View Full Version : New toy or Evil Monster?

11-30-2007, 10:56 AM
I bought some little plastic cat toy balls with a bell inside of them because I had seen that someone on here had them for their lovie. I was only going to let her play with them under supervision because they did seem they could be some sort of hazard. Anyhoo, I introduced her to them last night and she freaked out! I sat one in her cage and she started sticking out her chest and making her "I don't like that, I am scared" screech:omg: . She looked so different, I have never seen her stick out her chest like that. I am wondering, if this were to happen to one of your lovies, would you continue to try to help them realize it is a toy or would you give up and just realize she is afraid of it? :confused: She did grab ahold of it, but when she shook it and it made noise she slung it out of her mouth and started attacking it. I did continue to try to get her to realize it was not a monster, but she didn't like it and it seemed to make her nervous.

Oh, and I know this is totally off subject, but last night I sat a hand held mirror in front of her. She went crazy looking at the other bird and biting the plastic around the mirror, I think trying to get to the other bird. She would walk behind it frantically searching for the bird. It was funny, cute, and sad all at the same time. I wish I could get her a little friend to play with, but it just isn't possible right now. :(

11-30-2007, 11:19 AM
A while back, I bought the same toys for Fenway. Fenway loved them! He would pick one up, hold it way up over his head and shake it to make it ring. He would also hurl the thing about in his cage....:rolleyes:

Are you sure Luna is scared and not just enthusiastic?

The one thing I did notice is that the ones I bought were too flimsy of plastic and Fenway was slowly biting small pieces off of it so I had to remove them. :( I am still looking for a more sturdy version...

11-30-2007, 11:38 AM
I went through a similar experience couple of weeks back when I introduced my two birds to the same toy. I put it in the cage and they freaked out, screeched, and would have nothing to do with it. I had to take it out but then I placed it in a area where they get their out of cage time and all of a sudden that toy was not that much of a devil anymore. They started exploring it slowly and though they are still indifferent to it more often than not, they can live with it in their cage. From what I understand, there is a good chance that they will not take to something unfamiliar inside their cage but introduce it to them slowly outside the cage and they might give it a thought. You could also try playing with it when she is out with you. Ultimately....it's their silly bird brain intelligence that dominates :) !

11-30-2007, 11:49 AM

My Olivia is the best at attacking catballs. This is a post with a video I took of her attacking her catball and throwing it over the side of the drawer and into the cabinet below. http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?t=4771&highlight=olivia+catball+killer

Molly didn't like bells at all when he was young. I played with them in my hands for a while and he learned not to be afraid of them. Luna is young and she may play with them eventually.

11-30-2007, 01:25 PM
Are you sure Luna is scared and not just enthusiastic?

The one thing I did notice is that the ones I bought were too flimsy of plastic and Fenway was slowly biting small pieces off of it so I had to remove them. :( I am still looking for a more sturdy version...

I am almost certain she is afraid... she was attacking it with her beak very aggressively when it would make noise. I will let her decide whether she wants to play with it.

The ones I got are a little thicker than I am used to seeing and they were from Walmart. (still don't know how safe they are, so I am not leaving her alone with them)

I just found this online... wonder if they are sturdy?

11-30-2007, 01:36 PM
OOOH! Those are nice!

I think I will just have to purchase a few for my birdies! :D

11-30-2007, 02:42 PM
Those are the balls that drive my lovebird hens crazy. They are very lovebird safe.

11-30-2007, 04:18 PM
Becky, all three of mine HATE those balls! Big Boi and Shy are afraid of nothing....but those balls! :D Maybe Luna is a Mister! :D

11-30-2007, 04:51 PM
Becky, all three of mine HATE those balls! Big Boi and Shy are afraid of nothing....but those balls! :D Maybe Luna is a Mister! :D

I sometimes hope this is the case :D!! I wish there were definite behavioral differences, but eventually I will have to bite the bullet and get her DNA'd.