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  1. Super Dork
  2. Making Progress
  3. Eye Sight
  4. Like lovebird/parrot charms? Price no object?
  5. Any experience with a new dog into the family?
  6. good thoughts for zoa needed.
  7. Owning a male and a female lovebird
  8. New lovies!!!
  9. How would I do this?
  10. wondering about species
  11. happy as a kid in a candy store!!
  12. I'm so happy!
  13. Heating?
  14. My first home!
  15. Female vs. Male question need info please!
  16. Cozy caves ...
  17. He's home!
  18. Naked Bird!
  19. Going to meet Jane Goodall!
  20. Thanks linda!
  21. Can't stop looking....
  22. orphaned pup
  23. I'm weakening!!!
  24. Lovebird Food???
  25. Remembering Junior
  26. So happy...i think she remembered me
  27. I have a new lovie, thanks to Eric!
  28. about bird shipping
  29. Tracing a bird back to it's breeder
  30. May have a chance to get 2 lovies....
  31. getting aquainted...sharing a meal together
  32. Crazy Rasberry Ants...
  33. Lovebird Joy was hanging by a wire....and
  34. Office hazard to lovebirds.....
  35. Do i need a permit to go into Canada with my lovies?
  36. my bird laid an egg in my hand
  37. regurgitating with no result
  38. Creamino's = females?
  39. We are going to meet Ducky on Sunday!
  40. I taught my lovebird a trick
  41. Uh-oh... escape artist
  42. A bird in need? -
  43. WOW!
  44. Do I spend enough time with my lovie??
  45. Need advice picking a second bird.
  46. question about scented candles
  47. Shiney my little Miracle!
  48. How does a bird...
  49. Proper cage cleaning
  50. Are these signs of mating????
  51. Cleaning Part 2
  52. dumb question
  53. Some People Can not go to Photobucket
  54. Kiwi Running away
  55. umm
  56. Hair colour and birds?
  57. Is she a dutch turquoise?
  58. Little Goofy update
  59. Photobucket hacked?!?!?
  60. Family Blames Pet Bird for Killing Father
  61. Have to be gone
  62. Psst! I have a secret for you...
  63. Hi all!
  64. Good experiences
  65. Three Nostrils?
  66. Should I keep him clipped?
  67. how to catch a parrot
  68. i'm leaving for vacation
  69. Death Scare - Birds not for children?
  70. NEW! Just bought
  71. Oahu members (LauraO, thebubbleking, etc.)
  72. Happy Canada Day!
  73. Question
  74. Building a playgym?
  75. venting about pet sites
  76. Lost bird?
  77. saying hello from barcelona spain
  78. Help with ID
  79. Had a scare...
  80. help....bird show in long island july12
  81. help....bird show in long island july12
  82. What characteristic do you love best in your lovebird/s?
  83. Okay, Sam is a boy
  84. conure and lovebird?
  85. Scarlet chested keets are
  86. Another Genius Parrot - Griffin
  87. it's been a long time!
  88. lovebirds with other species of parrot?
  89. Bread for Birds
  90. Beagle reunited with family after 5 years
  91. Eeek. A mouse!
  92. Camping
  93. fidnapper...
  94. 1 yr old and baby
  95. ANTS in the bird room!!!!!
  96. snowball videos
  97. Renew Bird Talk Subscriptions for $.92 an Issue
  98. Two eggs so far
  99. A Randy Sticky!
  100. I'm home...
  101. I have the cutest birds ever.
  102. I need help.
  103. What a lazy little bird.
  104. does anybody know?.....
