View Full Version : The hazards of buying bird food

Buy A Paper Doll
07-10-2005, 08:20 PM
This is a 2 lovebird house. Just 2. No more.

In order to keep the lovebird population at 2, I'm afraid I'm going to have to start sending someone to the bird store to get food for my birds. Or I'll have to start ordering my birds' food online.

I went to the store to get food for M&M. They had lovebirds for $30. :omg: A pair of orangeface lovies, and and a pair of pied seagreens.

NOOOOOOOOOOO I do not need another parrot! And no, I do not need 2 more parrots!!!

07-10-2005, 08:38 PM
Of course you don't! Don't worry, I've got your back on this one; you most definately DO NOT need another lovie, and you CERTAINLY do not need two more.

...you need FOUR more; two orange-faced and two pied seagreens.

You're welcome! :lol

07-10-2005, 08:44 PM
I do not need another parrot!
Nope, you don't need another parrot!!! However, there's a difference between want and need! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: See, I've got that problem solved. I go to a feed store in Ybor City and they don't sell birds, just food. In fact, they claim they will feed everything except your kids! :rofl: :rofl: Guess I won't suggest that I meet you at the next bird show in Orlando.......

Buy A Paper Doll
07-10-2005, 08:53 PM
LOL! I went to a bird show a month or so ago. I brought my niece with me, knowing she'd keep me in line. No unauthorized purchases allowed when "Little Miss Bossy Boots" is watching. :lol

07-10-2005, 08:58 PM

There's a difference between want and need?????? And here I thought they were the same thing ;)

07-10-2005, 10:01 PM
I want the orange faced ones!!!!!

07-10-2005, 10:39 PM
Oh Jennifer....I was just telling my husband today that someone on the board had started with 2 lovies and now has 8.....but had never had eggs.....(Sparkette65)....and he said well.....you would too, Paulette.....but you are monetarily challenged......touche'....so good for you.....send someone else for food.....it's an excellent solution.....and no bird shows for you missy.

Joanie Noel
07-10-2005, 11:06 PM
Jennifer, ohhhh how I know how that is. I went to my favorite pet store just to see the birds and any new ones (as if I need to torture myself more?) and they had SIX LOVEBIRDS! No wait, it gets better (worse?) ... The creamino was going for $40. Hold on, it still gets worse... In a separate cage there was a clutch of 5 siblings. Four were normal green babies --- SOOOO CUTE! --- and then I almost died when I saw that one was an orangeface. Oh yeah, and one of them also had a dark factor I noticed. The worst part? They were being sold for $20 each! :cry: My boyfriend just had to point out that I could've bought all five for less than the price of the violets I had looked at before. :( If I hadn't had to be somewhere for lunch, I wouldn't have gotten out of there as quick as I did. I was in there for two hours during my last visit before this one. :rofl: I think one of the workers was getting frustrated by my indecisiveness to buy a lovebird. >o Why do some of these lovies just break our hearts? *sigh*

~ Joanie

07-10-2005, 11:31 PM
I totally misread your post.

When you said that you needed to order out for birdie food to prevent an overpopulation of lovies, I though you meant that your two were breeding and you were trying to stop them.

It is difficult to interrupt fornication cessation patrol to go out and buy food for them. Food that will energize them and increase the need for afore mentioned patroling. Totally new birds never entered my mind.

07-10-2005, 11:38 PM
i didn't need any more Lovebirds but i bought two on the weekend....they were only $20 each. But these are definitely the last lovebirds i get........apart from the Nyasa's i want :lol

Buy A Paper Doll
07-11-2005, 06:14 AM
I though you meant that your two were breeding and you were trying to stop them.
Now THAT is the one thing I have under control in this house. His and Hers cages take care of that for me! :lol

07-11-2005, 09:28 AM
Oh Jennifer....I was just telling my husband today that someone on the board had started with 2 lovies and now has 8.....but had never had eggs.....(Sparkette65)....and he said well.....you would too, Paulette.....but you are monetarily challenged......touche'....so good for you.....send someone else for food.....it's an excellent solution.....and no bird shows for you missy.

