View Full Version : how to introduce...?

11-23-2007, 12:56 PM
Ok- Jack & Chino have been in the same room for 3 days now.
Chino can't land on Jack's cage, cuz he can't fly. But, when I let Jack out, he keeps wanting to land on Chino's.
I'm definitely not ready to introduce them out of cage yet, (vet says not to do so until Chino can fly), and I know that eventually I'll have to let them check eachother out.
I have a towel on top of Chino's cage, but Jack keeps hanging over the edge. The whole time he's out, I feel like I have to be right there to keep Jack off. Then I don't get anything done, and it's no fun for Jack. I could keep Jack in another room when he's out, but then I think- this isn't much different than quarantine.
I'm scared someone might get bitten, but other people tell me their birds figure out who's cage they can land on, and who's to avoid.
At what point do I just let them figure it out? I've never had to deal with a bleeding bird, and I feel like I'm being over protective, but how long do you all usually wait before letting your new birds close to your existing birds?

11-23-2007, 04:32 PM
Jeni, I don't know what to tell you when it comes to introducing a different species to a lovie. With my lovies, I opened the cages doors and stood about a foot away just in case either of the younger two decided to hurt Oliver. They got along pretty well from their first meeting but Oliver was a little on the shy side, not exactly sure what to make of these two birds that jumped in their bowl to bathe, hung on toys and liked swings! :D Oliver is a very laid back birdie and much older than they are so my concern was always that he might get picked on. Never happened. I did not turn my back on them (when they were out) for a second for at least 6 months and by then I was convinced that Oliver would be OK. I've never had a bleeding bird or a single toe bite (that I know of) and like you, I was very protective and wanted to avoid that. Even birds who do get along will have their squabbles and I'm sure that is normal, just as long as you're sure it's not a dangerous situation for either bird.

The only thing I can think of in your situation is to take both to a neutral area and let them meet. Just be close enough to grab one if there is trouble.

11-23-2007, 04:54 PM
Thank you, Janie,
I guess my main concern is that very first meeting- for now it's when only Jack is out of his cage. I don't know if Chino would bite a toe, but I'm scared to find out. Jack wants to land there constantly.
It seems like a bite could happen in a fraction of an instant- quicker than I could do anything.
At some point, I'll just have to go for it, but I really am extremely nervous about it.

11-23-2007, 05:12 PM
Jeni, we would not work well together as a team! :lol I would also be scared to death and am as over-protective as they come! When I read about the common every day toe biting, I freak! :omg: I know I'm very, very lucky that my birds do all three like each other....I would be a basket case otherwise! :rotfl

Good luck, I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for you that it works out well. :) The breeder that I got my last two lovies from had Suns and GCC's and I was there many times when their cages were all open and nobody got hurt! The conures kind of stayed in their area and the lovies figured out how far to push them. :whistle:

11-23-2007, 05:17 PM
I hope some toe biteing is normal for bonded pairs it seems to be sunshine and boos favorite pastime.
They toe bite and beak battle but have never drawn blood or a sound like either of them were in pain so i figure its normal.

11-23-2007, 05:24 PM
Yes, I believe that is normal for most buddies. I wouldn't be nearly as concerned about the first up-close meeting if they were two lovebirds.
If they were cats, or dogs, or something, I wouldn't be scared, but little birds can bleed too much, too fast.
I worry about beak injuries, too, since one or the other is sure to get his face close to the bars.
GRRR- I'm such a wimp!

11-23-2007, 06:38 PM
Right now I am introducing Celestino and Griffin. So far Celelstino has been a territorial little bird who tries to nip toes or bite Griffin's beak. I have to be careful not to take my eyes off of Celestino and not pay Griffin attention. I also can't let Griffin on Celestino's cage if he's in it because Celestino goes straight for Griffin's toes. Like you it feels a little like an extra quarantine.

For now we only let them out together if both my husband and I are in the room. We don't let Celestino near Griffin and Celestino is settling a little but only if I ignore Griffin. Apparently I am Celestino's mate and no one else is allowed near me. As soon as Celestino acts out we put him back in the cage and try again much later. I think for us it will be a slow process.

I also don't have out time with Griffin where Celestino can see. He is jealous enough and I don't want him to see Griffin as a rival. The upside is that Celestino has been really sweet since Griffin's arrival and I'm allowed to snuggle lots more.

11-23-2007, 07:09 PM
GRRR- I'm such a wimp!

Yep, me, too! :rolleyes: I am not kidding you when I say it was 6 months of sheer harmony before I trusted that they really liked Oliver. What a joke, they like HIM better than each other!:D

11-24-2007, 12:13 AM
Jeni: I think the best thing you got going for you is that Chino is the size of a lovebird and younger than Jack. In fact, I would be more worried about Jack causing Chino problems, and going for Chino's legs and feet if they are out together. If you have a play stand you may want to have Chino out on it when you let Jack out, or let Jack out when Chino is on or near you.

While your vet is likely right about introducing Chino when he is flighted, you will likely go nuts by then. I feel your pain about trying to keep Jack and Chino separated, and Jack totally tormenting poor little Chino. I say be cautious but introduce them and see what happens.

Laura O

11-24-2007, 11:08 AM
You're right- I am more worried about Jack hurting Chino when they're out. I'm worried about both, if Jack lands on Chino's cage. And it it true that if I wait until Feb., (or whenever Chino molts out) as Dr. L suggested, I'll go nuts chasing Jack off of Chino's cage.
I think I'm just going to have to go for it, and be well prepared with flour and gauze, Dr. L's phone # on speed dial, and...
kleenex and a strong shot of something for me :rolleyes:

12-04-2007, 08:27 PM

Still haven't taken the full plunge, but I've dipped my big toe :)

Jack was out the other day and landed on Chino's cage. I didn't get him off right away. Chino walked slowly over- didn't immediately attack. When their beaks got too close, I shooed Jack off. I was afraid they'd bite eachother.

Then, the day after that, I had Jack in his little carrier while I was cleaning his cage (I'd hurt my back, and couldn't move very quickly if Jack should get into trouble). Before I put him back in his big cage, I held him up next to Chino so they could look at eachother. Big mistake. I think Jack was feeling a little territorial of the carry cage, and they both tried to bite. I hope I didn't screw things up :( .

I'm getting closer to introducing them, but I'm still a chicken

12-05-2007, 08:36 AM
let me know how you're doing with them...i will be "introducing" peaches (lovie) to bailey (caique) in a few days also...so far they've only yelled at each other from one end of the house to the other. i'm REALLY nervous about it too as both birds are known to be quite territorial and aggressive to other birds (at least from what i've read) and bailey is about 3 times bigger than peaches. i don't want any war battle stories or blood! i do know a couple of people who's caique and lovebird get along...but they're probably the exception rather than the rule? i will first put their cages close together...then go from there. both are clipped. so i'll appreciate any more advice anyone has to share. good luck with flapjack and chino!