View Full Version : new feathered friends

lucky melatonin
10-23-2007, 06:57 PM
my boyfriend is about to become my new roommate. he's got two orange-cheeked finches he's asked to bring with him. i can't say no to that! i love the squeaky little fellas.

i've read about quarantining before. do i have to do that with the finches? and if i do, how exactly do you quartantine?

i don't plan on letting my lovie hang with the finches. the finches can't leave the cage, of course, and my bird...i think would be mean anyhow. i mean, they will probably be in the same room though.

10-23-2007, 07:17 PM
Not sure about quarentine but lovebirds are the bullys of hook bills i wouldnt let your lovie play with the finches.

My hen boo chases my dads african grey till it sqawks and screams "baby bird baby bird!" and trys to hide on my dads head and the grey is 4 years older and well over 20 times her size lol
Lovebirds and thier neapolean complexes!

10-23-2007, 07:39 PM
How long has he had the finches and have they been his only birds the whole time or did he have others. If he has had them awhile and no other birds it might be safe to skip quarantine. But honestly if you have the room I would do it to be safe.


10-23-2007, 07:42 PM
I usually do a thirty day quaratine. I've read about people doing 45-60 quarantines but you know the history of the finches. This means you don't need to worry nearly as much that they are sick.

I bet your lovie will like the singing of the finches and may even mimick them. Our new arrival Griffin lived with finches before he came to us and sings some interesting songs we've never heard our other lovebird sing.

Finches are really cute and I hope you'll post a few pictures of them because they sound beautiful.

10-23-2007, 08:06 PM
How long have you had Francis? Normal quarantine is 30 days which means 30 days of isolation (being away from other birds, preferrably in a different air space. If you've had Francis for at least that long and your bf has had his finches for a while, there's no need to keep them separated.

The purpose of quarantine is to see if a new bird develops symptoms of illness that were not present at time of purchase and that vet testing did not detect.

lucky melatonin
10-23-2007, 08:08 PM
umm, he's had them for about a month. he's never had any other birds either. i definitely wouldn't let them near each other though, my little bird sneak attacks!

they are cute! i'll get some pictures of them soon, hopefully.