View Full Version : question about water dishes

10-23-2007, 06:07 PM
Hi all,
I have a question about water and water holders.
Finny and Reilly have a cup of water in their cage that I change every day as well as washing out the cup with hot water and wiping it out as well. It does not really have a bad odor but the water dispenser (hanging on side of cage)that I use tends to get a bad odor. I was changing and cleaning it (the same way as described above) every two days and noticed a bad odor (thinking some type of bacteria) so I started changing/cleaning it daily. It still has an odor when done daily. So I removed it and am now using just the water dish/cup.

What is the recommendation for cleaning the water and food dishes? I have never used soap or any cleaner until recently now I am using dawn dishwashing liquid and rinsing very thoroughly.

Since I am asking about that I may as well ask... How often do you all clean your cages? How and what do you use?

We clean the cage once a week and remove all birdie litter and replace it. I also take a washcloth and wipe down all surfaces. All toys that are plastic we wash in the sink or tub with hot water and wipe clean. We also wash the grill and litter box area the same way. I have not ever used any type of cleaner... is this bad??? It is always sparkling clean after but now since the odor with the water dispenser I am concerned maybe we are not doing this correctly.

Anyway... As always any suggestions are appreciated.

10-23-2007, 06:23 PM
I wash the dishes in the dishwasher every day or two. Normally I run hot water over the water dish and give it a swish every day. Perches get cleaned once a week in the sink with a toothbrush(Dracula has his own I use for cleaning. I change the papers under grate every day or two also. I take it outside and add to compost area. I spot clean as needed and use old towels I have for rags. Once a week whole cage gets gone over well with hot water and a rag.. I use to wash it outside but with the water restrictions I cannot. Normally I use hot water,baking soda,and vinegar lately.


10-23-2007, 06:29 PM
Cindy, two of my lovies use a water bottle and I have three of those bottle. I always wash them in the dishwasher and replace the bottle with fresh water daily. I also use a water cup for Oliver in his night cage (added fresh every night) and one that is a community cup that goes on top of a big cage during the day. I change that water at least 2 to 3 times a day and all of my stainless steel cups go through the dishwasher. If I run short on cups, I wash with Dawn detergent and rinse well, spray with a GSE/water solution and rinse again. The GSE is not necessary but since I have it, I use it. Dish detergent is fine as long as you rinse well. I also have a bottle brush bought specifically for use with the Lixit water bottles and if I should wash them by hand, that brush makes it easy to clean the the rubber and the metal tip that dispenses the water from the bottle.

10-23-2007, 06:33 PM
I use to wash it outside but with the water restrictions I cannot. lately.


Steph, it really is scary, isn't it? To be so used to the "luxury" of taking a cage outside and washing it on the deck and now it's got to be done inside, by hand. I used to dread having to take the cages out to be washed and now it's what I'd give anything to be able to do. I spend a couple of hours in my bird room today, trying to do what I would normally do outside. Thank heavens for Poop Off spray and wipes!

10-23-2007, 06:52 PM
Hi Cindy. Goofs cage gets spot cleaned every day with vinegar water solution. Once a week in the tub or outside with oxyfresh because it cleans and deodorizes. The oxyfresh is expensive and really not always necessary. His bowls are stainless steel and get rinsed or cleaned at least three times a day. So far there's never been a problem with him seeing himself in the bowl reflection 8o . Because I've heard plastics begin to wear resulting in fine scratches, odors and other bacteria can easily become absorbed, so I've decided to no longer use them.....Hope you find a solution.............Michael and Goofy

10-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Cindy, my first water bottle was a plastic one and I replaced it with the glass Lixit bottles as soon as I could get to a bird fair. Michael mentioned the "plastic" and that might be adding to your odor problem. I do suggest changing a water bottle every day and washing it thoroughly, just like I would a water cup.

10-23-2007, 07:12 PM
I use water holders in the cage and several soup bows for water and batheing .
I used to change the water every other day or as needed but since sunshine has decided he wants to be a master chef and specialize in soup makeing i change it several time daily:P

10-23-2007, 07:17 PM
Hi Cindy and Finnie

One thing you have to remember about those plastic "outside the cage water dispensers" is that plastic is porous, and over a short period of time, it will absorb and hold bad odors. The only thing I've ever found that reeeeally works is a 1:10 bleach/water solution soak and lots of cold water rinsing.
Otherwise, you are stuck replacing the entire unit once a month or so. Same for plastic doggy/kitty bowls...FYI


10-23-2007, 07:34 PM
Janie, Today I used the rain to a slight advantage. I moved Drac to one of my back up cages and wheeled his big cage outside(i took my daughters baby saucer she plays in out also). I stood out there in the rain washing the cage down. Then I let it dry out in the house and I wiped it down well. I will say that if I had a porch light I would be out there at midnight washing the cage out. We are not under a total outdoor ban yet. But we are expecting it soon.


10-24-2007, 12:19 AM
1. food & water dishes- daily w/antibacterial soap, plus I have extras in case I'm in a hurry, then I just change them out
2. paper- daily
3. perches & toys- I take everything out and scrub with one of those cool cage sponges with real hot water and antibacterial soap once a week. Takes a long time- my son counted the other day, and said that including bowls, perches, toys and a hut, Jack has 22 things in his cage and Chino has 19!
4. cage- when I take everything out I break down the cage and wash outside or in the tub as above with hot water & antibacterial soap. I dry real well to help prevent rust

Both my cages are large, so it's much easier to do it outside, but now with the rainy season, I'm back to wrestling with the pieces in the tub.

