View Full Version : Have Peachface Lovebird - ? mating behavior when "he" has no mate ?

11-25-2007, 11:49 PM
One day a couple of weeks ago... I was on patio w/ my keet ( in cage hanging) and lovebird flys down from? and lands on keet cage flapping wings.. lets me get "him" in my hands and put "him" in the cage w/ my keet. They became pretty good friends. For about the last 4 or 5 days the lovebird has been a little more agressive and "mating" with the corner of and feeding "his" food container and several other things in his cage ( incl the first item .. a plastic bird that is the keets"friend")... a couple of days ago I separated them into separate cages but still allow them social time cage to cage. A few hours ago I tried putting back together to see how they did and the lovebird picked out the keet's water bottle to start mating with and the keet started getting upset so it was back to separate cages . Anyone out there help with any info about the lovebird's behavior?? Please???

11-26-2007, 12:21 AM
oh my...
Well, first of all, welcome to the forum! I've been here a little while, and have 2 birds, ages 4-5 mos, and 11 mos. There are terrific people here who are very knowledgeable and helpful.
Ummm, you're very lucky to still have your parakeet. Lovebirds are pretty aggressive little guys, and putting it in with your existing bird could have been disasterous. Also, since you don't know where this lovie came from, it's impossible to know if it's healthy, and generally speaking, any new bird should be quarantined for a minimum of 30 days before close contact with your bird.
I'm very sorry if I'm lecturing, it's really not my place- I just really hope your bird ends up ok, and I think it's awesome that they are so friendly toward eachother.
As for the mating thing... I think it just goes with the territory >o .

11-26-2007, 12:44 AM
... also wanted to add that I hope (if his original owners don't come forward-and you decide to keep him) that he brings you many years of joy.
Lovebirds are amazing birds. You're gonna have a ball!

11-26-2007, 01:56 AM
Hi... thanks for the reply... Well as far as my keet (Birdie), I got him a few months ago from my son (a little runt w/a messed up R wing , Birdie.. not my son..LOL). Birdie is now healthy & happy w/ healed wing. As far as the new addition to the family (Dusty) "he?" just flew in from somewhere out the in the big wide sky and landed on Birdie's cage wings a flappin!! (we have a covered patio and when the weather's nice and I'm outside.. I have several different hanging spots around the patio for Birdie). I figured out that Dusty (lovie) had escaped from someone at some point in time because he just let me walk up to him and scoop him up (didn't try to bite or struggle) and put him in the cage. Birdie didn't seem to sense a threat form Dusty.. outside or inside the cage. I didn't want to just let him go loose.. we have hawks around here that will swoop down and snag wild birds and squirrels... couldn't let that possibility happen to Dusty. They have been getting along great, sharing everything and being really cool ( I think Birdie is a girl...still kinda young but the nasal area above the bill is still pink) till I guess "his?" (Dusty)or maybe "her?" hormone went on the rampage! We had another interesting event between the arrival and the hormone rage.... I hadn't had any problems with either on trying to get out when I opened their cage door to set in the bath (doorway one) oe adjust/fill something inside (of course my hand is in the way). Like a dummy >o I did this at just the right time ( I think the "need to breed" or something must have just started to kick in) Dusty made a master escape right past my hand and arm thru the cage door. Freedom! Oh! that's not the end ....this is where it really starts getting good! We have trees all around the yard surrounded by a cyclone fence. He flew from the back , around the side , past the boat, and into the front yard, landed in a cottonwood tree over a parked car. I took some bread (they both like daily treat nibbles) and Birdie/cage to the front and set it on the hood of the car. Dusty's really cool 8) .. I would coax "him" down and after a while he would fly down to the top of the cage of onto the fence railing. I could go right up to him (slowly of course) and give him bits of bread.. he even let me kiss him on his beak but as soon as he saw a hand coming at him he would scoot over to another part of the fence railing or back up to the tree (I have a feeling that whoever had him before mad him very hand shy). We played this game for a while then I told him that I was tired of playing this game ..Birdie and I were going in. I picked up Birdie's cage and walked a litle way away and said " By... we're goin in now" :whistle: and I worked my way back around the house, stopping for a bit and saying the same thing.... each time I stopped Dusty would follow us and land on things like the fence rail, the boat windshield, the edge of the roof, then believe it or not.. my shoulder... and as I reached for him, he flew a couple of feet onto and unused wild birdfeeder the was hanging next to the cage hanger where he first came to us... the rest was fairly easy using a second smaller cage to catch him with no struggle... Now if that's not something!! :D Both times we and everyone we've told about it agrees that Dusty was meant to be here.

11-26-2007, 07:08 AM
Hi Seadust, Birdie, and your new arrival Dusty. I must say what an amazing story you've had to share with everyone. When these loose birds manage to get care from someone after escaping from their home its really a godsend because once loose they will "not" usually survive. I would do my best to make sure Dusty cannot ever get loose again as companion birds haven't learned much "homing" skills. The great outdoors poses such an irresistable adventure, they can easily get lost again and next time may be permanently gone. I would also imagine the previous owner is devastated. Especially if they feel the way we do about our lovies. I hope your make some efforts to find the owner/s as sometimes these birds will stay within a mile from their home. This bird sounds like its been well socialized and may also have a mate. Like Jeni had mentioned already, your keet Birdie is lucky to have not been harmed. Although some species do get along it would be best to keep these two separated, especially for the quarantine period she had also indicated. It sounds to me like you are knowledgable already about the care some companion birds may need. Because this care is really species specific its always best to gather as much information you can regarding each one to better administer the proper care. Please check out the "lovebird resource library" and feel free to ask whatever questions as needed. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. I'm certain you have really saved this lovebirds life. Keep us posted!...............Michael and Goofy

Pips mom
11-26-2007, 09:08 AM
It sounds like you just fell in love with this sweet little lovie----they are very adorable----hard to resist when they give you that sweet innocent look! Please try to put yourself in the person's shoes that has lost this bird. Pets mean so much to some people and when a bird gets out and escapes, it is heartbreaking not knowing----is he cold? or hungry? or in danger? Has someone found him? On the other forum I belong to, a girl lost her bird a couple of weeks ago and that bird was her whole world, and she is a mess with worry and trying so hard to get her bird back. Please try to understand that there was someone out there-----maybe even a family with young children----who love this little guy and probably miss him terribly.
As far as the mating thing goes-----my lovebird pip is a male and he humps away at his rope toy EVERY day! I think they are little love machines!maybe that's why they are called lovebirds?? lol because every other thing about pip makes us wonder why they didn't call them "monster birds"!the way he is into everything and seems to enjoy harassing my tiels!

11-26-2007, 01:05 PM
Please try to put yourself in the person's shoes that has lost this bird. Pets mean so much to some people and when a bird gets out and escapes, it is heartbreaking not knowing----is he cold? or hungry? or in danger? Has someone found him? On the other forum I belong to, a girl lost her bird a couple of weeks ago and that bird was her whole world, and she is a mess with worry and trying so hard to get her bird back. Please try to understand that there was someone out there-----maybe even a family with young children----who love this little guy and probably miss him terribly.

First I want to say welcome! :) Second, I want to agree with Pips mom. My beloved lovie did get out and away one time. For only 45 minutes till I found him but it was the longest and worst 45 minutes I've spent. It's great that you and your keet were there to rescue him but I would do all I could to place him back with his original owners....incase they are looking very hard to find their lost birdie.

11-26-2007, 05:23 PM
It sounds like this lovebird is not wild but escaped from someones house seening so he let you handle him so easily.
Some poor person is probably missing him dearly..I would put up a 'found' poster.