View Full Version : feeding problames

11-09-2007, 07:54 AM
as everyone knows already i reciently got 5 love birds and started changeing thier food from just seeds to the 16 bean frozen veggie kelp etc mixture i change that a few times a day and still offer them the cockatiel seeds but only now when i put the seeds in the two male babies go over to the seed bowl and throw the seeds everywhere instead of eating them they seem to really like the fresh cooked mixture
are they doing this because they dont want the seeds at all or for a differant reason?

11-09-2007, 08:13 AM
My first reaction is that I don't know one bird who doesn't like it's seeds. But nothing is impossible in this world :)
It's hard to say why they are doing it. I know my birds throw their food bowls if they are not secured properly. I am not sure if it's just for the fun of it or not. You could try securing the dish as to prevent them from throwing it around and watch if they eat the seeds like that. That would be an indication if they still like their seeds or not. If they are eating their warm miscture well, you can offer a second dish with seeds at the same time.

I'm sure someone else could give us another idea/ opinion too :)

11-09-2007, 09:12 AM
the dishes are secured on the cage its the seeds they throw all around from the dish they have three cups in thier cage one with water one with the fresh mixture and the other the seeds but its jsut the seeds they throw and make a horrable mess with lol perhaps your right they are doing it for the fun of it

11-09-2007, 10:03 AM
my birds do that too.......after observing them for a quite a while I have come to believe that they either do it for fun or they do it when they are not able to find that one seed that they really like or just want it! they always like to throw some and eat some.....but they still seem to like their seeds.

11-09-2007, 12:04 PM
It sounds like they are foraging and having a bit of fun at your expense of having to clean up. :)
If they are enjoying the fresh mixture, keep offering and trying some other new things.

11-09-2007, 03:35 PM
All birdies forage..this is natural and shouldn't be discouraged. Just keep a small amount of seed in the dish, rather than filling it up. Since they scatter the majority of it, try to keep the waste factor down :)

11-09-2007, 04:18 PM
My babies do that sometimes when they are in thier cage, they throw thier food all over then hunt down and eat whatever they threw lol
Fun for them no so much for daddy or the vaccume cleaner lol

11-09-2007, 07:59 PM
Yeah well Goofy likes the moist or wet foods now too and has crossed the threshold of liking them as much as his seeds. Problem is, he's NEVER flung any seeds around that you can vacuum right up. Nooooo! What does he like to fling around? Whatever is the wettest and the stickiest :rotfl ! Good thing I wear glasses 8o .................Goofy and Michael

11-12-2007, 07:44 AM
lol well im glad mine dont throw the we stuff at least not yet anyways :rotfl