View Full Version : Petfinder

11-06-2007, 07:58 PM
Has anyone else ever searched petfinder.com to see what animals they've got for adoption. Out of curiosity I searched for Lovebirds awhile ago and was amazed at the numbers out there needing adoption.

11-07-2007, 05:33 AM
I go to petfinder often just to look. I got a pair of lovebirds from there and I loved them very much. Whenever I see someone wanting a pet I tell them to please go there.


11-07-2007, 08:42 AM
I hate going to sites like that because I can't take them all home with me.:very_sad: For some reason, though, I still do it :D. It's a love/hate relationship kinda thing. (No, I am not mentally ill :D)

11-07-2007, 09:43 AM
Sites like that are my motivation not to breed. I simply don't want to be part of the problem, no matter how cute little birdie aliens are.

11-08-2007, 03:55 PM
I went to one once and almost cried :very_sad: I can't stand the fact that there are so many many lovies out there needing good homes and that there are so few people willing to keep their babies. I mean, really, I love my 2 so much and would never ever let them go, it would break my heart!

I'll be moving out next year (right after I've taken a 6-week study tour to Germany (literally the other side of the world:( )) and I will NOT move into a place that won't allow my fids! I've actually been considering renting a place at the breeder I got Luna from, but that remains to be seen...

I'm currently at a bit of a loss as to where I could keep my babies, there seems to be no one. A few weeks ago my fiancé's mom promised she'd look after them but, as most of you know, we're not together anymore and I feel awkward asking her again, even though she's the only person I'd leave my babies with. I have no idea what to do... :confused:

But anyway, those sites (and, lately, petshops) really get me depressed, because I know there's no way that I can take home every fid that I see... :very_sad:

11-08-2007, 04:30 PM
Sites like that are my motivation not to breed. I simply don't want to be part of the problem, no matter how cute little birdie aliens are.

Elle, I'm with you. I would not dream of breeding a dog, cat or bird. Best left to serious breeders who don't over-breed and know how to place baby birds when they're ready to go.

I've never gone to Petfinder but only because it would break my heart. I'm not looking for another bird and therefore, just can't look. BUT, I think it is a wonderful idea for anyone looking to adopt. So many birds need homes....so many desperately need homes. :cry: