View Full Version : lovebird and bleeding finger.

11-19-2007, 08:14 PM
I want to tame my lovie but i don't know how i should go about doing that. I can get him on a stick that i hold on my hand, but he just wont get on my finger, probably because i pull away when he tries to bite me. i bought some bandades to put around my finger, but he is smart and tries to bite where the banaids arent covering. Any tips?

11-19-2007, 09:51 PM
No Pain no gain :)

11-20-2007, 07:38 AM
I agree. ^.^ Everyone who's ever had a lovebird has been bitten at least once.

Actually, the lovie is training YOU!

First, stop pulling away. lol When you pull away, you're telling the bird, "I'm scared and unsure" which makes the bird uneasy about what's going on during the training session. Birds use their beaks to test/taste new objects and perches. If the new perch doesn't seem stable, they simply won't use it.
Using gloves is not a good idea either. Some parrots fear them.

Are you moving slow when you offer your fingers to the bird?
I have a nippy hen, and as long as I move quickly when moving her from perch to finger, she doesn't have time to bite.

11-20-2007, 11:49 AM
When I first got Luna (she was hand tame), I would get so nervous about her nibbling on me and I was really jumpy. I noticed that when I got jumpy she got jumpy in return. I know it isn't exactly the same idea because Luna wasn't in it for blood, but it is true what Asue said about pulling away. I am sorry, I am not much help, but I think pain is par for the course.