View Full Version : more birdie news

11-08-2007, 06:43 PM
just found out some more news on the birds this evening i found out that the breeding pair is a little over two years old and that they have had 3 clutches before this one the first was a cluch of four 3 survived one was attacked by a cat the next one was a cluch of 13 not one hatched the last was a cluc of four they all survived one was sold to a bet store i have the other three and now this one that is still one baby 3 eggs no idea wat happened to the 5th egg

also found out that they where kept in a living room when the women who owned them before i did spent 99% of her time in the bedroom so they did not have much human contact

i asked about chcking on the eggs and i was told the momma bird would not let her near the cage at all and she even had a hard time giving them food and water because of it but her son who is my age would occasionally come over and take care of them and check on the eggs but it wasnt often at all he said he had no problam at all with the momma bird "she just didnt like mom at all " is what he told me

he also told me that they eggs have to be about 3 weeks to a month old now this we already knew since we have one baby that hatched almost a week ago now

he siad that the younger girl has always been a daddy birds girl and has always wanted his attention she still will not come to the front of the cage when i talk to her but the daddy bird is coming around he will come right up to the front of the cage as close as he can to me and listen tilts his head and peeps at me quietly when i talk to him

as for the momma bird i think she is going to be a challange as she doesnt seem to like females much at all but im up for a challange hopefully one day she will realise that i am not going to hurt her and i only want to love her take care of her and be her friend
the daddy bird is doing a great job again feeding and takeing care of momma again since i listened to MJ and moved his noisy little girl awaay from his sight it really is amazing watching them together

11-08-2007, 06:56 PM
Congratulations on finding more information on your lovies!!!
It is always so nice to find out more about where your babies once were!

Don't get discouraged with your female not liking females :p Kirby was sold to me with the warning of: He doesn't really like females! He definitely likes women and is a ham around them for attention.
Where there's a will.. there's a way!!!

It is also probably a relief for you knowing that your lovies have had experience before with babies! So you know that they are comfortable with their egg laying enough to have babies during such a stressful transition between homes!
I think you really lucked out! Congratulations again :)

11-08-2007, 07:13 PM
Since they are about 2 years old and have already had 3-4 clutches of chicks; they will need and probably want a nice long rest from breeding after this last clutch is done.

Once they have time to settle into their new surroundings after the chick(s) are weaned, you might be very surprised that they might be a lot more friendlier than you might think, or were told. ;)

11-08-2007, 08:59 PM
I agree with MJ, the male has become so much nicer to the point of taking food out of my hands. The female on the other well she BITES, but that is expected. The nice part in all this is mine live in a "flock" total of 5 birds in the one cage (It's a huge corner parrot cage). Monster (the male) is like the ring leader, so now that he has become more friendly the rest are following suit. Noticing this nesting time is great to bond better with the birds. They need you and you need them! All of the bird were sold to me as breeders, not hand fed and not hand tame. My other PF, that was part of the original pair with Monster, my 2 yr old daughter was able to hold today with no blood nor biting. So, I now have proof any lovebird with time and understanding can become a friendly bird. All it takes is time and love, they become your little buddies!
Tae and Flock!

11-09-2007, 06:30 AM
thanks everyone i do plan on makeing sure they get a nice rest once this chick is ready to go out of the nest box
i really am hopeing that i am able to at least get her to trust me so that i dont upset her everytime i get near her cage last night i did get her to come to the front of the cage withough trying to rip off my fingers but she crouched against the cage i think she was trying to warn me not to open it more then anything but i continued to talk to her in a low voice
when the time comes all i have to do is take out the nesting box and the paper so she doesnt get into the nesting mode again right ?
i live in the northern US where the winter is long we have already had snow here soi was thinking i would give them till the spring march or april is that long enough or should they have a longer break?