View Full Version : Housework with a lovie

11-19-2007, 10:00 AM
Has anyone figured out a good way to do housework with a lovie? I'm about to load the dishwasher and Tutti is chirping away. I'd love to have him on my shoulder but am concerned he'd hop/fall in.

Needless to say, I am NOT optimistic, because this morning:
my daughter and I were baking a cake for my son's birthday party. Tutti was perched calmy on her shoulder. For some unknown reason, she lifted him off her shoulder and swept her hand past the bowl of flour, cocoa and leaveners. Poop! Right into the bowl. :omg:

11-19-2007, 10:09 AM
I never do any cooking/baking with my lovebirds in the kitchen. The same for housework. There are too many dangers and it's just not worth the risk of losing any of my babies :2cents:

11-19-2007, 10:13 AM
Jack loves to ride along on my shoulder when I vacuum, "help" me fold the clothes, and REALLY likes when I'm unloading the dishwasher. That's when the cabinets are open and he explores and laughs while he's doing it. I can't help wondering if he's laughing 'cuz he's leaving me little gifts in the higher shelves I can't see into! :happy:
The only time he can't come with me is when I'm using any kind of cleaner, or when I'm doing anything with the tub, toilet, or any deep water.
I don't let him in the kitchen while I'm cooking, though. Too much chance of poop, fluttering wings making messes, or a hot pan. With my oven, even if there's nothing cooking on the burners, the heat rising from the inside oven is still too hot if he should land there. There's some kind of vent or something under one of the back burners.

11-19-2007, 10:18 AM
Right, Jackie, I never do anything with an oven or skillet for obvious reasons. It seemed not unreasonable to mix dry goods by hand for a cake, until we got an early birthday present in the batter. Am I off on this?

I was kind of worried about the dishwasher. Seems like unsafe cave exploration or something.

11-19-2007, 10:22 AM
You're right- never IN the dishwasher.

11-19-2007, 10:36 AM
What you can or can't do with a lovie on your shoulder.....depends on that particular lovie! :D I can do any kind of counter preparation, load and unload the dishwasher, do dishes by hand, add laundry to the washer or dryer, etc. with OLIVER on my shoulder but he is a shoulder bird and not curious about much of anything. When he's on my shoulder, he stays firmly put. Big Boi and Shy do not and therefore, I keep them far, far away from anything on the stove. They might stay on my shoulder while I'm loading or unloading the dishwasher, but not for long. They usually fly back to their bird room (right off the kitchen) or settle on their favorite kitchen perch, near the dining table, and watch me.

I will never forget hearing a story about a members bird who went missing....she had opened the refrigerator while her bird was on her shoulder. After looking for him for a few minutes, she FOUND him, in the refrigerator! :omg: :omg: :omg: He was FINE and was only in there for a couple of minutes but I've never forgotten that story and always count my birds before I close the frig! :whistle:

11-19-2007, 11:39 AM
:rofl: I am laughing at the frig comment, but only because he was okay.

Luna is a shoulder birdie too. She stays put and even when I sit her down somewhere she runs towards me and jumps on. So I too can do most things with her on my shoulder. Of course there are things that are too dangerous so I leave her in her cage while I am doing those.

I haven't cooked with her on my shoulder, mostly because it seems a little unsanitary (Sorry:whistle: ). I have a thing about food and animals... I try to keep them separate. I don't really like to eat with Luna around either. Nothing against those of you that do eat with their lovies, I just can't do it.

11-19-2007, 12:25 PM
Didn't mean to be a pessimist, but there are so many dangers in the kitchen. The biggest one I've run into is two of my lovies have fallen behind the refrigerator :eek: Olivia has done it twice and Daise once. I bought a piece of flat crown molding trim and the hardware store cut it the length I needed. Works great for "plugging" up the space on top of the refrigerator & the cabinets above. Now, as far as the dishwaher goes, mine like to play on the top shelf when I pull it out - but I let them play ONLY if it's empty. They have 3 cabinets and two drawers they are allowed to play in so there's plenty of fun & games for them. They are nosy little featherbutts :lol

