View Full Version : Peaches-regurgitate question

07-11-2005, 12:39 AM
Hi everyone,

Do your lovies try to regurgitate on you? When Peaches is perched on my finger, he starts the hack hack hack motions, so I try to distract him before he does it.....
Now, I can't even pet him through his cage...he'll start the hacking motions...

I know that regurgitating is a sign of affection, but he seems to be doing it ALOT more lately. (he does this with both me and my hubby)

Is there anything I can do to dissuade Peaches from this? :whistle:

Thanks, Lisa

07-11-2005, 12:49 AM
You lucky fidma you!!! peaches loves you. you could get him a girlfriend...perhaps he would decide to transfer that ultimate show of love to her...lol. Not sure how you can stop him though...he thinks he is giving you a great compliment!!


07-11-2005, 12:56 AM
well Lisa... I guess you could always try throwing up on him :rofl:


07-11-2005, 01:23 AM
We thought about getting him a lovie friend, but I don't think I have time to raise babies!! :D (even though I really want more lovies...and babies!)

I told Peaches that I eat my own food, but he doesn't listen! I guess he wants to share his millet with me :happy:

Do all lovies do this with their human parents?
Take care, Lisa

07-11-2005, 06:10 AM
if you know peaches is a boy...get him a boyfriend!! I have found that boy-boy introductions are much easier. no eggies either. you can try a girl and just not put in any shredding material or nest box...not sure how that will work, I have a pair a couple of years old and they never laid til they got a box now they dont want to stop.
You could also try a stuffy or fluffy toy ( any toy with lots of fluffy stringy stuff) but he already loves you so not sure if that will work either!!! and you need to watch they are not chewing it. My mango mates with his then throws up all over it, then eats it. Had to take it away due to bacteria concerns!!!
If all else fails, just remember, he could do it in your mouth, my friend had a lovie that would do that... :eek: yuck!!!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-11-2005, 06:16 AM
Or he could be regurgitating in your hair ... 5 minutes before you have to leave for work ... :x

07-11-2005, 08:57 AM

The only way I've found to get Bela not to gack on me is to use a loud jingle type toy to distract him with. It doesn't work all of the time, but if I do this just when he starts, it works most of them time.

Oh yeah, BTW, he does have a mate, but this is their way of "Showing the Love" While it kinda grosses us out, it also makes us feel special ;)

07-11-2005, 02:32 PM
Hi everyone,

Maybe we will get Peaches a male friend...he must get lonely when we are at work. I'll let ya know!! I just don't want him to ignore us if he bonds with the new lovie....

Lori, usually I put Peaches down when he starts to hack....maybe I'll carry around a little bell or toy to distract him...good idea.
Peaches come very close to doing the hack in my mouth....I think I scared him because I screamed...ahhhhhhhhh, noooooooooo :eek: and he flew away. I went to give him a kiss and he must have done a sneak hack, because I didn't see the neck movement.....luckily I have fast reflexes.. :rofl: so, my carpet got the love instead of my mouth!!!

Take care, Lisa

07-11-2005, 02:40 PM
wait until he does the swishy thing AND regurgitates! :rofl:

07-11-2005, 04:31 PM
:rofl: Elle!

wouldn't that be hilarious... well... as long as it was happening to someone else :lol

(love that new pic btw!)


07-11-2005, 05:22 PM
Swishy-swishy & regirgitation go hand in hand in my house. Molly LOVES his momma. Daisy does the clicky-clicky noise and squeaks at the same the same time. She fell off the sofa one day dancing around and clicking. :rofl: She's been trying to do the swishy-swishy with a kleenex, but can't figure it out. Doesn't quite know what she's suppose to do with it ;) . She will chase me down to get a keenex to chew.