the plan!
  236. my lil velcro birdie!
  237. Have a lovebird that has not moved from the same spot for over five months.
  238. My Totoro :(
  239. stubborn little booger!
  240. spoiled lil boy!
  241. new lovie, scurrrrd!
  242. Chitter Chatter
  243. two pairs of love birds....trying to understand them?
  244. Bullying Lovebird
  245. New birds
  246. In and out of the cage
  247. Harness vs diapers
  248. Our lovebirds and their house.
  249. HELP!! I don't know what to do anymore
  250. Blackspot??