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11-19-2007, 07:42 PM
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

The verdict is in!!!.......

:clap CHINO IS WELL!!! :clap

After 43 days of quarantine, lots of laundry, hand washing, giving meds, etc.,
Jack finally gets a new room mate. I think I'm going to wait till morning, though, as it is already dark here. Chino had a long drive, so I'm going to let him stress down before I move him.
Boy, I can't wait to see the look on Jack's face. He hasn't seen another bird since he was 2 wks old- almost a year ago.

I'm so excited!

11-19-2007, 07:52 PM
Congratulations!!! I felt the same way when Griffin was pronounced well. I just started to introduce Celestino to Griffin but it will be a while. Celestino has turned out to be very jealous and nippy where Griffin is concerned so together out time isn't possible for now. For now they can only see each other from their cages:happy: . I hope you have much better luck!

11-19-2007, 08:37 PM
YIPPEE! I am thrilled for you! :D Great news! :)

:happy: :clap :happy: :clap

11-19-2007, 09:46 PM
That's great news!

11-20-2007, 08:20 AM
:clap :clap :clap :clap that is such great news!!!!!! Can't wait to hear how the intro goes!!! :happy:

11-20-2007, 08:33 AM
That's wonderful, Jeni!
While quarantine can be stressful for all concerned, what can happen as a result of no quarantine is just terrifying! It'll be interesting to see how Jack reacts to birdie company.......

11-20-2007, 02:26 PM
:clap Yay for you!:clap Hope all goes well, I can't wait to read an update!

11-20-2007, 03:21 PM
Sooooooo, How is it going? I'm on pins and needles!

11-20-2007, 04:32 PM
Yeah CHINO:rofl:

I can't wait to hear the stories of the birdy intro's:whistle:

11-20-2007, 05:39 PM
Better film the intro and put it on youtube so we can all see it save you on the finger wear from typeing lol

11-20-2007, 05:45 PM
My precious little Jack is TOO funny! :happy:
I spent the morning deep cleaning Chino's cage one last time just to be sure no germs are still on it. First, I made sure to give Jack some extra TLC.
My son watched Chino in the other room while I wheeled the cage out to to room where Jack is.
Oh my, was he surprised! He was turning his head this way and that, almost upside down. Then he puffed up and went running back and forth across the front of his cage. I think he wanted out so he could go check out this new big thing.
I didn't want Jack to see me holding Chino and get jealous, so I had my son bring him out. Chino was on Justin's shoulder and they froze for a second when they saw eachother. Once he was in his cage, he just acted like nothing was out of the ordinary.
Jack, however, started right up with the contact calls. But, the funny part is, Jack wouldn't look at Chino. He was facing away, chirping up a storm, and just sneaking peeks every now and then. It was hilarious to watch him pretend he didn't care.
Eventually, he climbed up on the side of his cage (nearest Chino) and stared at him.
What's weird is that the top part of Jack's cage is taller than Chino's, so I thought he'd be up there, wanting the height advantage. Nope, he's hanging out in the lower part, actually perched lower than Chino.
I'll take a pic later and post it here. Wait till you see how tiny Chino is for a gcc! He lost 2 grams while on antibiotics (vet says that's normal). Vet felt his keel bone and says he's definitely not too skinny, but he only weighs 53 grams! Seems I've got a dwarf gcc :)
Thanks to all for your support and patient answers to all my fid questions!

ok- added a pic- The light in their room is too yellowish, so I had to use the flash. Sorry for the glare off the cages...

11-21-2007, 09:58 AM
That's a great update! Can't wait to hear more! :D

11-21-2007, 07:58 PM
Day two for Jack & Chino...
Chino's doing geat! It seemed like he was not able to get used to all of the people in the house while he was in quarantine. It is pretty quiet back there, and the only time he saw anyone was when we walked by the room (startled him) or went in to clean, feed, or play with him several times a day. Now that he's out in the middle of the family, he seems less insecure, because he can see whatever is making a noise.
Jack seems to need a little extra attention, and we're happy to give it to him. I think he needs to know he's still just as important. He's doing these little mewling cries. He's very happy to be out of his cage, and being extra sweet. So far he hasn't, but I watch him to make sure he doesn't land on Chino's cage just yet.
Did you see the above pic? Tiny little guy, huh? :blush:

Tutti's other mommy
11-22-2007, 07:48 AM
:clap :) :clap :) :clap :) :clap :)

I bet Jack and Chino will become friends quickly.
& they sound so cute!

11-24-2007, 11:25 AM
Oh he's such a teensy cutie....but such a cutie anyway!!:D it is a super adorable thing to see birdies being all curious yet playing nonchalant about each other. Evie still pretends that Ammy is not there although she very much enjoys screaming with him :x.... so how is it going now with Chino and jack? anything to update since then??

11-24-2007, 11:57 AM
Actually, if you read my thread under behavior & taming, you'll get an idea of my dilemma. I'm a total chicken :)