View Full Version : Miscellaneous Comments/Questions

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  1. What the --
  2. Safety Reminder!
  3. I should be getting My bird in a few days!
  4. Picking out the new/first lovebird cage!
  5. Hmmmm..quick question!
  6. Ducky got a letter today!
  7. i really enjoy being a lovebird mummy
  8. Lovebird Lexicon
  9. Um . . . Reassurance?
  10. Lovebirds are hilarious!
  11. Have you ever seen this colour mutation?
  12. I really love my little bird :)
  13. molting already???
  14. Prayers needed - fires in So. Calif
  15. Books?
  16. i went to ko'olau pets in windward mall...
  17. What kind are my lovebirds?
  18. Dr. Pepperberg in Honolulu
  19. no eggs in seven years?
  20. Talk about security!
  21. Kiss or bite?
  22. Remember a while back I posted this?
  23. Interesting thing about leg bands
  24. My Sun Conure has a pimple on his nose is he ok?
  25. Super fun Memory Game. Beautiful Birdie Pics!!
  26. Can anyone tell me what kind of lovebirds I have?
  27. any tips on dividing time between two birds?
  28. new addition
  29. my love bird trys to eats its pooh !
  30. masked slate?
  31. Monas first egg
  32. Oh, lord, here we go
  33. Signature picture ....
  34. Sorry i just need to share my excitement!
  35. I'm back and looking for advice
  36. Need Help - I'm in Orange County, CA
  37. "christmas is for a**holes."
  38. can anyone tell me....
  39. Like two teenagers!
  40. Do these babies look healthy?
  41. Dodging Bullets
  42. Can anyone tell me....
  43. A Strange Question
  44. Vet visit
  45. mirrors
  46. Belly Buttons?
  47. pvc playstands
  48. can lovebirds mimic other birds an sounds ?...
  49. Does anyone know how to....
  50. Bird Boarding
  51. We're back
  52. Christmas Trees?
  53. yes!! carrots!!
  54. Moving Day is Tomorrow
  55. Moths!!!!
  56. A funny/embarrassing story!
  57. International Snail Mail Pen Pals!
  58. Is there anyone in....
  59. A get well sick bird cage
  60. arguing lovies
  61. This was so nice!
  62. Birdtalk...... right now only $8.99 a year!!!!
  63. How do you watch movies?
  64. will this work?
  65. Wet Lovies!!!!!!!!!
  66. cute birdy signature photos!
  67. Naming the new bambino
  68. Stay tuned for the February edition of Bird Talk
  69. And the search continues on....
  70. oww my tailbone....
  71. space question Holmes
  72. Do lovebirds do better in same or mixed sex pairings?
  73. Turtle and Ducky
  74. Ughhh- what's wrong with me????
  75. safe lotions
  76. mika and kano's myspace page.
  77. Christmas Is For The Birds
  78. bug bombs?
  79. Birdie stuff!!!
  80. ohmigosh, my xmas wish list
  81. farting?
  82. 2009 bird talk calendar.
  83. paint fumes
  84. Steam Cleaners for Floors
  85. campbell's soup for the soul
  86. Elmo update
  87. Interesting lovie color.... anyone know?
  88. Blogspot
  89. Nail Clippings
  90. My new friend
  91. Lil Romeo and the swishy dance
  92. mika and kano's "trying new foods" thread.
  93. Noooooo!!! Lily is growing up!
  94. Kaytee Preferred Birds
  95. Need help picking a name for your pet?
  96. One last helpful thing... Bird related
  97. When would it be safe?
  98. introductions
  99. Dr. Pepperberg's new book.
  100. Anyone know what mutation Stormy is?
  101. Guide to a second bird??
  102. Even if you didn't own a bird...
  103. mutation name order?
  104. Guess What Skittles Did!!!
  105. molting feather, normal? or no?
  106. Buddy Update
  107. DNA testing
  108. where can i find this toy?
  109. Stormy ruined his Quarantine
  110. A Poem I Wrote About Our Lovebird-What Our Lovebird Taught Us About Love
  111. Lots of problems >.<
  112. Skittles is growing up...
  113. Bitter Yuck
  114. I am heartbroken
  115. Early morning talking
  116. Do birds know when they've had enough sleep?
  117. I think I know what happened to Skittles...
  118. Looking for recipe
  119. wow, unbelievable
  120. Introducing...
  121. About Skittles
  122. Thank you everyone!!!
  123. Zoe's Webpage...
  124. do they swallow plastic?
