View Full Version : ohhh, the guilt!

lucky melatonin
10-26-2007, 09:55 PM
i can't ever get francis to volutarily get off of me at night to go get in his cage to go to sleep. i feel so guilty having to practically rip him off of me, yes, like velcro, and put him up and cover his cage.

he lays on me and starts falling asleep so i try to put him back in his cage when it gets about that time, but he gets so upset and just chirps and latches onto the cage. i then feel bad and take him out, and he's goes back to sleep on me. so i know he's sleepy, but he doesn't want to sleep without being on me.

having to pry him off and his sad little face in that cage breaks me heart, but he has to sleep! i'll be like ok, emily, just don't think about how upset he is. but i can't help it!!!:cry:

10-26-2007, 11:55 PM
I used to wake up in the middle of the night with itty-bitty on my pillow! he wanted to sleep with me so bad he broke out of his cage twice. he hated being alone in his cage, especially at bed time. do you have a happy hut or tent or something? i had to get one because that little face staring at me chirping to get out killed me, so finally he got the idea that that was his bed and i had mine. i know. its hard. very hard.

10-27-2007, 12:02 AM
It is hard but i tell myself i would feel worse if i rolled over and squished one of my babies and that helps me at bedtime:)

10-27-2007, 12:14 AM
yeah, if that wasn't an issue, i probably would have let itty-bitty stay right there on the pillow... 'cause my boyfriend totally would be down for that too...
in a perfect world.

10-27-2007, 12:24 AM
The most heart wrenching e-mail I ever got was from a young girl who let her lovebird sleep on the bed with her. The bird flew over early in the morning and she did not put it back in its cage before she fell back asleep.

When she woke up an hour later, her lovebird was on the bed next to her, dead. She had accidentally rolled over on it and suffocated it. It was too late to put the bird back in its cage. :very_sad: :very_sad: :very_sad:

I did not know this young girl and I'm not sure where she found my e-mail but I was at a loss for the most appropriate words and I cried all day as a result of what I read that morning.

Learn from someone else's mistake and don't feel guilty for making sure that your lovie is safe!

10-27-2007, 07:45 AM
You gotta do what you gotta do, its tough being a mommy sometimes

10-27-2007, 09:54 AM
It can be difficult managing velcro birds, but Francis has got you wrapped around his/her little talons. Everytime you take Francis out of the cage when he/she begs the more Francis learns that if he/she begs long enough you will give in 8) 8) . I know it's easier said than done, but routine is the best way to deal with these situations. After awhile, maybe a long while, Francis will learn their bedtime and get used to it. You may also want to try giving Francis a treat before bed, give her time to eat the treat and get comfortable and then cover the cage.