View Full Version : laptop keyboard

11-06-2007, 02:13 PM
Questions regarding Tutti Frutti on my laptop keyboard:

Could it be bad for him?
Could it be bad for my computer?

Obviously it's bad for efficient typing. :roll:

11-06-2007, 02:28 PM
hahaha Gotta love the keyboard birdies

I wouldn't be worried about having him on there unless you have softer keys that he can tear bits off of and injest. Doesn't matter if hes on top, beside, underneath or IN... he's fine as long as he can't pull pieces off to eat
The only thing I'd be concerned about is your lap top itself ;) Skittles is a keyboard destroyer and has pulled keys off of mine many a time and has also pooped in between them frying one of my shift keys :p

11-06-2007, 02:29 PM
could be bad for the computer if he goes toilet between the keys? lol...

sounds good fun mind... what where there first words?

and when can we expect the first novel?

11-06-2007, 02:33 PM
I did let him walk around to see if any letters would come up... :whistle:

11-06-2007, 03:25 PM
Not only are keyboards evil but the mouse can be as well. George found the mouse was actually another of his humping targets! I think it has to do with all the clicking noise it made.
Keyboards make a tapping noise that needs to be destroyed. :lol The worst part of the attch of the keyboard, is when your fingers are typing and they go for them. All fun and games 'til someone loses a finger. ;)

11-06-2007, 03:43 PM
George found the mouse was actually another of his humping targets! I think it has to do with all the clicking noise it made.

Yup, Sunset tries to hump my mouse all the time, he really starts to notice it when I click alot, guess that sound gets him frisky lolz.

He also enjoys running all over my keybaord. He has an entire empty desk to frolick on and yet only runs around on my keyboard. What a silly birdie.

11-06-2007, 04:13 PM
Gosh poeple!.....Goof did already wreck one laptop by prying up most of the keypads. He then proceded to damage the key holders too, which was very successful. Thankfully we use low voltage power sources to feed our laptops because I know the cords were next. All this in a matter of 5-6 minutes with me nearby not watching him like I should have. His interest level in damaging the computer was later found to be in direct relation to my own attention deficit towards him. Running around the keyboard biting and chasing my fingers was his way of telling me how jealous he was about the attention I gave Sony and not him. Needless to say we've found our happy medium. At least I think we did. Lets just say everythings done single handedly. I really no longer let him at the keyboard for fear of germs, crud or a piece of something underneath may cause him harm. I think computers can get mighty jealous also if you don't keep an eye on them too 8o ................Michael and Goofy

11-06-2007, 06:15 PM
Gosh poeple!.....Goof did already wreck one laptop by prying up most of the keypads. He then proceded to damage the key holders too, which was very successful. Thankfully we use low voltage power sources to feed our laptops because I know the cords were next. All this in a matter of 5-6 minutes with me nearby not watching him like I should have. His interest level in damaging the computer was later found to be in direct relation to my own attention deficit towards him. Running around the keyboard biting and chasing my fingers was his way of telling me how jealous he was about the attention I gave Sony and not him. Needless to say we've found our happy medium. At least I think we did. Lets just say everythings done single handedly. I really no longer let him at the keyboard for fear of germs, crud or a piece of something underneath may cause him harm. I think computers can get mighty jealous also if you don't keep an eye on them too 8o ................Michael and Goofy

When Ditto decides I've been on the computer long enough (and he's tired of sitting/sleeping perched on my left thumb) he'll fly on top of my monitor and look at me. Then he flies to the living room and stands on the couch screeching at me to get in there so we can watch tv. If I don't come in he'll fly back over to my monitor and stand on it glaring at me and give a few angry chirps. This will get progressively louder until I give in and flop on the couch and turn on a hockey game or Meerkat manor! :rofl:

That's much better than bloody fingers. :lol

11-06-2007, 06:33 PM
Yes, in addition to poop between the keys, I did worry about dripping blood from my typing fingers...

11-06-2007, 06:36 PM
Jack has sure had his periods of being a little biter. However, he's been SO awesome lately and hasn't bit at all, EXCEPT when I'm typing...
Omg- he has never lunged at me like he does lately when I'm typing. The first time it happened I was stunned! He'll launch himself off the top of the desk to where my hands are and try to destroy them. Owww!
He didn't used to do this, but now he can't be with me while I'm on the computer. :(

11-06-2007, 06:47 PM
Thank heavens our lovies don't complain about relaxing on the couch too much. Imagine what we'd have to do then! :D .............Michael and Goofy

11-06-2007, 07:26 PM
Lol i have replaced 2 keyboards due to poopage but lovies and poo go hand in hand lol

Buy A Paper Doll
11-06-2007, 09:50 PM
George found the mouse was actually another of his humping targets! I think it has to do with all the clicking noise it made.

My Milo has the hots for the mouse as well. Yesterday, he gave it his very best seduction routine in the form of the foot shuffling clicky clicky dance complete with face scratching. Alas, the mouse was not impressed by his efforts. He humped it anyway.

Tutti's other mommy
11-09-2007, 12:53 PM
You know, if you get a new keyboard, you dont need to throw away the old one.

You could take the old one and start "typing" :nyah:

11-09-2007, 02:02 PM
I bought one of those clear vinyl covers that fit the keys for my keyboard. They have never been able to chew through it. Helps with the poop issue too :)

11-10-2007, 08:55 PM
Questions regarding Tutti Frutti on my laptop keyboard:

Could it be bad for him? YES

Watch this

Laptop Radio Frequency Radiation Test VIdeo:

Laptop Electro Magnetic Fields Test Video:


11-13-2007, 05:58 PM
Aside from the things everyone else mentioned...do be careful because Estrella has got his foot stuck between keys on more than one occasion..
I really don't think it hurts but he goes crazy and screams uncontrollably! He always seems to step about the time I am typing a key and gets a toe stuck..so be careful!! He is officially banned from my keyboards!!
~BTW I do not have this problem on laptop's just a regular keyboard, but you never know!

11-13-2007, 06:08 PM
good advice christian. i never thot of that? the first time peaches would sit on my fingers while i typed (which was cute) BUT then she wanted to be on the keys and my red navigator button became her obsession. i mean she can whip that off in a new york minute! lol...so she is in her cage now while the laptop is out.