  125. New Pics of Zoe
  126. Photobucket help
  127. Shhhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell her....
  128. She's playing with her toys!
  129. Which species of lovebird do you like best?
  130. Heated Perches?
  131. 2 New Babies R THEY TOO YOUNG???
  132. Anyone else???
  133. Inspirational - Are you going to finish strong?
  134. A confession
  135. Masks vs. Peach
  136. Thriving on neglect?
  137. New lovey owner - questions.
  138. Button Quails and Diamond Doves
  139. coloring.
  140. Who wouldve thought they could be so loud!
  141. Fun With Food
  142. Pecking Order
  143. my first lovebird.
  144. hey guys! long time, no update!
  145. Only one egg laid in 4 days?
  146. found another edged dilute - frustrated!!
  147. "Parrontal" Words of Endearment
  148. Pan's morning
  149. Looking for a Breeder
  150. New pics and video
  151. leaving the parents
  152. sleep schedule.
  153. Have any of you....
  154. Leads in Search for New Fid
  155. Stepping up and biting
  156. I get to...
  157. Travel
  158. Happy Hut Size?
  159. i am never going to the humane society again
  160. New cage .... great space saver!
  161. house plants.
  162. dinosaurs and birds.
  163. Darn Chicken!!!!!!
  164. I dont know what to do!
  165. Therapy Birds
  166. Are these birds ok?
  167. Pan's sex results *drumroll please*
  168. Over preening?
  169. Name change.
  170. Looking for a new loving home...
  171. hope and pray..........
  172. Weaning age?
  173. ewww, cockroaches
  174. Not birds but very cute
  175. toy making tips for birds
  176. "saving" food?
  177. what do you think?
  178. The Downside of Oil Filled Radiant Heaters!
  179. Sreeching in the middle of the night
  180. Silicone baking trays
  181. $9000 lovebird?!
  182. Guess who is coming to live at my house!!?
  183. It's always something!
  184. Update on Sydney
  185. Devastating morning.
  186. Sitting on the bottom of his cage?
  187. Cage cleaning
  188. A little bit of work on Payton's behalf
  189. Dilemma....
  190. New lovebird...
  191. Lukas death was my fault?
  192. changing color???
  193. Can a lovie and a CAG get along?
  194. Space heater
  195. Buy Birds in Massachusetts?
  196. New bird
  197. not a bird, but as cute as the koala!
  198. Guess... just guess!
  199. Dna sexing
  200. my scared babies
  201. sterile bird
  202. i had a bad dream
  203. does anyone have a bird room?
  204. Does anybody else...
  205. Cage & A Question
  206. food change
  207. too early for bed?
  208. Avitech heat elements
  209. Buddy Update
  210. I'm baaaaaack = )
  211. chewing happy hut.
  212. Tinker Tower Plans on Hold
  213. paper towel/toilet paper tubes
  214. trying not to be mad
  215. Dis note bes frum Zoebird
  216. I feel bad at work.
  217. I swear I have never seen my lovebird...
  218. where is Laura???
  219. So im thinking of getting a friend..
  220. Uhhhh what's that noise??
  221. home from the vet
  222. MA Little Beaks Expo
  223. Hatchday party?
  224. Please pray for my girl... (dog)
  225. alone time.
  226. I just have to share this...
  227. stupid question, but had to ask
  228. and then there were two...
  229. Cute signatures
  230. beak rubbing.
  231. Back from my Holiday
  232. I think Gus is sick.
  233. bird channel website question
  234. one bird v. two
  235. dutch blue.
  236. Goofy and B.B update.
  237. new baby?...maybe.
  238. Lovebirds and guinea pigs?
  239. Sleepy tent..yes or no?
  240. night cage
  241. quality of life.
  242. Kiwi update
  243. Keep maggie in your thoughts!
  244. Freyja & Odinn Come Home Saturday
  245. Nice story in the news today
  246. getting a friend for pan
  247. more toys I made!
  248. the results are in......
  249. What has happened to ZuPreem, real worried now!
  250. I will miss my birdies!