View Full Version : what to do about a christmas tree??

Pips mom
11-05-2007, 11:14 PM
With christmas coming-----what do you all do about a christmas tree? This is my first year with Pip, and I am sure if we put up the tree, he will be on it trying to chew it and worse yet, there are electrical lights on there with wires! yikes! I am almost afraid of putting one up this year, and wondered what you all do?? I only have the living room here for a tree and this is where the birds all stay----it's a huge room! but I'm afraid I may never be able to have a christmas tree again now :(
I do clip Pip, BUT he is still able to fly, he just has to work harder. Maybe a nice wing clip as soon as we put the tree up? tree stays up for about a month though and I have found that Pip's wing clips grow out in a month----all it takes is one flight feather on each wing and he's right back up on the curtain rods! :omg:

11-05-2007, 11:56 PM
Quite often birdies are afraid of the tree. Try to keep them away from it or put it in a corner of the room that they don't like as much.

A good warning that there are all sorts of things on the tree that can harm a lovie, so it is good practice to be safe and try to keep lovies completely away from the tree.

11-06-2007, 08:22 AM
I usually put mine up Thanksgiving weekend and my birds freak out over it. They stay away from it. I do have an artificial tree with lots of old world glass ornaments that can break easily. I think once a birdie has experienced the pricky needles of the tree, he will stay away.

11-06-2007, 08:30 AM
The Christmas tree may not be the problem but the pretty paper used to wrap the presents:lol
My birds never seemed interested in the tree. But the presents needs to be rewrapped bewtween two and four times before thelegitimate person gets to open them. :rofl:

11-06-2007, 08:32 AM
I do a "real" tree every year and have never had an issue. The tree is in my family room, right next to the bird room, but the birds are rarely in that room except for Oliver who always stays on my shoulder when he's out of the bird room. If my birds showed an interest in the tree, I'd be sure that they never got the chance to get near it.

11-06-2007, 09:31 AM
The Christmas tree may not be the problem but the pretty paper used to wrap the presents:lol
Given the opportunity, this would be Harley's downfall, too! I solved that one by just not putting presents out until shortly before midnight on Christmas eve!

As for the tree, itself, everyone (including the cat) views it from afar! What I thought was going to be a huge attraction is no big deal to anyone except me......... :whistle:

11-06-2007, 02:48 PM
so far, you've all had birds who stayed away. What if you had a bird that WASN'T afraid of it... if they chewed a needle, would it harm them?

11-06-2007, 03:12 PM
Well, if the tree is plastic and the lovie were to ingest it, it could be toxic, and if the tree is real, then I think some types of evergreens, if not all, are toxic too. I have to check up on that, but it does look dangerous either way. Then of course there's electric cables to be chewed on, and dangerous ornaments (glass, glitter, etc) like Michael said. All in all, it wouldn't be a good thing. I would say if your lovie shows interest in the tree, make sure he doesn't have access to it.

My own lovies fall in the category of Tree = Big scary monster :).


11-06-2007, 04:11 PM
so far, you've all had birds who stayed away. What if you had a bird that WASN'T afraid of it... if they chewed a needle, would it harm them?

Yes, real or artificial, you don't want your lovie in the Christmas tree. If the tree has lights, that's one more danger if a cord gets chewed on. As Gloria said, many real trees can be toxic to a bird if they chew on them. I think that I read that "sap" would be bad for them....or maybe my vet told me that.

Pips mom
11-06-2007, 06:45 PM
Ok, well thank you everybody----I guess chances are that the christmas tree might appear to be a big scarey monster to Pip----we'll give it a try and see! but something tells me that Pip will be interested in it----I could be wrong, but he sure is a nosey little thing! If it becomes a problem and he is interested in it, then I will just have to take it back down I guess. ---Pip is fast and I don't want to chance it if he shows interest in it.

11-08-2007, 01:15 PM
lol I have the answer to everyone's Tree Concerns!!

Make a popcorn tree!! One of my good friends here on the island has macaws and an assortment of lovebirds and in their bird room she has a large twig (Ill find out exactly what kind of tree it was from) and on it for her lovebirds she would tie some string around tonnes of pieces of popcorn, avicakes, fruit, veggies (and other edible munchies) and hung them from the branches then put the tree into her bird room and put some extra toys, bells etc... and let the birds loose :p
She said the tree was bare in 2 days and there was about 3 bags of popcorn on that thing too hahahah!!!

This will be my first Christmas with my two and I'll be making a mini popcorn tree when I have my time off this year!!
To avoid having your birds get on your tree... during this time of the year when the decorations are put up, move the birds to a different room if possible. :p AND if your birds can access the tree by flying ;) maybe it's time to clip their wings haha

Pips mom
12-25-2007, 12:14 AM
Well, what I ended up doing is going out and getting a bit smaller of an artificial tree-----the one we have is kind of big and pain to put up if we end up having to take it back down because of Pip. I put up the smaller tree on a table and it is pre-lit with lights-----put on some garland and some ornaments and then the test------what will Pip think of this tree?? Depending on his reaction will determine if we put up the big one next year. I can't believe it, but Pip is actually leaving the tree alone! He pretty much ingnores it! I saw him looking over at it when I first let him out after I put it up, but after that, he has been acting like it isn't even there! I will give it time to see if he starts getting curious, and how long he goes without showing interest in it. It's real easy to take right down in a short time if he starts getting too interested, but so far so good! I would have bet money too that he would be checking it out and getting into it too!

02-21-2008, 02:45 PM
I found what my lovie is scared of is TINSEL...thats why they dont go near the tree.I hung some around the windows and she usually flys there to look out but when the tinsel was there she kept her distance from it.:rofl:

02-21-2008, 04:30 PM
Its really a good thing that your bird fears tinsel. Tinsel is made of coated plastics that can be very harful to birds. Even deadly. Usually this and other various holiday decorations should be kept clear of our avian friends and family as they often attract their attention instead.