View Full Version : about to take the plunge...i think?

11-17-2007, 12:51 PM
hi everyone,

well, today may be the day. last weekend i went to bp and fell in love with a little male wbc! he's 5 mos old and a real sweetie! i have been thinking about this for about a month now. i presently have a sweet lovebird named peaches(a year old). one of my biggest concerns was time i'd have to spend with the fella as well as with peaches.
but after doing ooodddles of reading i believe it's do able. i called this morning and they said he was still there...that was 6 hours ago. i won't be able to go for another few hours, but if he was sold they also had a female. if not, i'll wait for them to get more in. i'm so excited...but a little nervous. i've read most caiques don't take to other birds so well, so i'll definetly monitor them both. i would eventually like to have the in the same room so they can keep each other company..any thots or advice would be appreciated. thanks!

11-17-2007, 02:12 PM
How exciting! :D I've seen a few and they sure are cute little clowns, one of the most playful parrots.

Like you, I've read they don't get along very well with other birds, including another caiques. I was reading though an older issue of BirdTalk this week and they were listed as one of the three birds (species) least likely to get along with other species. But, as you said, they can still keep each other company in the same room after quarantine. And you'll make time for both! :D

Keep us posted and good luck! :)

11-17-2007, 04:49 PM
Ooohhh, yayyyy! :clap
That was the bird I was looking for when I fell in love with Chino. Now that I have him (and Jack), I'll have to wait 15-20 yrs before getting one. They require so much more attention, and, as you said, they don't like other birds. I'd want to be the best caique Mom, ever, so I won't get one while I have 2 other birds.
That's ok, though, I wouldn't trade Chino for the world! You can't help who you fall in love with!:blush:
I hope your little male is still there!!!

11-17-2007, 05:42 PM
thanks guys! he was. and i bought him but couldn't bring him home until tomorrow cause i need to buy a cage. believe me i've done my homework on these guys...just like i did after i got peaches (she was a gift). right now i definetly feel 2 birds are my limit..but time does have a way of changing things...lol. as wonderful as it was to visit my new baby today, it felt just as wonderful when i came home to peaches and she was so happy to see me.
i will love them both. it's just like my two human kids. you can't love one more than the other in mommy's eyes.

11-17-2007, 05:55 PM
yeh you say that but when your bakeing bread and the kids go "oh its for the birds again" hard to say you dont play favorites! lol

11-17-2007, 08:32 PM
yeah, i know, when i came home from the bp today, my 24 yr. old daughter asked "how much did he cost?" before i answered she said "never mind, i don't want to know"...lol

11-20-2007, 06:54 PM
A lot of the information out there (internet, parrot publications, etc.) about caiques is dated and so much of it is changing as they grow in popularity as companion parrots.

They can and will get along with other caiques but as with any parrot, I think it's best to allow each parrot his or her own living quarters and allow for highly supervised playtime. I've also known of caiques that get along quite well with other parrot species from around the world but again: careful supervision is key.

Caiques are amazing parrots. I love their high energy and little bunny hops :)

11-20-2007, 07:39 PM
yes, i will be extremely careful. i do know someone who has a caique and a conure and they stay in the same cage together! they adore each other.
and i've seen videos of a caique and lovebird preening each other and regular buds! but of course this is absolutely no guarantee that peaches and bailey will want anything to do with each other. and that's okay, if they don't get along i just won't let them out together. i would never leave them unsupervised. i won't be able to introduce them until next month anyway.
right now they just call to each other from one end of the house to the other.

11-20-2007, 09:47 PM
Where are you getting your caique? You mentioned "the bp" and I wasn't sure if you meant British Petroleum or Bird Paradise ;)

11-21-2007, 12:53 AM
If she had gotten it at BP, I'll bet the gas would be "CHEEPer" :rofl:

11-21-2007, 07:51 AM
i got bailey at bird paradise. the gas was cheaper, but caiques aren't cheap...lol. but they're worth it!

11-21-2007, 09:19 AM
If she had gotten it at BP, I'll bet the gas would be "CHEEPer" :rofl:

LOL!!:rofl: :rotfl :lol

11-21-2007, 02:03 PM
i got bailey at bird paradise. the gas was cheaper, but caiques aren't cheap...lol. but they're worth it!

I LOVE BP... I've gotten to be friendly w/ one of the partners and she is a DOLL. I still visit from time to time since Beetle passed when I need a birdie-fix.