View Full Version : Thinking about getting another lovie...

10-29-2007, 05:55 PM
I'm very back and fourth on this issue. I absolutely adore Sunset and unless I'm doing homework or at school he's always with me.

Just recently I got two more cages from friends who no longer use them. One is a big huge one I've put it in my living room. It is where I put Sunset while I'm at school so he has lots to do. I also got another smaller cage and so I'm considering cleaning it out, toying it up and getting another bird. I'm looking at getting another male, and keeping them in separate cages, unless I'm around in which case they can both play in the big cage (and maybe when I'm gone after I feel safe about leaving them together). Is this a good idea? I'm hoping that it'll give Sunset someone to keep him company while I'm gone and of course the other lovie will be pampered and adored as well.

Another thing is that Sunset has not been around any other birds since he was born so I'm not sure how he'd take it (hence the separate cages, plus I just don't want them to bond to one another).

I'm really back and fourth. I would love another lovie since I adore pampering Sunset but I'm not sure how Sunset would take it...hmmmmmmm. Please, give me your thoughts!

10-29-2007, 06:15 PM
I think it's great that you're thinking about Sunset's feelings, and you're already prepared with a cage for the new addition.
If you have the time to give them both individual attention in the event that they don't get along, I think it's great!
I'm going to be going through this in a little over a week. My Jack hasn't seen another bird since he was 2 weeks old, so I doubt he remembers it.
I have a new GCC that I'll be introducing to Jack very soon. They won't be sharing a cage, obviously, but I'd still like for them to be friends. I don't work in the summer, so Jack gets alot of attention. When school starts, after a long weekend, or when we had spring or summer break, it seems like Jack gets a little lonely. He still gets out every day, but not as long.
I'm hoping Jack & Chino can talk to eachother and keep each other company.

10-29-2007, 06:31 PM
Sunshine has been the best thing for baby boo.
I realy had to think about getting her another partner after all she had been through.
To make a real long story short her bonded mate she had known since she was 2 weeks old died in an accident while i was on vacation, she was so so sad just sulking and calling for her partner, i am sure she missed me and to have that happen was extra hard for her.
1 week later i got another lovie from her breeder they grew up together but the new lovie would harrass her to no end and made things worse! And since the breeder had a little girl who wated my new lovie i gave it back.
Well i had seen a lovie in the store and kept him in mind incase things didnt work out he seemed so sweet and gentle.
Well i bought sunshine and took him home for 2 weeks and boo would bite his feet and basicly make trouble but sunshine must have fallen in love at first sight because no matter how boo harassed him he would go right back and call to her forever if i seperated them.
For 3 weeks boo was standoffish but persistance must have paid off because 4 months after they have been together they love each other to no end!
It makes me feel better knowing boo has someone to keep her company while i am at work besides animal planet:)

10-29-2007, 07:20 PM
I thought I was the only one who left Animal Planet on for my birds!! LOL :rofl:

10-29-2007, 07:22 PM
They really get excited when a program with birds is on!

10-29-2007, 08:37 PM
animal planet! i didn't think of that one.

10-29-2007, 09:14 PM
Sunshine and boos favorite shows are in oder,
1. meerkat manor
2. jeff corwin
3. americas funniest animals

weird birds lol

10-29-2007, 09:14 PM
When school starts, after a long weekend, or when we had spring or summer break, it seems like Jack gets a little lonely. He still gets out every day, but not as long.
I'm hoping Jack & Chino can talk to eachother and keep each other company.

Aw, well yes I want to make sure that they will be friends. I don't really want them bonded but it'd be nice when they are out if they could be civil to one another. I'm still juggling the idea around though. I want to make sure 100% that I can take care of both birds and I also want to find one that I really like. So I'm taking it slow. :)

I find that after a weekend or a break where I've spent tons of time with him, Sunset will cry to no end so thats my main reason for thinking about a friend (and also, I just wanna spoil another lovie rotten). Plus maybe it'll stop him from doing all of his amazing evasive maneuvers when I go to put him back in his cage, though it's unlikely...today he clamped onto the top of the cage door as I was putting him in and squiggled out of my grip and flew away the tricky little fluffball! :D

10-29-2007, 09:16 PM
Sunshine and boos favorite shows are in oder,
1. meerkat manor
2. jeff corwin
3. americas funniest animals

weird birds lol

The main floor cage is too big to fit in our living room with the tv. Our main floor is kind of like a big circle and we have a really bright room with big windows and a fish pond and thats where his cage is, he gets a pretty view of our back yard and can watch all the fishies in our indoor pond. But the TV is around the corner so he can't see it! I leave a radio on for him though hehe, he does seem to quiet down after it's been on for a bit and I'm out of sight.

10-29-2007, 09:26 PM
Hi Miyaki. I've always wanted more than one lovebird. Unfortunately for now the single one I have has been plucking so he'll be single for awhile. Overall I don't believe there's much way to predict the outcome of pairing them with the exception of male/female can = babies. My understanding is male/male is best suited to eliminate unwanted breeding and the possibility of dealing with a nesty hen occasionally. My opinion based on what others have experienced is as long as you've already established a relationship/bonding with Sunset the possibilty is fairly good that there will be some conjugation between you and him. I would think though that some bonding between Sunset and a new addition is necessary before they could share the same space, let alone a cage. And the latter would take plenty of supervision. Quarantine is also a must as well as much consideration in the event they don't share the same interests. :) ............Michael and Goofy

10-29-2007, 09:39 PM
I would think though that some bonding between Sunset and a new addition is necessary before they could share the same space, let alone a cage. And the latter would take plenty of supervision.

Of course. I meant in terms of mate bonding. But once again, I find myself drifitng away from the idea of getting two because I'm afraid Sunset will stop loving me so much, and that is a scary thought! I love him sooooo much. I don't want him to start ignoring me for another bird. I do, however, want another bird I can adore as much as Sunset. Kind of a dilemma hey?

10-29-2007, 10:21 PM
The initial idea of losing part or all of my bond with my lovebird did add a bit of a dilemma. At first this wasn't exactly easy to look forward to but after weighing what I felt was best for him the choice for an additional family member was worth it. There were other issues though. One of the biggest factors here was having time for two even though I had limited time for one, especially if they did not get along. Talk about a dilemma :roll: . Really, having only one Goofy bird is fine with me now, and I would not encourage others to add another should their present relationship prove healthy for both them and their companion. Especially for the companion. I understand your dilemma as having more birds is but only one wish I've had to put aside. Good luck with your decision..................Michael and Goofy

10-29-2007, 11:25 PM
As michael had mentioned i have also heard a male male pairing is best but another option is to get a partner who is half of another breed such as half peachfaced half ficher as they are sterile and you wont have to worry about eggs.
Good thing is they can mate etc bad thing is hormones lol

10-30-2007, 08:15 AM
Of course. I meant in terms of mate bonding. But once again, I find myself drifitng away from the idea of getting two because I'm afraid Sunset will stop loving me so much, and that is a scary thought! I love him sooooo much. I don't want him to start ignoring me for another bird. I do, however, want another bird I can adore as much as Sunset. Kind of a dilemma hey?

I think that is an old wives tale......that they loose their bond to their human when a buddy is added. As I type, Oliver is snuggled up under my bathrobe, just below my neck. He loves the company of Big Boi and Shy and will sometimes let me know he's ready to go back to the bird room to be with them but he is just as much a velcro birdie now as he was before I got them 2 1/2 years ago. In our situation, he is a much, much, much happier bird since I got him some company! :D Oliver had plenty of attention from the start since I am home several hours every day but he really likes his birdie buddies.

I'm not suggesting that you or anyone gets a second bird cause you just never know how it will work out but I don't think you'll loose your bond....not at all. :)

11-01-2007, 01:12 AM
I'm not suggesting that you or anyone gets a second bird cause you just never know how it will work out but I don't think you'll loose your bond....not at all. :)

Thats what I'm most worried about. I really do want to get a buddy for Sunset. He gets so loud if I'm not with him or I'm not in sight and I always feel so bad leaving him when I head to school with just the radio for company. So I'm keepig my eye out for a bird I like and hoping that with luck everything will work out.

11-01-2007, 07:46 AM
I wish we had stats on how often they DO or DON'T get along. My guess is that they usually do get along, at least to some degree. I never planned on or expected three to get along, I just wanted more lovies for *me* and in the process, found two great friends for Oliver. :)

11-01-2007, 09:13 AM
Well, I definately would like another wonderful lovie like Sunset for me as well, so maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be win-win! :D