  105. brighten your day
  106. Paulie
  107. Favorite color of lovebird.
  108. Not in Print but famous anyway!!
  109. I kinda feel bad and really dont know what to do??
  110. New way to host a popcorn party
  111. (very rare) Plea to our members
  112. Bird Talk Magazine's Top Lists
  113. playtime
  114. Okay! of the 6 eggs that the
  115. Photobucket
  116. My lovebirds are fighting
  117. How do I do an Avatar photo?
  118. Im so happy Bloo is still here
  119. A very random question
  120. Bear with my babbling, if it were...
  121. Those with more than one bird
  122. first molt question
  123. LOVEBIRD oil paintings on eBay!
  124. Idea for the Ceiling Fan Problem
  125. I decided
  126. adorable craigslist post
  127. TS/Hurricane Fay
  128. Add another composer to the list
  129. Keep your fingers crossed everyone
  130. I miss them so much
  131. Can anyone identify this bird?
  132. Funny ... and a little TOO honest ad!
  133. What do you call ....
  134. Cosmic catnip
  135. Long time NO cage....yet
  136. Anyone know what this is?
  137. The Results are In!... What is Eddie?
  138. The Results are In!... What is Eddie?
  139. A friend for haku?
  140. What kind are these? What is wrong with one?
  141. Getting my first home
  142. Please pray for Gemini
  143. Macaw and Cockatoo for Adoption
  144. DIY section?
  145. Full Spectrum Lighting
  146. back from vacation
  147. Finally! I have the pics of Eddie's parents!
  148. I'm in Love!!!
  149. Medium Chubes for 1.99
  150. Parrotlets? Quick Question.
  151. Home alone/weekend away
  152. Giggles ~~
  153. Going on vacation ... miss my birdies already!
  154. What's the deal...?
  155. O/T Ike
  156. how do i post pics
  157. Cd for your Birds
  158. In harms way???
  159. Buddy meets Wing (pionus)
  160. Anyone know what this is?
  161. My lovebird is a bigot!!!!
  162. Slight Breakthrough, need to share with bird like lovers.
  163. Parrot books or movies
  164. Boarding Time Again
  165. Your distinctive lovie trait
  166. Update on the 3 Lovebirds that were fighting
  167. We're Back!
  168. Does anyone keep their birdies lost feathers?
  169. FID
  170. Sunshine made it hes a star!
  171. Help! Maybe my threads got lost!
  172. In tune with your birds
  173. Buddy update
  174. As if i wasnt broke enough...
  175. Artificial lighting
  176. Vet time again
  177. Baby Lily's new trick!
  178. Public Notice: Jewel Thief on the Loose!
  179. New Arrivals
  180. braving the outting ?
  181. OT - And we thought sexing parrots was hard....
  182. what colors can lovebirds see?
  183. Buddy today :(
  184. Infertile Eggs and Vet Visit
  185. Sibling Rivalry
  186. very sad story :o(
  187. Houdini
  188. Update on toys for egg laying lovie...
  189. Where should he sleep?
  190. jealous boyfriend of kiwi?
  191. A fun website for bird lovers!
  192. OK I give up....
  193. outside cage time
  194. what are the odds?(long)
  195. bath time tips???
  196. sad....but happy...
  197. Claws
  198. Linda's Flock
  199. Guard Bird
  200. space heaters
  201. Companion for Lovebird if the other recently passed away?
  202. How do i figure out if its a he or a she?
  203. Signatures
  204. How common is it for three babies to bond?
  205. Velcro Birdies
  206. Elmo has trained my mum... to be his slave..
  207. Happy Bubblelady
  208. OK to go to Bird Show?
  209. wet dog smell
  210. I feel like such a bad person...
  211. Todays Kirtland bird fair.
  212. How cute is this???
  213. 2nd Lovebird?
  214. When do females start laying eggs?
  215. Lovebirds and my cat
  216. When do babies mature?
  217. My birds one wing??
  218. Hours of fun!
  219. NOTHING to do with birds
  220. Lovebirds OBSESSED with statue..
  221. Just had to share
  222. photos anyone
  223. Interesting find on-line
  224. bird smell?
  225. Is it okay to have a used cage for a new bird?
  226. Tucan in the pet shop!
  227. Danger!
  228. ladies and gentleman....
  229. Eagle Cam - An Update
  230. Dr.'s Foster & Smith coupon code
  231. Shower and birds?
  232. Help! I think I have pychological problems.
  233. Strange Dreams...but comforting...
  234. Sea Kittens?????????
  235. Anyone know of any diets that work?
  236. Christmas trees
  237. I can't wait any longer....
  238. Anyone's signifigant other have this paranoia?
  239. Chat room
  240. webcam
  241. I cant walk...
  242. Help! I think my post isn't showing up on new posts
  243. Are they bonding?
  244. wheer can i buy love bird food
  245. loves to snuggle with a twist..
  246. Anyone know what happened to ...
  247. Amazing book
  248. Lovebird Podcast
  249. do you think i should reply to this ad
  250. Looking forward to an experience like none other