View Full Version : im amazed and a bit concerned

11-04-2007, 08:51 PM
this is probably going to seem silly to you all but she amazed me and it was so interesting i had never seen this before :clap you see i was reading a little while ago that i should offer my momma nesting materials every so often so while going about cleaning out the cages tonight i offered her some paper by placeing it on the grate on the bottom of the cage and just a few minutes later i wouldnt even say 2 minutes i looked over and mama was on the bottom of the cage tearing hte paper in little strips and tucking them in her tail feathers which i knew she was going to do by reading other posts then she took them into her nesting box that was amazing and so interesting to watch and put a big smile on my face
now for my concern every time she has done this in the last 10 to 15 minutes when she would go into the nesting box most if not all of the paper strips would fall out and land back on the grate at the bottom of the cage is this something i should be concerned about?

11-05-2007, 06:53 AM
That's compeltely normal. As much and as well as they tuck that paper in their rump, they will loose the majority of it going back to the nest. No need to be concerned about that. :)

It's still faster than taking one strip at the time in their beak. :lol

11-06-2007, 12:00 AM
They do love to chew, and they also like wood shavings. You can buy big, cheap bags of it in the rodent section of pet stores. Get the aspen chips, not the cedar ones, and they will make a nice nest out of that too, and it has less chance of drying the eggies out.

Don't give too much paper when there is not a nestbox about, as this will send most lovies into a laying cycle when it is not desirable.