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  1. Anyone else have had similar issue?
  2. Clumbsy Baby
  3. Low Calcium?
  4. gloomy weather
  5. bathing issues.....
  6. Are they confused? I am!
  7. Lovebirds locked up for a year...
  8. I need Help. Please. URGERNT!
  9. Introducing Lovebirds to each other.
  10. Sugarbaby sat on my finger today
  11. arms are allowed now!
  12. humping!?
  13. Is my lovebird lonely?
  14. lovie loves me best question about quantity of food daily
  15. Female Plucking
  16. Two male lovebirds in separate cages: wouldl they bond to each other or to me?
  17. Two male lovebirds in separate cages: would they bond to each other or to me?
  18. Separating bonded lovies?
  19. Lacey's Behavior
  20. Really bad plucking
  21. ID Bracelet from breeder
  22. Thinking of Buying Another Bird
  23. To hold or not to hold?
  24. New odd behavior ... SugarBaby
  25. How they change over the years......
  26. Jojo Steps Up!
  27. Max and Annabel Have Started Pooping in Their Water
  28. rough housing?
  29. New Behavior for Lacey
  30. Question About Fischer's and Masked
  31. Can a tamed lovebird help balance an untamed lovebird? Please help!
  32. Is Abelina depressed?
  33. Lacey Made my Day :)
  34. My lovebird is terrified of me??
  35. Taming An Untame Lovebird
  36. All Flight Feathers Clipped, But Can Still Fly Too Well
  37. Taming an adult lovie
  38. like me or hate me?
  39. Bird that won't stop biting
  40. Picks out feathers
  41. 1 or 2 lovies??
  42. Feather Pluckers Anonymous
  43. Major problem, please help before I do something drastic.
  44. new flight feathers coming in....
  45. Quite a Performance!
  46. What do I do about my evil bird?
  47. Question about certain clicking and a bonus video!
  48. Cage Time...
  49. Almost had heart failure!
  50. Ridiculously hard to get bird back in cage when I let her out?
  51. Clicker Training
  52. Discouraging Nesty Behaviour
  53. What does this mean?
  54. in "monster" mode!
  55. Help taming 2 2 year old lovebirds
  56. Lovers Quarrel?...
  57. Some helpful advice and tips would be greatly appreciated!
  58. How do I overcome my lovebirds fear of human hands?? :(
  59. Handling advice
  60. Tiny Victory.
  61. I think I traumatized my lovebird...
  62. Do I dare let Max out of the cage to explore?
  63. HUGE success today!
  64. I'M SO HAPPY! I have great news to share!
  65. A wee bit frustrated! new update with Kiwi
  66. My bird has a "skin" fettish
  67. Is there any way you can tell the age of a lovebird?
  68. Huge victory!!! Yippeeeee!!!!
  69. I'm so sad…Max is back to biting me again :(
  70. Can you predict temperament from baby personality?
  71. Building a better bond to allow petting?
  72. help taming young lovebirds
  73. More about Kiwi!
  74. 5 week old tame lovebird biting when let out the cage
  75. Sleep Patterns of a baby?
  76. Bad Dreams?
  77. Behaviour when approaching the cage- Wants attention or go away?
  78. Personality change during a moult.
  79. Screaming and Biting
  80. Wandering and Screaming
  81. Plucking or Molting?
  82. Strange Behavior
  83. forming a better bond with a new pair (a 13 week-old and a 9 week-old)
