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  1. My female lovebird has permanent PMS
  2. tame or not?
  3. No longer friends?
  4. a cute bedtime story!
  5. Talking lovie!
  6. Some questions...
  7. The secret to a happy lovebird?
  8. Friendly then Not Friendly
  9. will Pan always be like this?
  10. mrs llovett has some new tricks
  11. Is this ok?
  12. Flying with Confidence?
  13. oh Im SO confused??
  14. getting comfy?
  15. and the name is......
  16. firing vomit
  17. What is THIS behavior?
  18. Strange nighttime call
  19. Flying problem
  20. New Behavior after Staying Somewhere Else
  21. Working birdie!
  22. Cage freak out
  23. Attacking things....
  24. beak running??
  25. warning sounds?
  26. bathroom time.
  27. breakthrough! i think?
  28. NOT hand fed.
  29. Did I do OK?
  30. It works!
  31. The sweetest and funniest lovebird ever...
  32. Can't go along together???
  33. now I'm confused..
  34. mellow gusgus.
  35. timid bird
  36. we're getting there....
  37. when did your.....
  38. One or two!?
  39. Why is Phoenix....
  40. Wow, shes definately a female!
  41. Dad Petey is doing clickey dance with baby!
  42. What should I do?
  43. How long before your lovie wasnt skittish?
  44. Sounds
  45. Chop! Chop! Chop!
  46. Taming and clipping.
  47. My beaky little boy
  48. Cleo and Piper are quite different
  49. Keeping my lovie occupied while I'm at work...
  50. Nesty hen behavior?
  51. Must bath in the sink with dishes
  52. Age ??
  53. One Stone with Two Birds?
  54. How long does ittake for 2 birds to be bonded?
  55. Take a bath?
  56. New flights = out of control!!!
  57. Introducting new birds to coloney
  58. Update on my little Gus.
  59. do boy birds do this too?
  60. sexual behaviour
  61. Can pet lovies lay fertile eggs
  62. Where do I begin?
  63. Sleep habits
  64. amazing, no biting!!
  65. calmer with age??
  66. more sleeping questions.
  67. Behavior Study
  68. Obsessed with Cupboards
  69. and more screaming.
  70. I think Bobble is eggnant.....
  71. Eats only with me
  72. It worked!!
  73. It's spring. Love is in the air.
  74. dipping food in water
  75. Mating Gestures becoming too much?..
  76. Getting worried - 3 hurt feet now :(
  77. Elphie's gathering...
  78. New baby won't eat
  79. Noisy at night
  80. Tough day.
  81. Mad birdy!
  82. Biting Rampage (HELP!)
  83. More nesty and other behavior!
  84. Sick Gussy?
  85. mimicing behavior?
  86. Oh no, Pan and Evie were mating, well, kind of
  87. Deter them from chewing.. if possible?
  88. George and Samson Progress
  89. How smart are they???
  90. Please help us :)
  91. Friend for a hen...
  92. chewing clothes
  93. Hectic Sticky
  94. That is IT!!!!!
  95. new what to do?
  96. Flying directly into your face
  97. How Long????
  98. The odd couple?
  99. More Kiwi questions
  100. That Evil Lamp!
  101. Dumping food.
  102. Behavior: Learned or Instinctive
  103. Scared of Hands
  104. Sad Gremaldo
  105. Facing opposite way
  106. Magnetic Butts
  107. Fid-sitting aggression
  108. Pearl is a Pain!
  109. "Fun" New Trick! Any Advice Appreciated!
  110. NEW!! Have questions and pics
  111. Scared of Perch
  112. Training Fiona
  113. Quite the reverse actually.
  114. What does this mean?
  115. Are alfalfa sprouts safe???
  116. Poos in only one spot?
  117. The shirt chewer!
  118. Question about Plucking?
  119. New website with information on foraging, toys, etc.
  120. age please ??
  121. how do you know when you have a nesty hen?