:lol :lol :lol

Ha! HA, I say! Sparkette's got nothing on me; I started with one, and I am now up to ten lovies (without having even seen an egg from any of the little buggars) and one green cheek conure - and that is without counting the the one lovie that I bought my oldest son outright to keep him company while he is living away from home, and the other lovie that I later sent from my own flock to keep his lovie company.

Eight lovies? Feh - Spakette's a rank amatuer. :D

07-11-2005, 09:47 AM
Eight lovies? Feh - Spakette's a rank amatuer. :D[/QUOTE]

Uh...no.....I have "10" lovies....

although Eric...you are a conure above me.....I have been entertaining the though of getting a "Grey"

If I would have already had everything set up...cage and all, I would have come home with one yesterday....but the cages are waaaaaaaaaay too expensive at this time, (especially if you are looking at pet store cages!) so I said,,,,we will wait, and the grey's they had were older and I want a little one....so I can work a little easier with it (without losing an arm or a leg in the process!)
My husband tried to get me to buy the two lovies at the pet store yesterday....I said not now....we have enough for now....
take care,

07-11-2005, 02:03 PM
Uh-oh; the Lovie Race is on now! You'd better get busy, because there's no WAY are you more pathetically addicted to the Dark Side than I am! ;)

07-11-2005, 02:38 PM
Uh-oh; the Lovie Race is on now! You'd better get busy, because there's no WAY are you more pathetically addicted to the Dark Side than I am! ;)

:ROTF: (all my emoticons are missing.....go figure...I think the little mousie ate em all)

Eric, I am in NO WAY going to race with you, you can be more addicted than I am, If any of these lovies starts to lay eggies...then I think I may become overwhelmed by them all....LOL, I'm afraid to get anymore than I have at this time....if the sunportch was completed then maybe....but for now we will slow it down a smidge.....
Heck,,,,it takes me 1/2 of every Saturday to clean all the cages etc...and the other 1/2 to get the veggies cut up for the week,as it is...I think the little buggers just like to watch me work....and there is one hen that likes to think My arm and hand is a huge sprig of millet...The wonders of what a nest box will do to a hen!!! UGH.....
YOU GO ERIC!!! Gotta catch em all!!! LOL (my catching is put on hold for just a bit or otherwise I would have come home yesterday with the two they had in the store!)
what is it they say..... """I DO NOT NEED ANOTHER PARROT"""
(at least thats what I try to tell myself every time I see another one!)
Good Luck and take care,

07-11-2005, 02:49 PM
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention Lori's 2 new ones....If lovebirds were only $20.00 here I'd be in trouble. At Pet Warehouse they are 79.99 ea, at an exotic bird store they are 40.00 (but don't know sex or ages). The breeder I was emailing had a breeder pair that were 50.00, which I thought was a great price,but forget that since I pissed her off with my birdie lingo. I did find a friend to go to the bird show with me on July 31st. And I'm still holding out for the zebra finches!......;)

07-11-2005, 02:57 PM
the prices around here depends where you go (and who your husband knows...lol)
I paid 80 each for my seagreen and my dutch blue, and then I paid 80 for my lutino....
and when I go to the pet store (the place where my husband and the owner know each other) he wanted to sell me 5 lovebirds that day for 75 dollars! talk about Dirt cheap!!! the only reason I didn't come home with all of them that day is that all I had was one empty cage at home and I couldn't talk him into 4 free cages ....> LOL (and jokeingly I did try.....) all of the lovies were each housed in seperate cages from each other, and I would not put them all together..as I was afraid they would try to kill each other....so I bought only one that day, my Jade green "Tiki Bird" with the supplies I bought, and the discount he gave me I walked out of there with a "Free" birdy!! LOL<
the guy is really cool, but I buy almost all of my supplies there, and he always gives me a discount...and I end up with something for free....
Paulette,,,you have to tell your hubby to go and make friends with the pet store owner.....so you can get good deals!!! ;)
take care,

07-11-2005, 04:10 PM
Oh gosh! I dont know how you guys do it! I have two little lovies, and they keep me plenty busy as is, trying to cater to their needs! Climbing to where their playing just to offer them a drink, while they make a MESS shredding anything in their paths! Or finding the "right" nutritious food that they'll actually eat!

