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  1. Adding a female companion???
  2. One more question??
  3. should i get one or two love birds?
  4. birds and wives
  5. UH O what did I do??
  6. Had to share this..
  7. She has taken over the livingroom
  8. Compatibility
  9. Poor Dittobird is so confused....
  10. Beaker the amazing Houdini bird!
  11. We almost gave up....(LONG)
  12. My little guy :)
  13. Back issues dealing with the mechanics of it all?
  14. Ditto isn't too happy with me right now.....
  15. Looking for a Lovebird
  16. Ditto is lucky he's so darn cute....
  17. putting on split band
  18. Re-homing Olive & Rudy :(
  19. Diary of a Lovebird "Lucky"
  20. Happy ending story
  21. Uh, oh, that poop doesn't look right!
  22. How old is my lovebird?
  23. List of charges!
  24. Touching base - three months later!
  25. Can I have 2 lovebirds each in its own cage, A PROBLEM or NOT?
  26. 4 lovebird and 2 cages can I?
  27. Button quail in a lovebird aviary?
  28. Folk Art Paints
  29. Is it true or just really a myth???
  30. Guess we are about to become lovie (etc) parronts again...:)
  31. My friend just sent me a picture of this lovebird....
  32. Where in Australia can I get my babies DNA sexed?
  33. Well that little experiment failed.
  34. Lovebird babies- Face color question
  35. biobest Free Sampling Kits? DNA sexing, disease tests
  36. Change in what you can see in the egg
  37. Bird Talk is no more
  38. I got the lovies out for their playtime and there was some strange behaviour.
  39. Would a Peachfaced lovebird ever meet an African grey in the wild?
  40. Loki is Here!
  41. a few different ?'s about my lovie
  42. band
  43. Loki's Vocalizing!
  44. Ditto is one fired up lovie today.
  45. Utra violet bird window decals?
  46. Very Sad update (long post warning)
  47. Introducing a dog to a new lovebird?
  48. isaac warnings
  49. Ditto must be practicing for his pilots license...
  50. household cleaning supplies
  51. Question for All You Lovie experts!
  52. growing millet for Noodlehead
  53. Any dog owners & bird owners? Advice please!
  54. Darn smoke alarms.
  55. I could kind of use some input..
  56. Favorite stores and products?
  57. wondering if i should get another lovebird for my single one
  58. Need suggestions, please help
  59. Something to keep in mind..........
  60. Ditto's favorite youtube channel!
  61. New food and water dishes...
  62. Calm down Dittobird...
  63. Moving my birds across the Country!
  64. scentsy
  65. Flock Update
  66. Flock update - Mango & Sweetpea
  67. warning
  68. Rio loves his perches. help me!
  69. Escape artist's!
  70. How should I go about introducing a new bird into my feathered family?
  71. Now that's a sign of a happy lovie....
  72. Operation keep daddy on his toes continues...
  73. Introducing a new lovebird to an elder lovebird, need advice!
  74. Some great news!
  75. To Those of You in the Path of Sandy
  76. Meet Twinkle.
  77. Pichu-Mutation Question
  78. Help - wondering about how to care for a lovebird who has lost its mate!
  79. Bonkers
  80. Petrie and his cozy corner
  81. Games and Tricks
  82. Ditto puts the love in lovebird!
  83. Sulky Lovies
  84. Please, don't give any animals as holiday gifts.
  85. Heat Lamp, Yes or no ?
  86. Parrots are now being euthanized just like dogs and cats
  87. Purchasing Lovebirds
  88. head feather dropping
  89. Ditto surprises me again!
  90. What species is my lovie?
  91. lovies in the wall
  92. What are you getting your Lovebird for Christmas?
  93. Here's to a Healthy New Year!
  94. Today i got a orange-faced opaline peach faced lovebird
  95. For the first time ever....
  96. It's that time of year again...
  97. Ditto's new years resolution....
  98. New Lighting
  99. Does anyone know what a pied pauh looks like?
  100. air purifier
  101. how do I post a picture?
  102. No Feathers
  103. Can I take my lovebird on a place
  104. 2 Female lovies issues
  105. What color is this bird?
  106. Ditto is such a good boy....
  107. Elderly 15 Year Old Lovebird Appears to be in Good Health
  108. Changing colours?
  109. Changing colours?
  110. Oh My!
  111. Rearranged Furniture
  112. Lovebird Poster
  113. poor pig
  114. Species/Subspecies question (Peachfaced) & Longfeathered?
  115. pig and sunny
  116. Murphy: 1st 2 Weeks
  117. First Flight
  118. We've got to find a solution to this problem!
  119. Lovebird jealousy/aggression--inherent behavioral variation or result of environment?
  120. What is best for a beginner?
  121. One VERY Lucky Lovebird!!!
  122. My little avi-cake fiend.
  123. Happy day!! or not...........
  124. Flock update
  125. Tell Your Legislators NO on HR 996!!!!!!!
  126. Flock Update
  127. my lovebird might be in problem
  128. geriatric lovebird?
