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  1. Fischer Personality traits/advice
  2. New lovebird owner request for advice
  3. Advice on taming two cute lovebirds
  4. Help with my love bird
  5. My loveies are like statues
  6. Adding a third lovebird to the flock
  7. Two and half months Split offline lovebird ~ need help and tips
  8. A lovebird and a caique
  9. DJ's first outing...
  10. Progress!
  11. Out of cage time
  12. Taming a Parent Raised Lovebird?
  13. Lovebird not behaving the same
  14. A newbie with a new birdie
  15. Argh, getting back in the cage
  16. Fighting or playing???
  17. Bath time
  18. Help with my New Lovebird Couple
  19. What is she doing?
  20. My lovebird is always fluffed and I think she's losing weight help
  21. Are they fighting?
  22. New lovebird owner after a bit of advice
  23. One-Legged Lovebird Training Tips
  24. Happy floof or sick floof?
  25. Hormones. Ugh
  26. Started training my lovebird, need help identifying her age :)
  27. She doesnt eat anything but millet seeds
  28. Happy New year Everyone :) little question, What to do about fear of hands??
  29. A New Companion for Jasper
  30. My little baby is still petrified of me
  31. Getting frustrated
  32. Conure x lovebird hybrid
  33. Max hates...
  34. Help! New lovebird trying to mate with my lovebird
  35. bonding
  36. Lovebird's personality seemed to change after having his wings trimmed
  37. Still struggling
  38. Time to Allow Freedom?
  39. Free ranging lovebirds
  40. New owner and need some help on taming
  41. New Owner
  42. My Little stinker
  43. Scared lovebird
  44. My male lovebird is OBCESSED with master bating...
  45. Progress
  46. Am I about to be a Grandma?🐥🐥
  47. Ice water baths
  48. Young lovebird biting
  49. Single Lovebird laying eggs - roosting but not on eggs - need advice
  50. Taming Problems
  51. Earning my scared birds trust
  52. Floor walker
  53. 4 Birdies and A helpless Owner
  54. Tipping over the food trays
  55. Help! Taming a pair of 15 month Lovebirds
  56. Will he still love me?
  57. Lovebird is biting his 'feet'
  58. My Lovebird is Territorial
  59. Help me 😂
  60. Can I move my baby lovebirds to a bigger nest box?Will the parents Attack or abandon?
  61. Taming Tango
  62. Holding on with beak when going to sleep
  63. New bird twitching tail
  64. Working home and a lovebird
  65. Plucking
  66. Bad Advice from the Pet Store?
  67. New to lovebirds, will he ever like me?
  68. Getting him a friend?
  69. What's the Next Step?
  70. jealous & isolated
  71. Post-egg-laying behavior
  72. Have we taken on too much?
  73. new lovebird owner- should i let them out of their cages?
  74. Introducing youg lovebird to older ones
  75. Max is quiet and I’m starting to worry.
  76. Four love birds. New owner
  77. lovebird escaped- taming the other one.
  78. my lovebird
  79. Need Advice with New (Shy) Baby
  80. My lovebird injured his leg, help please
  81. Getting my lovebird a friend
  82. compulsive paper chewing
  83. What is this excrement?
  84. Wanting a buddy for my love. Does it need to be another lovebird?
  85. Bella’s preening with biscuit
  86. Clicker Training
  87. Major Milestone
  88. Another Milestone!
  89. One month and...
  90. Will I lose all my progress??
  91. New owner, need help to not over stress it.
  92. Loud and not proud (of myself)
  93. Major Milestone!
  94. Sky's progress
  95. Help with biting
  96. Stress related feather plucking/over-preening
  97. Contact calling, new old untamed lovie.
  98. Taming help and travelling
  99. Ripping up my mattress
  100. At lunch time
  101. New lovebird taming
  102. Lovebird Pair taming - Nervous/Scared (?)
  103. New Bird
  104. Aggressive lovebird
  105. Scared bird
  106. Lonely Lovebird
  107. worried about new lovebird
  108. Are these normal baby Lovebird behavior?
  109. Kepping my lovebird off the Kitchen light...
  110. Avian vet told me a strange taming technique (+ unrelated question)
  111. Flying to Shoulder
  112. How to stop lovebirds to sit in Fan and other places which is unsafe
  113. Integrating 1 wild lovebird with 2 tame lovebirds?
  114. When a lovebird comes knocking on your door...
  115. Do birds dream?
  116. Botan chan companion issue
  117. Aggresive hen towards male
  118. lovebird screaming constantly
  119. New Lovebird in house
  120. Happy Thanksgiving and sleeping question.
  121. Oh, Christmas tree...
  122. Changed behavior from older lovebird-advice needed.
  123. Forver Scratchies
  124. Skyler acting frantic
  125. female lovebird spending most of her time in the bottom of cage
  126. One of two gradually screaming more and more
  127. He's a she! And what is she doing?
  128. Advice lovebird
  129. How to calm down hormones in kids/teenager lovebirds? (if it is needed...)
  130. Do adolescent lovebirds exhibit both male and female mating behavior?
  131. Need help teaching my bird Free-flying
  132. New lovebird owner in need of general guidance!
  133. lovebird`s frustratingly destructive obsessive behavior
  134. Window Collisions???
  135. Weird little mama
  136. Training two lovebirds separately?
  137. Biting
  138. Eczema Melopsittacus et Agapornis: lovebird preening obsessively
  139. Bonding or tolerating each other?
  140. well After 6 years......
  141. She's not alone!
  142. First time lovebird owner with a few questions
  143. First Time Lovebird Owner With A Few Questions
  144. Mango's not chirping
  145. Training 3 month old lovebird - not hand fed
  146. Weirdly on edge?
  147. A new partner?
  148. Punkin's behavior.
  149. Punkin behavior
  150. Please help me with my very aggressive lovebird
  151. Does my little guy need a buddy?
  152. Good morning Linda and all.
  153. Help with lovebird aviary situation
  154. Weird size and confusing behaviour.