View Full Version : in the cage?

11-04-2007, 07:00 PM
Has anyone successfully trained their lovie to go back into the cage without having to force them in and chase them for hours?
I use the old ignore her and play on the computer and she will fly down to the keyboard and try to get under my fingers.

11-04-2007, 07:47 PM
Well, I haven't. At first though he absolutely did not want to return to his cage. After a year or so he would gradually return on his own. After a bath was always a good time, as well as his bedtime too. It can be tough sometimes getting them back in there either from guilt or otherwise. Goofy always made it a point to make me go upstairs to get-em. Like a ritual, he wasn't very happy unless he made you climb those stairs. Then he would give kisses on the way back to his cage. Otherwise you got bites instead :rofl:..................Michael and Goofy

11-04-2007, 08:03 PM
Yes and no..lol. My previous pair did learn sometimes to go in cage when i said it was bed time. But not always. Often times we played "chase the birdy"


11-05-2007, 05:49 PM
Ditto always goes back in his cage easily. He'll be hanging out on my shoulder and all I have to do (usually) is walk over to his cage and tell him to "hop on in" and in he goes! :happy: Sometimes he's lazy and waits for me to put my finger up for him to step on and put him in front of his boing, then he hops right on.

Now it wasn't always like that. He used to run up my arm and hide in the middle of my back where I coudn't reach him but fortunately he hasn't done that in 3 years. Good thing too since he's now fully flighted and could play catch the birdy for hours like he used to do with his former owner. :rotfl

11-05-2007, 07:14 PM
We've found that once we have Tutti Frutti in hand, it's easiest to get him in backwards. He faces us and not the cage. Then we put him in, back first, pass him under a perch, and then raise the hand he's on so he's right in front of the perch. He usually steps right on.

(Did that make sense?)

11-05-2007, 10:21 PM
Makes perfect sense to me. The times when I "have to" put Goof back seem easier on him when I gently grab him and hold him facing up at me. Add a couple scritches and a few kissies on the way to his cage and no problem with crawling onto his perch. He is getting used to going back when told "its time to go back". Problem is when you step outside for a minute and come right back in, he seems to forget that he's already been out! ARRRGGG!.......OK Goofy OK....you can come back out.....but just for a few more minutes :roll: :) .............Guilty Michael and Goofy lovebird

Pips mom
11-06-2007, 09:34 PM
We play chase the birdie here too! BUT Pip knows when we play chase the birdie that it's time to go in the cage! Sometimes he will go right in and sometimes he won't, but when he won't, playing chase the birdie never lasts very long-----he really isn't that bad about going in most times, even though he hates going in his cage! This is the reason he hasn't been clipped again----as long as I don't have to go to work late saying I couldn't get my bird back in his cage-----then we're good!

11-07-2007, 12:53 AM
I usually find something Jack can't resist- like a piece of paper or the remote control, and start playing with it like it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. He naturally says "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine" and comes to claim it. Then I just scoop him up, and give him lots of kisses and return him to his cage.

11-07-2007, 04:33 AM
Caspian tried that a few times, until he figured out that I'll only chase him for about 20 seconds, then I'll come back with a sheet and throw it over him and bundle the whole thing back to his cage. Now he just does a token sidle away.

Akira, on the other hand, never ran away -she just pushes herself down flat against my hand and *whimpers* if I try to dump her onto the perch. Now she's happy to go back in if Caspian's already in there, but I'm big enough to admit I'm a sucker for that pathetic keening noise she makes.

Well, except when she was nesty. Then she'd just bite the whole way. :D

11-07-2007, 08:45 AM
I wish Luna would do this! She is a velcro birdy so I usually have to chase her all over my back, neck and shoulders. Unless of course it isn't bed time and she wants to go back in for food and water, then she tells me to take her.