11-19-2007, 01:16 PM
My GCC's don't like housework, come to think of it I don't either;) My lovies however do love it. They love to "help" unload the dishwasher, anything that makes clanging noise, they love it. They don't however "love" the feather duster, that is the BIG SCARY MONSTER as far as they are concerned:rofl:

I have to say, my most laid back birds are the tiels. They could care less what you do with them. The only thing I get from them is this cute little sideways look, and their plumes stand straight up if you make a sudden, loud noise. I think it's just too cute, so I make noise allot:lol

I do not cook with them though. Poop is not a garnish my hubby would approve of, but on a serious not, we have heard horror stories of birds in the kitchen. If the stove or oven is in use, the birdies are in their cages.

One other danger is one I heard of, but never thought of until I read about someone loosing their bird by drowning in a glass of water. So standing water is also something to think of in the kitchen.

So many dangers to our little ones, and they can be so quick. I guess what I'm saying is, whatever you do, think of what could happen, and if the risk is too great, then that is time for the fids to go to their safe spot.

11-19-2007, 10:03 PM
I Keep her on my shoulder most of the time except around danger, she does a great job holding on,I usually will wear a tight shirt while I do my chores so she is firmly on my shoulder with her nails dug into my skin, lol

11-19-2007, 11:14 PM
I agree firmly about caging my lovie whenever I'm cooking. Not so much the poop but the risk of him suddenly hopping onto the rim of a hot pot to see whats inside. The partially filled cup of coffee or other beverage is another very real danger. I also make sure not to close any inside doors if I suddenly can't find him because he's often perched himself on top only to be crushed if I did. Plus, its amazing how quiet they can be until you find them right next to your foot. One good reason to never let them on the floor if you can help it. I will admit to vacuuming with him on my shoulder though. So far he's never went down to challenge the other end of the monster snake/bird beak/or whatever he thinks that hose is. One things for sure he makes plenty of kissie sounds, chirps, and other racket to go along with it! :) ..................Goofy and Michael

11-20-2007, 06:19 PM
I also make sure not to close any inside doors if I suddenly can't find him because he's often perched himself on top only to be crushed if I did. l

My lovebird used to do that so what I did was I put double sided tape on top of my doors and she stopped going there, problem solved, no accidents. I have only left one door without and that's the one she goes to.

11-20-2007, 06:25 PM
Wow, I feel kind of bad reading about all the freedom your lovies enjoy. We never don't know where Tutti is. He's either on someone, being directly supervised, or in his cage. I just don't think he'd be safe in our home any other way.

But truth be told, I don't think he minds having 6 people to ride on.

11-20-2007, 09:46 PM
Well Estee, your absolutely right about knowing where they are at all times. No reason to feel bad there! Sometimes Goof will fly upstairs or into the next room and then I'm prompted to go look for him. One thing I learned real quick was to always check the floor as you walk, VERY CAREFULLY! Because we've bird proofed many area's over the course of many months really doesn't mean he can go off and be unattended. And even though he stays with me most the time I do encourage him to fly every now and then. Sometimes he'll stay nearby, other times he's got to go on an adventure up stairs :roll:. Usually when I don't need the exercize :x. Anyways, I'm glad you mentioned it about letting them run around the house as some members may have gotten the wrong idea. I agree our lovies should always be looked after 8o 8) ...Thank you!.......................Michael and Goofy

11-21-2007, 07:42 PM
It is funny how when they are where they are not supposed to be they keep super quiet!
It helps when you got two lovies as you can harrass one to get the other to peep but there has been times where they went exploreing a shelf together or what not and they wouldnt answer me!
So i thought quickly and played some lovebird calls on youtube no answer!
But i did spot movement out of the corner of my eye and got them.
The little explorers can drive you crazy.
So what i did was wait till i heard them fighting (not much of a wait:D) and recorded that on my phone, well next time i couldnt find them i used that and bam in no time they not only answered but started fighting again so i found them quickly lol
I still use that and it still works to get them to call.

Tutti's other mommy
11-22-2007, 08:01 AM
:lol they know if they make noise its bye bye secret hiding place!

but if they are in their cage they will scream their heads off:nyah: