View Full Version : Pidgeon Toed

11-09-2007, 09:27 AM
Ok...last night I was playing with Fenway, and she was walking around on my body as usual. :rolleyes:

The thing is, I noticed that both of her feet sort of point inward, and sometimes she trips herself-she doesn't fall on her face or chest, just sort of stumbles occassionally. :whistle:

Is this OK? Does anyone else's bird have feet that do that, or should I be at all concerned about this? :confused:

11-09-2007, 09:37 AM
I have two birds who "waddle" when they walk and I've seen Molly walk & sit pidgeon-toed. Unless it looks like a defomity, I wouldn't think it's too much of a concern. If you are worried, then I'd take my lovie to the vet for them to check it out. :)

11-09-2007, 09:49 AM
All three of mine are pigeon-toed! :D It's rare that I notice it because they aren't walking on the floor often but just the other night, all three flew straight to the kitchen floor looking for crumbs (I guess) and I said to my hubby, look at them walk, they're all pigeon-toed! :lol And yes, they all waddle when they walk. :D Their feet look fine to me and the vets have never commented on them.....I assumed all lovies were kind of pigeon-toed. :confused:

11-09-2007, 12:23 PM
.....I assumed all lovies were kind of pigeon-toed. :confused:

actually - i also thought the same thing. kiwi is pidgeon toed as well, waddles when he walks - i just thought that was normal for lovies!!

11-09-2007, 03:33 PM
My lovies and my GCC are all pigeon toed...so I guess its' a bird thing??


11-10-2007, 06:17 PM
Hehe, yep, pigeon-toed, a bird thing!
Funnily enough though, Luna is much moe pigeon-toed than Bekkie, I even forgot about lovies being like this until Luna came...
But anyway, I love it when they walk, it's too cute for words! :lol