View Full Version : Where did my sweet bird go?

07-10-2005, 04:24 PM
Baggy started biting more this week. Today she would not even step up everytime she was near she latched on and bite hard. I am cryinging cause she drew blood sevral times. She went from never biting to attacking me in less then a month. I am going out of town and am scared how she will act to my husband. She is even starting to bite at Whispers feet now. I am at a lose what to do. Whisper is 6wks old but I am not sure if she is eating alone yet. She runs to nest box when I come in room. i love these birds but the biting makes me scared to even give them food right now.


Buy A Paper Doll
07-10-2005, 08:28 PM
Is she trying to be nesty again? Does she bite you all the time or only around her cage? My Melody will take your finger off if she's anywhere near her cage; away from the cage, she is sweet as can be.

As for aggressive behavior toward Whisper, I wonder if momma is trying to kick baby out of the nestbox?

07-10-2005, 10:13 PM
thats what it sounds like to me...like she wants whisper out and she wants to lay another clutch....
I think I would get some handfeeding formula to have on hand, and I would seperate the two of them, putting the mother bird in a new cage, so whisper can still sleep in the nestbox, and mamma doesn't have the nest box to lay anymore eggs in (It could help change her mind and stop some of the biting)
I would watch whisper carefully and see if she is eating on her own, and I would also try to get her to take some formula a couple of times a day (just to make sure she is getting what she needs.
I would also let them out of the cages together so they can interact with each other, and maybe the mother will still try to teach the baby what she needs to know about how to eat, but I wouldnt put them back in the same cage together for awhile anyway.
This is only my opinion and what I would do if in the same situation. Im sure if this isn't the way to handle the situation someone will let us know.
Good luck and take care,

07-10-2005, 10:34 PM
jennifer this came about last month. Baggy never bite me til then and even then was only my fingers. It was only out of age also and normaly when was time to go in. Today I could not even get her out of cage. I think tomarrow on cage cleaning day it will be remove nest box time. I am trying to find another cage but no luck. Only thing I have at moment is a hamster cage. I am going to see how taking the nest box out affects them. Also going to rearange the cage and see if it helps.