10-24-2007, 07:59 AM
Janie, Today I used the rain to a slight advantage. I moved Drac to one of my back up cages and wheeled his big cage outside(i took my daughters baby saucer she plays in out also). I stood out there in the rain washing the cage down. Then I let it dry out in the house and I wiped it down well. I will say that if I had a porch light I would be out there at midnight washing the cage out. We are not under a total outdoor ban yet. But we are expecting it soon.


Steph, great idea! Jackie's been talking about doing the same thing!

You aren't under a total band? :confused: I know that it isn't state wide yet but I assumed that your county was included. This rain we've had the past couple of days sure has been a welcome sight!

10-24-2007, 08:38 AM
I have a question that pertains to this subject, How do you guys clean your little sleep tents? Like this one: http://www.petsolutions.com/Images.aspx?ItemID=48001163 do I just stick it in the washer?

10-24-2007, 09:22 AM
Becky, I hand wash them in a soap made for delicate clothing, rinse well, and then let them dry outside if it's a warm, sunny day but have also put them in the dryer for a few minutes on a low setting.

My cozies were made by Shy (from this forum) and they have a bottom section, cardboard, that can be removed for washing. If your cozy/tent has a hard piece in the bottom, that would probably need to be removed before washing.

10-24-2007, 09:24 AM
Becky, I hand wash them in a soap made for delicate clothing, rinse well, and then let them dry outside if it's a warm, sunny day but have also put them in the dryer for a few minutes on a low setting.

My cozies were made by Shy (from this forum) and they have a bottom section, cardboard, that can be removed for washing. If your cozy/tent has a hard piece in the bottom, that would probably need to be removed before washing.

Ya know, i hadn't even looked to see if it could be removed :roll: I will have to check that out when I get home. :blush:

10-24-2007, 12:22 PM
Janie,we are now under a total ban plus businesses are having to cut water too. I loved all the rain we got and hope more comes like they said. Just hope it stops when I have to walk kids to and from bus stop.lol.


10-25-2007, 02:04 AM
Great answers guys as always thank you so much for your input! I always appreciate it and I know Finny and Reilly love you all for all of your answers to "big Bird's" questions. It appears I am pretty much doing it right except that I should get some glass or metal cups for their main cage. Their downstairs cage actually has the stainless steal already so that is good news.

So tell me what exactly does the GSE do? I saw it at the pet store and was going to grab some but I was not sure what it does exactly. I also saw poop off. I dont really have a problem removing poop as we do wash everything thoroughly once a week (they have two cages they spend their time in so it does not get real dirty). Anyway does it have some kind of special sanitizing properties?

By the way... I have not been able to post much as I am back in school and crazy busy with assignments and homework but I am still hear reading a couple of times a week.

Anyway... tytytyty again and tc all :-)


10-25-2007, 08:27 AM
So tell me what exactly does the GSE do? I saw it at the pet store and was going to grab some but I was not sure what it does exactly. I also saw poop off. I dont really have a problem removing poop as we do wash everything thoroughly once a week (they have two cages they spend their time in so it does not get real dirty). Anyway does it have some kind of special sanitizing properties?


Cindy, I found GSE at a very good health store in Atlanta but have since seen it at Whole Foods. The tiny bottle that I bought was $20. but it will last for several years. I add about 20 drops of the GSE to a medium size water bottle. If I hand wash water/food bowls, I rinse and then spray with the GSE water mix and then rinse well again. When I wash my cages, toys and perches, I do the same. After scrubbing them down with soap and water, I rinse, spray with the GSE water mix and then rinse again.

GSE is sold for humans and can be added to our drinking water (I do NOT add it to my birds drinking water) and also is recommended as a sanitizing spray for a human babies nursery. I guess I could say I use the GSE instead of bleach.

Back in school......better you than me! :whistle:

10-25-2007, 02:15 PM
Say :) I also know its been recommended to add a couple drops of GSE to each ounce of water when traveling, especially when the water their used to getting is unavailable and your not sure of the water quality. Grapefruit seed extract is supposed to be a great antibacterial agent. I think its very well worth checking into.................Michael and Goofy

10-25-2007, 02:39 PM
Say :) I also know its been recommended to add a couple drops of GSE to each ounce of water when traveling, especially when the water their used to getting is unavailable and your not sure of the water quality. Grapefruit seed extract is supposed to be a great antibacterial agent. I think its very well worth checking into.................Michael and Goofy

Michael, truthfully I WAS adding a drop or two to their drinking water for a couple of weeks because I "thought" Lori told me she was doing that! :rolleyes: Then she told me I'd misunderstood her so I stopped. I'm sure some tiny amount would be OK since 8 drops per 8 ounce glass of water is fine for human adults but I'd want to check out the exact amount with my avian vet before giving it to my birds again. Fortunately, it did not hurt them. :)

10-25-2007, 04:52 PM
Janie. Even though I know poeple that use it, your absolutely right about making sure of the right amount. I really should have been more specific, so thank you for mentioning this. Really, there's still questions about whether it should be consumed at all. Using it to disinfect is one thing, but adding it to their water may be quite different. :) ............Michael and Goofy