View Full Version : What has your lovie or other bird trained you to do?

10-24-2007, 09:16 AM
Luna is so cute, she has trained me to take her back to her cage. Her wings are clipped and this is her cage: http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r165/beckgriffin/cage.jpg She can't fly to it so now she will get to the highest point she can (usually the corner of a pillow on my couch). She will Flap her wings and stick out her neck and then look at me. She started doing this because she was going to try to fly to the cage and figured she couldn't, but I stuck out my hand and said step-up and took her over to it, and thus it began. It's funny how quickly she learned to do that and it took her 3 wks to learn step-up :rotfl Now she does it all the time. I guess she figures I need the exercise. :x

10-24-2007, 10:16 AM
All my birds know how to get me to let them out. They all have some cute little thing they say, or do, and yep, Mama comes running to get to them. Yes, I do have SUCKER written across my forehead:rolleyes:

Bela says "Luv U" and when I come to get him, he does little flips just to top off what he made Mama do:lol

Little Man(GCC) says "Peek-a-boo", followed my "I love you", followed by a very loud "I LOVE YOU" in a different voice.

Cappie also says "I love you" followed by whining like the dog, which gets my attention real quick, cause it is a little nerve wracking:rolleyes:

The tiels, RooRoo, and Sweetpea say, "Pretty bird", and then go into a trill noise that is just so cute, you have to go talk to them.

Now, little Slater just wiggles his cute little gray butt, and you just have to kiss him up:)

Yeah, they got me trained, and I love every minute of it:clap

10-24-2007, 10:48 AM
All my birds know how to get me to let them out. They all have some cute little thing they say, or do, and yep, Mama comes running to get to them. Yes, I do have SUCKER written across my forehead:rolleyes:

Bela says "Luv U" and when I come to get him, he does little flips just to top off what he made Mama do:lol

Little Man(GCC) says "Peek-a-boo", followed my "I love you", followed by a very loud "I LOVE YOU" in a different voice.

Cappie also says "I love you" followed by whining like the dog, which gets my attention real quick, cause it is a little nerve wracking:rolleyes:

The tiels, RooRoo, and Sweetpea say, "Pretty bird", and then go into a trill noise that is just so cute, you have to go talk to them.

Now, little Slater just wiggles his cute little gray butt, and you just have to kiss him up:)

Yeah, they got me trained, and I love every minute of it:clap

Oh, I hope Luna learns to talk, I have gotten her to do a cat call :whistle: but she only does it when I am in another room and she wants my attention, then when I come into the room she is silent. :x

10-24-2007, 12:39 PM
Dracula has learned how to call me. HE rattles his side door.lol. His cage has two doors on top used for breeding boxes. I have them clipped closed and he likes to rattle the one next to his favorite perch. He does say pretty bird and it is more like a whistle. But he only says it to my youngest child.lol


10-24-2007, 01:25 PM
i'm jealous....i don't get to spend much time with peaches to see what she does all day cause i work. by the time i get home she goes to bed in a couple of hours. then i have to leave in the morning when i uncover her cage:( but on weekends, if i'm not out somewhere i take her out alot!

10-24-2007, 01:28 PM
Fenway uses her vast acrobatic skills, hanging upside down, doing twists and turns to get my attention.
If that doesn't work, she calls out.
If that doesn't work, she yells for me.
If that doesn't work....:omg:

needless to say, she is usually out of her cage when I am home.:blush:

10-24-2007, 01:31 PM
i'm jealous....i don't get to spend much time with peaches to see what she does all day cause i work. by the time i get home she goes to bed in a couple of hours. then i have to leave in the morning when i uncover her cage:( but on weekends, if i'm not out somewhere i take her out alot!

I work all day too. When I get home in the evenings I get her out and she spends the evening on my shoulder or running around getting into stuff, but she always ends it under a cover asleep. I put her to bed when I go to bed. She is probably out about 4-5 hrs a day, more on the weekends.

lucky melatonin
10-24-2007, 04:36 PM
francis never wants to go to the cage. he only goes back to eat! it disappoints me because he has a nice size cage and toys, but he still wants to sit on my shoulder. just wants to sit and click in my ear or nest in my shirt. i leave his door open so he can get out when he wants, but since he can't fly, he climbs to the top of his open door and chirps until i come get him. he likes to sit on my shoulder while i nuzzle his neck with my nose. :lol

10-24-2007, 04:43 PM
kahlua will scream at the top of her lungs to get my atention. and it does.:omg: lol.

johny(my gcc) wil bobb his head up and down until i think his head will come off when he wants to come with me. it is the cutest thing to watch.:D

10-24-2007, 05:30 PM
My Keiko will tap on her bell to get my attention and if I ignore it she does it louder till I do.
then she runs back and forth on the bottom of her cage till I take her out.