View Full Version : Staph infection

11-18-2007, 12:16 PM
So with all of the staph infection going around, I was curious...
Can lovies get staph, and if so can we transmit it to them, or vice versa??

Buy A Paper Doll
11-18-2007, 12:26 PM
Yes, lovebirds can get a staph infection. My Milo has had both MRSA (the particularly nasty type that does not respond to normal antibiotics) and a garden variety one. In both cases, he recovered just fine under the careful supervision of a good avian vet.

As to whether staph can be passed from humans to birds and vice versa, I am not 100% sure.

11-18-2007, 12:47 PM
Boy, I hope not, but what about contact with surfaces???
My dog Shenzi has allergies in spring and fall. When she lies in the grass, she gets a rash on her belly. She itches, so she licks at her belly. A month or so ago, she developed a staph infection from licking before we noticed the rash. She's got long hair. Out came the anibiotics and anithistamines in a hurry!
I am in the practice of washing my hands before handling the birds, anyway, but what if Jack lands on someplace the dog has lain? It's not like I can bleach my furniture, carpets, or bed linens. Can't even spray lysol on it.
The dog isn't allowed on any couches or chairs, but she does nap on my bed, and could easily have rubbed against the couches while walking past them.
Should I be really worried now?

11-18-2007, 02:51 PM
How do you know if your lovie has staph? Are there any signs and symptoms? I know all of the symptoms for a human, (I am a public health major) but I do not know what they would be for a lovebird.
Anyways, I am concerned because, he bit me last week on my middle finger along the line that ends the first joint..and although it only broke the skin, about 3-4 days later it developed a knot, and is painful to the touch...

Fast forward a few days..and I went to the health clinic and although they can't tell me whether or not it is staph, they gave me Erythromicin, to take 3 times a day for 10 days... I keep it covered 24/7 and I really need to know if it is staph, if I can give it to Estrella.

BTW, I have a friend who had staph on her thumb, and we wound up rooming together in Franklin, on a school trip...:omg:

11-18-2007, 03:51 PM
I think the general mode of transmission indicated for human to human contact can also be applied in birds to human contact and vice versa. So really under certain conditions you could say yes, it can be passed back and forth through various circumstances. Staphylococcus aureus is usually the main culprit, but keep in mind there are various other staph bacteria that can infect the digestive system as well through contaminated food sources. Here's a link that gives some information regarding staph infections. http://www.healthgene.com/vet/d365.asp ............Michael and Goofy

11-18-2007, 05:08 PM
i had MRSA last summer and got it on my leg just after i got kahlua. i had no idea that it could have been passed onto my bird but thankfully i went to the doctor and he gave medicine that helped it. i think as long as you keep it covered at all times and well cleaned it should be ok. if you do have staff infection i have to warn you though that it is quite painful. i have a nice scar on my leg from it...ouch

11-18-2007, 08:32 PM
Well, I hope that its not staph, I really don't think it is, but like I said they couldn't tell me...there was no puss, or drainage so they couldn't take a culture :x

I think its just an infected cut...let's hope so!

11-20-2007, 06:47 PM

I hope that your wound is healing quickly :)

I used to have African pygmy hedgehogs. From time to time any hedgehog owner, novice or experience, is going to get pricked. I had two tiny pricks go from itty-bitty marks to HUGE welts that looked like I had flesh eating bacteria. My DO had me on an antibiotic with no improvement and then a steriod, which made the welts bigger. Ended up going to a dermatologist and I had a variant form of ringworm. Once properly diagnosed (skin scraping) and medicated, the wounds healed up in no time.

You may want to try to visit w/ a derm who has experience in wound care as a precaution...

11-27-2007, 03:58 PM
Can lovies get ringworm? My son may have it on his scalp. We're going to the dermatologist; earliest appt. was Thursday...

11-27-2007, 05:14 PM
Can lovies get ringworm? My son may have it on his scalp. We're going to the dermatologist; earliest appt. was Thursday...

I have no earthly idea but I'll bet your avian vet would. My son, now 25, had ringworm when he was in the second grade. I was told then that the only way to cure it properly is use the medication and keep the spot covered until it's gone. I will add that I would definitely keep your lovie off his head till its cleared up even if it's not contagious to birds.