  122. How To Clip Her Wings - She's Afraid of Hands
  123. Advice from the Vet I am having trouble with
  124. Things just get better an better!!
  125. Sticky's new thing.....anybody know why?
  126. lovebird behaviour
  127. I didn't know lovies did this!!
  128. One more question...
  129. 2 males and 1 female
  130. Cautious New Baby
  131. new lovie...new personality
  132. Only makes noise when there is noise?
  133. Lovebirds Mating for a month but no eggs?
  134. Step two of introductions.. how?
  135. Happy Gremaldo (maybe)
  136. Wires, Wires, Wires!!!! Warning!
  137. Getting another lovebird
  138. Lunging Birdies
  139. It's only day 8 but I think they love me
  140. trick n treat
  141. Lovebird love triangle
  142. I'm assuming this is not good (video)
  143. George and Sam: Update, Question
  144. Banging Beak
  145. Aging Lovebird Becoming Clumsy
  146. i need help
  147. Socializing Babies
  148. Wiki and Mac are much better :)
  149. Confused on what to do??!!
  150. awww, my first signs of a boy!
  151. are they males or females? Are they fighting or what?
  152. humping and humping and humping and humping
  153. Friend or not!? Confused!
  154. Junior is only a boys name right? UH OH!
  155. duet
  156. Is this normal? LOL, this is funny!
  157. I thought my lovebird was a male but now I'm not sure
  158. my bird is out of the closet
  159. a foot user! AND....a name!
  160. Female love bird is in full laying mode...
  161. introducing two birds
  162. what do I do next and what does this mean?
  163. Ethel Broody; What to Do?
  164. taming 7 month old lovies
  165. A Daddy's Girl....
  166. Need Advice About Buying a 2nd Lovie
  167. klickity click
  168. Off to a good start!
  169. Guess who's getting her wings clipped!
  170. My name is Pixel and I'm a sex addict
  171. Nesty Behaviour.. again
  172. Annoying..mean bird!
  173. smart lil stinker!
  174. Very Agressive
  175. So cute! and, so funny!
  176. Naughty bird.
  177. jealously!?!!
  178. Chewed through a dowel like a termite
  179. Confused?
  180. Bit of a set back with taming...
  181. Do lovebirds "nesting" ever subside?
  182. Can't stand the biting anymore..
  183. VERY painful bite...
  184. Juniors Behavior is improving.
  185. Evil birds that make me cry
  186. Freyja & Odinn Mating
  187. Removing Eggs?
  188. scared of my hand
  189. cage
  190. noisy noisy noisyyyyy!
  191. Already??!!!!
  192. Retraining step up
  193. toys
  194. Sweet little bird that I haven't seen in a Loooong time!
  195. The Clicker
  196. fighthing help
  197. help plz
  198. Not so nice anymore.... =/
  199. There's a lovebird on my shoulder!
  200. lucy is sad
  201. Ready to Get Serious Taming/Training
  202. Throw it
  203. im so mad & sad
  204. Finally making some progress
  205. Rudy update
  206. Is he eating too much?
  207. Update on Junior's behavior.
  208. trick training
  209. Jack is...
  210. my monster, my friend!
  211. nesting
  212. crazy birds!
  213. This is what our day is like, please tell me what I am doing wrong.
  214. Lovie feeding my conure - boy or girl
  215. my scared lil boy
  216. feather plucking!
  217. Obsessed with his Reflection
  218. Taming Question
  219. Need help taming a love bird
  220. food in the water dish
  221. Peanut Update
  222. sharing... or not
  223. What to do?
  224. training/taming
  225. i need help???
  226. The Great Divide.
  227. scooby need help plzzz
  228. Sleep chirping?
  229. Quick Question
  230. A Christmas Wish Come True??
  231. spilling food & cups to bottom of cage
  232. Day Six with Nugget
  233. 9 weeks old lovebird
  234. Update on Hawk (putting on my flame suit)
  235. How not to tame your bird
  236. George and Sam
  237. Strange lovebird behaviour.....????
  238. Bird keeps landing on my head
  239. getting a friend?? opinions?
  240. Havent been here in a while...
  241. Another Johari First
  242. How often do you clip your lovie's wings?
  243. Newly clipped, newly nice!
  244. Plucking and self mutilation- help!
  245. Help!!!!
  246. shredding paper
  247. My little gender benders
  248. Elphie's First Egg!
  249. Lovebird Bath question
  250. Behavior question