View Full Version : small bouncers!

10-27-2007, 05:29 PM
Ok this morning as i was getting ready for work i opened my window to get some fresh air.
I had just went into the bathroom to shave when i hear both boo and sunshine going crazy!!!
I ran into the room, heart in my throat thinking someone was hurt or somehow opened their cage and went to the window ledge as i had never heard he calls they were makeing!
Well the cage was closed but they were bounceing off the inside of the cage just jumping and flapping and spilling all the food and water so i closed the window and opened thier cage door.
They both ran to the top of thier penthouse and was giveing the eye to the floor (you know the look where they turn thier head sideways and stare real hard with one eye).
I looked down but didnt see anything so just shrugged it off as birds being birds.
Well not two minutes into shaveing i hear the screeches again and loud flapping noises!
Well i walk out to see sunshine screaming up a storm and boo chaseing a pidgeion well over triple her size all over the room and bed!
Well i stood for a good 3 seconds mouth open as i live on the 34th floor and never had a pidgeion land on my ledge let alone fly inside!
Well boo is just foot biteing feather plucking beating the heck out of this pidgeion and sunshine is cheering her on!
I don't know how i did it but i got sunshine in the cage then boo, opened the window and before i could blink the pidgeion took off out the window like a bat out of ****!
Well after about a minute both birds were just clicking away and singing like it was a game dad had made for them or something!
I used a magnifying glass on boo and sunshine no damage at all not one little scratch on boo (boo kung fu?) and no sign of mites.
Glad hawaii doesn't much in the way of dieases.
Man what a way to start ones day lol.:rolleyes:

10-27-2007, 06:22 PM
That'll teach that pigeon! Hopefully he didn't bring anything in with him.

One day, Ditto was in his little (vacation) cage on the screened porch. I was right inside the door in the kitchen when I hear him screaming his crazy little head off. Between his screams I hear these little high pitched screams that were definately not another bird. So I looked out the door to see what all the fuss was about and there he was, sitting on his manzanita branch screaming at a chipmonk on the sidewalk and the chipmonk was standing out there screaming right back at him. He looked like a little yellow hawk that wanted a chipmonk lunch. :rofl:

10-27-2007, 06:43 PM
lol they are little scrappers i tell ya!