Really, How do you guys with all these lovies do it?! I would love to be able to own much more, but I would never be able to keep up with these little boogars!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-11-2005, 06:16 PM
Lovebugs, I'm right there with you. Two is it for me!!

07-11-2005, 06:28 PM
Two is not it for me. :lol I have already decided I am getting me a masked (or 2)soon. I am also debating getting Baggy a new mate as I am wondering if she is missing him. I will stop at 12 though..lol.


07-11-2005, 06:35 PM
the prices around here depends where you go (and who your husband knows...lol)
I paid 80 each for my seagreen and my dutch blue, and then I paid 80 for my lutino....
and when I go to the pet store (the place where my husband and the owner know each other) he wanted to sell me 5 lovebirds that day for 75 dollars! talk about Dirt cheap!!! the only reason I didn't come home with all of them that day is that all I had was one empty cage at home and I couldn't talk him into 4 free cages ....> LOL (and jokeingly I did try.....) all of the lovies were each housed in seperate cages from each other, and I would not put them all together..as I was afraid they would try to kill each other....so I bought only one that day, my Jade green "Tiki Bird" with the supplies I bought, and the discount he gave me I walked out of there with a "Free" birdy!! LOL<
the guy is really cool, but I buy almost all of my supplies there, and he always gives me a discount...and I end up with something for free....
Paulette,,,you have to tell your hubby to go and make friends with the pet store owner.....so you can get good deals!!! ;)
take care,
Hey Lori.....that is a great idea.....(your husband should be friends with the pet store owner)....and he is friends with tons and tons of people, but they are in the car business, boat business or motocross business.....yes...now if I can just get him hooked up in the pet store business!.....Well, then I would have lots of lovies too! Now if we all had outdoor aviaries like Jeremy.....well....we'd be getting a couple of new lovies all the time.....wouldn't we??? and lots of eggies!....they are so addictive....hence the "Dark Side". LOL You are a lot of fun Lori.

07-11-2005, 09:56 PM
So....Eric....the dark side has you neck and neck with Lori. If lovebirds were cheaper around here I would have a bunch too. What kind of bird set up do you have at home? I keep moving things around and I'm going to have to move the printer again to avoid feathers/seeds in it. LOL I wish I had a birdie friendly floor instead of carpet!

07-11-2005, 10:29 PM
Eric has an entire room....without the carpet...and 5, count them "5" of the Tiki tree house cages (I have one of this cage so far)
Eric has got it going ON!!! LOL
Take care,

07-12-2005, 11:48 AM
Where can I go on the net to see the Tiki cage? Cages are so expensive. The most reasonable priced ones that I can find seem to be at www.thecagewarehouse.com with free shipping over 25.00. It is interesting www.bridcages4less.com says free shipping too, but their price is 30.00 higher than cage warehouse on most cages. I thought I had nice cages (parakeet sized) until I adopted Bam Bam and Sara/Jake and they came with nice sized cages with big doors.

07-12-2005, 12:20 PM
I bought mine at bird cages for less..and I paid 179 US dollars for it....free shipping.
I have seen the one Eric has (I believe the one with the platforms and ladders, instead of perches) at ebay for 99.00 but bird cages for less gets 149 US dollars, free shipping (if i am remembering correctly) (also ebay charges shipping, so it comes out to about the same amount anyway)
They dont have bird shows in Rhode Island....I think the closest Ive seen are New Hampshire and New Jersey.....both involve a pretty long road trip for us...so we havn't been to any. everyone says you can get Waaaaaaay better deals on the cages at the bird shows.
Take care,