  129. Is 10 too young?
  130. wowie!!
  131. A new kitten joins the family..
  132. Female biting the male much worse than normal since she has eggs.
  133. Unsure about boarding Peaches! Please help!
  134. help please
  135. Question??
  136. Ditto is not going to be happy with Petsmart!
  137. Avocado as an ingredient in moisturizer?
  138. Splitcinnamonino?
  139. Sex of American Cinnamon baby?
  140. Guess that Pinata has been there long enough.....
  141. To our Oklahoma Members!
  142. Banding and Other Forms of Identification
  143. males
  144. more babies
  145. closed bands
  146. Little By Little
  147. He's A Lovie Alright.
  148. Must be diet change time again.
  149. Tragedy Averted
  150. This may sound silly...
  151. Murphy's New Favotite Toy!
  152. my new love bird
  153. How reliable is pelvic bone test for sexing lovebirds?
  154. living together
  155. Little Things I've Noticed Since We Got Annabel for Max
  156. Found something new that fascinates the Dittobird.....
  157. is there a difference?
  158. mom and dad on my head babies in my hand
  159. Let's make daddy panic episode 2048....
  160. Anybody speak "Bird"?
  161. Shady and the outside World!! What to Do?!!
  162. My Little OCD Lovie
  163. Feeding the Dittobird seems to be getting more difficult by the day....
  164. Bathing
  165. Going Insane with My Parents' Love for Mari and Abelina
  166. Bird's ear covered by mass
  167. I don't want to get my hopes up...
  168. Too young, right?
  169. Fischer's Lovebird Pricing
  170. Weaning of Lovebird Chicks
  171. lovebird pair behaviour
  172. Realy again?!?!
  173. Some interesting observations by listening
  174. Abelina Flew Out The Window...
  175. Ok, Petsmart is officially wothless!!!!!!!
  176. Ditto and his carrots.
  177. bird lover vs bird nut!
  178. It's official: Gem's gone batty!
  179. My little weatheman is living up to his name....
  180. Does this look like a blue series baby?
  181. partner for previously solo bird?
  182. Momma bird likes to come out of her cage?
  183. An Update
  184. UPDATE ON COCO - For Linda
  185. egg laying help
  186. 4 week old baby wants to come out of the box
  187. Is she really a boy?
  188. Beak trimming
  189. Eggs and unweaned babies
  190. I was wondering what type of this lovebird mutation is
  191. another mutation question!
  192. Hope this is working (mutation question!)
  193. baby mutations questions
  194. do you think this guy has lutino or pallid gene?
  195. leaving lovebirds alone
  196. Is this a peach face?
  197. Co-parenting
  198. Ideal Temperature for a Naked Bird?
  199. Would like some info on my new lovies
  200. I still have no idea how he does it.
  201. Should My Lovebird Get An ECG? Advice Please!
  202. Elderly Lovebirds and eyesight
  203. Happy New Year - 2014!
  204. Mutation Help.
  205. Poor Cyan :[
  206. What mutation are my lovebirds?
  207. I need help choosing an air purifier
  208. Going on a trip
  209. Question for a friend- What age would you place this little one at?
  210. Quaker parrots and Lovebirds
  211. lovebird bracelet!!
  212. Cutest parrot sweatshirt I just got!
  213. The unpredictable Dittobird strikes again....
  214. brood patch
  215. Need help deciding best care for our Nutley while we leave the country for 6-9 months
  216. My Luna won't sleep on a perch
  217. Murphy's In Love....
  218. Ok, someone explain to me.....
  219. Dittos' internal clock needs a reset.
  220. feeling like a bad mom
  221. Um--what do I need to look for?
  222. My lovebird pair want to live with my red rumps?
  223. And for the next episode of lets see if daddy's paying attention....
  224. A Scary Event
  225. little guy
  226. Upcoming Surgery
  227. Should I take Birdie?
  228. How rare are yellow lutino Fischer Lovebirds
  229. When Your Circumstances Suddenly Change...
  230. baby in the food dish
  231. New to Lovebird
  232. This got Sweety excited
  233. Should I find out its gender?
  234. Max had a little accident today :(
  235. Can I keep female and male sibling together?
  236. need a name for my new male lovebird
  237. Birdie is a...
  238. Lovebirds and Finches
  239. What's wrong dittobird?
  240. In and out of cage??
  241. help classifying my birds
  242. help classifying my birds
  243. my lovebird is breathing with difficulty, seems to be in pain!
  244. Thunderstorms...
  245. How do your lovies show you affection?
  246. Ditto loves this video!
  247. Going on a trip for 2 weeks will my lovies become untame?
  248. My Story, Opinions and thoughts please.
  249. Your lovie's favorite food?
  250. I need some help