View Full Version : Flapping wings

11-07-2007, 08:54 AM
Last night I was sitting on the couch and Luna was running up and down the side of the couch. Okay, I know I am going to get a lecture for doing this, but since she is a velcro birdie and doesn't fly unless trying to get to me I allow Milo (my little poodle) to be out when she is out. So anyhoo, Milo was in the floor and Luna kept going to the arm of the couch looking at Milo and flapping her wings and then looking at me and flapping her wings. Usually this means that she wants to go to whatever it is she is flapping at (very cute), but she just kept doing it. Was she warning him or something? Does anybody else's birdie do this or do you think she just wanted to go to him(not that I would let her)? Maybe it didn't mean anything, but it was very funny. :)

11-07-2007, 10:00 AM
I can't speak for Luna, but a few times when I've had Fenway in front of a mirror, she stands tall and flaps her wings, making loud chirps at her reflection. My personal impression is that she is warning the mirror image and protecting me...

I would watch her very closely around Milo....it sounds like its aggressive behavior to me. Just my :2cents:

11-07-2007, 10:03 AM
I can't speak for Luna, but a few times when I've had Fenway in front of a mirror, she stands tall and flaps her wings, making loud chirps at her reflection. My personal impression is that she is warning the mirror image and protecting me...

I would watch her very closely around Milo....it sounds like its aggressive behavior to me. Just my :2cents:

Okay, that is what I was afraid of. I definitely don't want anything to happen. I may just have to start giving them separate time out, which is hard because I work all day...

Oh, and now that I think about it she did let out a loud chirp a couple of times. The one she usually uses when she wants me to come back into the room and let her out of her cage.

11-07-2007, 11:54 AM
When mine do this I take it as a warning - "I don't like this". My Piper does this more than the rest of the flock. :)

11-07-2007, 12:16 PM
Ya know not to add more to the story, but Jackie's comment triggered this thought, I was playing fetch with Milo at the time. Maybe she felt threatened by the white stuffed monkey that was flying through the air! To think of it now, she stopped when we stopped playing... DUH!! You would think there was nothing but air between these ears!! :D

11-07-2007, 12:36 PM
maybe she was jealous that you were paying attention to Milo and not HER....Baby flaps alot when she's trying to get my attention, and if I go pick her up she jumps up on my shoulder and starts to vibrate. Baby's not happy unless she is the center of attention:rofl:

11-07-2007, 12:57 PM
I actually make it a point to give my dog a lot of attention in front of Fenway so that she knows that she isn't the only one getting it.

It probably makes no difference in the bird's mind but I feel like if I do that she won't be jealous and will just accept the fact that the black furry creature gets my attention too.:roll:

11-07-2007, 12:57 PM
Usually when Luna thinks I am not giving her enough attention she comes over to my face and starts nibbling :omg: on anything and everything that she can get ahold of! It definitely gets my attention!:rotfl

11-07-2007, 02:43 PM
You know Becky, I would take it as a warning also. Your Luna's reaction to Milo can mean many things. From wanting to go to Milo and explore, to warning you of Milo's presence with thoughts of defending you and herself. Because Luna's decision to go for it can happen in an instant, either way can end in a fatality. Regardless of how laid back a dog is, big or small they will protect themselves by nature should they be bitten by a bird. Therefore, great care must be taken at all times should there be any risk of interaction, period. And yes, that just may mean separate time outs.......:) .........Michael and Goofy lovebird