View Full Version : Tamming?

10-30-2007, 10:22 AM
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to tame a bird that was once tame from hand feeding, but the previous owner stoped hadling it and it lost it's tameness. If I adopt this bird is it possible to retame s/he? I'm thinking that since they have been handled before maybe they will remember? I don't know what do you think. S/he is a peachface from opaline mother they said the bird carries the opaline gene. I guess that means they look more opaline than peach face? Tell me what you guy's think about all this.:confused:

10-30-2007, 10:26 AM
I do believe from reading many posts here on the forum, that it's quite possible. I mean, if you can tame a bird who WASN'T hand-fed, then surely you can tame one who was. However, it might take just as long, and you'll have to have patience and just go one step at a time. :)

If you do adopt, be sure to take lots of pics for us and show us the little one's progress! Even if he/she isn't hand-tamed immediately, I'm sure you'll love your birdy just as much. ^_^

10-30-2007, 11:48 AM
I do believe from reading many posts here on the forum, that it's quite possible. I mean, if you can tame a bird who WASN'T hand-fed, then surely you can tame one who was. However, it might take just as long, and you'll have to have patience and just go one step at a time. :)

If you do adopt, be sure to take lots of pics for us and show us the little one's progress! Even if he/she isn't hand-tamed immediately, I'm sure you'll love your birdy just as much. ^_^

I would agree with that! :)

11-03-2007, 05:02 AM
I agree
i got my baby from the Pet shop and they said she was hand tamed but was very wary of me for weeks and now she is permanently attached to me and chirps for me when I am not in the room.She loves to sit on my neck and chest and gives me kisses from her cage.SO cute!

Pips mom
11-03-2007, 01:10 PM
I have a similar situation with Pip. He was hand tamed at one point and hand fed baby, but does not like hands. The thing with Pip though----he doesn't seem to have a fear of hands----it's just kinda like a "I don't want to do it" thing! stinkers! Yeah, if we push him and chase him around putting a hand in front of him and trying to get him to step up----he will do it, like he knows this is what we want, so he does it, almost like he is thinking---I better just get this over with or they will keep on bugging me!

11-03-2007, 03:00 PM
We had to retame Celestino and it took some time but it was more than worth every minute. He's now a happy and loving bird.

If you chose to adopt this baby I wish you the best of luck!

11-03-2007, 04:02 PM
I agree with everyone else. If you do get this lovebird you have to make sure you are consistent and calm. Good luck!!!

11-03-2007, 04:08 PM
I am sure it is possible, anything is with time and patience.
Have you seen all the tricks lovebirds can do on youtube?
I dont know what boggles the mind more the tricks they can do or how the people find the time and have the patience to teach them! lol

11-03-2007, 09:37 PM
Hi Staceyb. I too feel the same as everyone else. One thing you may keep in mind is hens likely become territorial, making them a bit more ferocious than their male counterparts. Understanding nesting behavior should "he" be a "she" may help in the overall process of retaming. Also, I'm not quite up on the genetics too much yet, and without a view of the lovebird your refering to there's not much I can give you. For basics, green is the nominate colour for peachfaced lovebirds. The next being a hue close to blue. Even when birds are outwardly 'not' green or blue, but like the lutino yellow, they still fall under the green or blue mutation category. Really, a lovebirds external colour is not always indicative of the other genes it carries. Unless we get into sex-lined genes the male is the parent that carries the genes that will show up visually in the babies. When you say you guess they look more opaline than peachface, I'm not quite sure what type of information your looking for. One thing I do know, there's others here that might offer far more experience regarding opalines and the genetics surrounding them. If you could grab a pic or two that would be nice :D ..................Michael and Goofy