07-12-2005, 12:36 PM
Eric has an entire room....without the carpet...and 5, count them "5" of the Tiki tree house cages (I have one of this cage so far)
Eric has got it going ON!!! LOL
Take care,


Actually, I have the "Pali Place" cages from birdcages4less.com. The main difference (besides price) between the Tiki and Pali is that the Tiki uses spring-loaded latches on the doors, while the Pali cages use the tried-and-true "gravity-latch". The Tiki is also like 2 inches wider and 3 inches deeper than the Pali, so it is slightly bigger. The Pali comes with two wire ledges, 4 perches, two ladders and two food/water dishes.

Now that I've taken a look at The Cage Warehouse, it seems that they have a cage that looks exactly like the Pali cage that birdcages4less.com sells - but for $20 cheaper. If Cage Warehouse does indeed provide free shipping, it would seem they would be the ones with which to shop - unless you can find a bird show like Lori said. Wish I'd seen Cage Warehouse a few months ago... :mad:

07-12-2005, 05:42 PM
Ok....and windycityparrot.com has this cage for 119.00 with free shipping in the us. Do you guys really like your cages that are like this? How many birds do you keep in this cage? Would 4 birds be too many?

07-12-2005, 06:10 PM
Personally, I have two lovebirds in my tiki treehouse, (although Im sure I could have 4 in there...there's plenty of room, and there are two small doors for attaching a nest box.
when I bought the cage, I only had two lovebirds....hence that is why they have it to themselves.
I would have to put those two in a different cage and put 4 lovebirds in at one time (that havn't been in that cage)
I will just leave well enough alone for now.
I do plan on getting a couple more of this cage.,and when I do I may put two pair in one cage.
I definately love this cage, as there is sooooooooooo much room in it for them and all their toys and plenty of space for flying around...and climbing and they do these alot in there!
good luck making a decision
take care,

07-12-2005, 06:29 PM
Ok....and windycityparrot.com has this cage for 119.00 with free shipping in the us. Do you guys really like your cages that are like this? How many birds do you keep in this cage? Would 4 birds be too many?

At one point, I had 6 lovies in one of mine, then a couple weeks later went to four, before getting down to just two birds in it. Even with six, there was always plenty of space for them. Four birds would be no problem space-wise, although you would want to make sure the four birds got along extremely well with each other. Four birds in one cage could lead to one pair of birds becoming dominant over the other pair, resulting in the dominant pair constantly picking on the weaker pair. If you have three or more pairs in a cage, it tends to keep any one pair from becoming totally dominant. It all depends on the disposition of your birds towards each other. I wouldn't try to keep a pair that has eggs with any others without seperating the cage, in any event.

07-13-2005, 09:51 AM
Hey thanks Lori and Eric.....this cage looks like the most space for the dollar...and it gets the birds up.....some of my cages are kind of low even though they have stands (I'm sure they are older models) and like everything else, come along way after people who use them get some input to the mfgs....although I do get distracted with the pretty cages, they do not look to be space effecient. Thanks for cussing and discussing with me.
paulette :p

07-13-2005, 10:47 AM
Anytime Paulette. I love discussing all this birdy stuff!
take care,

Buy A Paper Doll
07-13-2005, 08:04 PM
At the risk of adding confusion to the bird cage shopping, I found that www.thatpetplace.com had good prices, too. The link isn't working for me but I got the Blue Ribbon T5 cages. One for each bird.

They seem a bit small for 2 birds, probably because my birds have so many darned toys and cozies and hammocks and stuff. If they ever decide to get along I will have to give up my beloved T5 cages and get them a gigantic cage.

07-15-2005, 11:18 AM
Jennifer....that looks like a very nice cage too plus the next box doors....does the top open up?...they are all so tempting!...I just keep rearranging my cages.....the birds don't know what to think......I finally stacked them and think I like this arrangement better....everybody on one wall.....they are not sure about it....although the lovebirds think they need to go and visit everybody else's cage....LOL....thanks for the website info.