  84. Is my Dad right about handling my lovebird?
  85. Should I be worried?
  86. Trouble feeding baby lovebird
  87. Just adopted a 14 year old lovebird
  88. Max licks his feet a lot…is this normal?
  89. Fake Sleeping to avoid me?
  90. Really fast bonding?
  91. Female lovebird plucking/losing feathers
  92. Soooo cute!
  93. So now what?
  94. Strange
  95. Finally...
  96. Weird bubbly noises when chirping
  97. Cage time
  98. So Frusterated!
  99. Single lovie or a pair?
  100. Odd Behavior
  101. How to tame a parent raised bird?
  102. My bird attacks my finger whenever I try scritching his cheek?
  103. Is this process okay to tame parent raised birds?
  104. new owner - desperate for guidance
  105. plucked babies
  106. Should I take the toy away?
  107. New taming approach
  108. Taming and color of clothes
  109. getting new breeding pair baby color help
  110. Male adult lovebirds regurgitating to eachother? And baby lovie question
  111. Is it an obsession?
  112. Constantly searching for a hiding place
  113. Plucking Confusion
  114. Small bird in a small box
  115. Assistance Required
  116. biting baby Male lovebird
  117. Help... Loose bird
  118. Introducing a New Bird To Your Current Bird?
  119. Severe aggression!
  120. feeding problems
  121. How often do I carry parent raised lovie baby in nest?
  122. It was a bad day..
  123. Six Velociraptors from ****
  124. First time lovebird owner
  125. Tail shaking.
  126. Afraid of the dark.
  127. Two lovebirds to a cage? Tips to tame two at a time?
  128. Nervous Tic
  129. One at a time, or both together better for out of cage time?
  130. Can I remove baby lovebirds before fully weaned but eating in their own?
  131. Interesting personality differences between the two new boys.
  132. Thunderstorm Freak out
  133. How does your lovebird sleep?
  134. Feathered Bumblebee
  135. Oh my... clicky dance already?
  136. Gross
  137. Very Active Lovie
  138. Getting closer!
  139. Baby lovebird issues
  140. New lovebird - age?
  141. A lovebird scared of everything
  142. Loud and not sleeping
  143. Incessant Bathing
  144. Introducing a Bird to a "Flightsuit"?
  145. Male lovebird passed away
  146. Finding a friend for a lovebird. Same or different kind?
  147. My Bird Doesn't Like Anything with Hands or Anything Similar. Help?!
  148. Does my lovebird have OCD?
  149. How to tame very frightened birds?
  150. My depressed lovebird
  151. Sulking, depressed or ill?
  152. Timescales to expect with taming?
  153. PIP!! really????
  154. lovebirds
  155. Jaw Stretch
  156. New lovebird owner
  157. Need help
  158. favourite treats?
  159. Taming My two blue masked lovebirds
  160. looks like gigi has a little nest!
  161. feather stuffing
  162. Lilly first bath movie
  163. Two birds in the hand!
  164. sexual behaviour
  165. Bailey excessive foot grooming???
  166. Cage aggression, afraid of fresh foods, switching to pellets
  167. Silent Screaming.
  168. Excessive Preening
  169. My Lovebird and strange sound like a frog
  170. Pip is part hummingbird!!!
  171. Bredding Fishers
  172. New Peachie, Petrie ^_^ advice and insight please <3
  173. Desperately need advice for my very unhappy bird
  174. I just find this wierd..
  175. Parents give names.
  176. Lovie newbie questions: gender / separation / what is considered fighting
  177. New lovebird, need tips!
  178. How do trainers do it???
  179. I am a new owner to two lovebirds and have encountered a dilemma of sorts.
  180. My new lovie is always trying to escape.
  181. No problem in the cage but stranger outside.
  182. I Can't Tell if I'm Freaking Out my Bird or Not?
  183. Masked vs. Peach-faced Behaviors
  184. Laying Eggs, not a breeder
  185. Next step in taming?
  186. Separate a bonded pair of adult peachies?
  187. Hikuri want to build a nest these days
  188. Back Again, More Help Needed
  189. Wing flapping
  190. Skewer Toys & Foot Toys
  191. Need home for Male Lovebird
  192. Fighting Lovebirds-on and off
  193. Very noisy birds!! help
  194. Sneezing lovebird?
  195. Can anyone explain this behaviour?
  196. What are these pathetic little sqwaks?
  197. Had a bad step up training experience.. need some help
  198. Bird flew out of his cage?
  199. Murphy Update
  200. Hormones?!? Or just excited... So confused! [Video Included]
  201. How to make certain parts of the room off limits?
  202. I think my lovebird hates me!
  203. My lovebird leg is hurt. No avaian vet. What should I do?
  204. Taming Questions
  205. First time owner of 2 lovebirds needs some help!
  206. Scaredy Birds
  207. Who Said They Don't See In Color???!!
  208. Help!! Lovebird is crazy clingy! Will not pay any attention to toys (video attached)
  209. Some new owner questions :)
  210. I Want to Adopt My First Lovebird but I Live in an Apartment
  211. I need some help please :-)
  212. Call to participate - international study of feather plucking
  213. They are crazy! Is it normal?
  214. Not giving treats after stepping up?
  215. Help training please! what is my next step?
  216. Still no petting!
  217. Got the DNA back!
  218. Beginner Bird Taming?
  219. Beak Rubbing?
  220. Fighting mates
  221. Lovie Interaction.
  222. Moving the cage
  223. Has anyone successfully tamed a pair of lovies?
  224. Could this work?
  225. Oh my Gosh!!
  226. Update on taming progress...
  227. Help with a game plan...biting Lovebird
  228. Lovebird rebel
  229. Where to start with taming wild lovebirds?
  230. Wing Clipping
  231. I'm new to lovebirds
  232. Biting
  233. new lovies and I am new to birdcare
  234. I have a variety of health and socialization questions!
  235. cage floor
  236. Bathing
  237. Getting them back in...
  238. How do I tame my lovebirds
  239. I'm stuck
  240. Nipping/Biting
  241. Breathing heavy
  242. Burbling?
  243. Wing flapping
  244. Stinky bird
  245. Advice needed, please
  246. Preventing biting before it starts
  247. 2 baby lovebirds fighting?
  248. Killing a mate after 6 years together?
  249. What am I doing wrong??
  250. Pecking