View Full Version : Just an update on Calyspo

11-21-2007, 12:42 PM
well, as some of you know my peachfaced lovie, Calyspo passed away a few days ago. I may have found a cause. I was speaking to an avian vet and he believes, due to the condition she was in when I came home and some of her habits when I initially brought her home, that she may have indeed had exsisting health problems and possibly had a stroke earlier in the day and beings that everyone i live with was working, she did not receive help in time. I still haven't heard a word from the pet store on what they're planning to do for me. I could understand them not willing to help me if I had her for at least a few months, but 2 weeks is a bit ridiculous. A lot of you responded to my calls for help and I really appreciated that. Calyspo left all of us wondering what happend and now I have something I can cope with. I did find a reputible breeder in my area thanks to the references I received here. You can bet when I decide to bring home another, you all will be the first ones to know. ;)