View Full Version : Spray bottle and two lovies

07-12-2005, 12:32 PM

I am birdiesitting a lovie this week and remember what you always said about having a spray bottle full of water handy because the water will get there faster then you would, has paid off.
The lutino went after Blu's toes and they started fighting. My husband had the bottle of water with him and squirted the birds.
He is now sitting by the cage, a big childish smile on his face and can't wait until those two birds get at it again.
He said the sheer confusion on those two lovebird's face was priceless. they didn't know what hit them and couldn't get out of there fast enough! They are now preening each other and made up.

Danny says thank you for this delightful moment and can't wait to do it again! It's a great idea!


07-12-2005, 12:42 PM
I've used this method a few times but what you are seeing could be only temporary. I will admit that it gets the message across very quickly but there's one downfall to it. Occasionally, you will get a bird that loves to be sprayed...... Ginger, my CAG, doesn't like the gentle mist from a spray bottle. She likes the water that has a bit more (not much) force behind it. :lol

07-12-2005, 12:58 PM
Isn't that funny. Gracie's mate George likes hard-running tap water in the sink-spa. :rolleyes: It really gets him excited about bathing.

The spray bottle worked short term for Gracie as a behavior modifier. Eventually she stared it down. Lately she has been docile as a lamb -- except for last night, when I didn't move my pinky quick enough from her food dish, when I was adding brocolli. :eek: It's been a while since she's broken skin on me, but she got a good hard bite in last night! I still can't touch her, but she has been very good and seems quite happy with her fellas. :)

07-12-2005, 01:15 PM
I guess it's a good thing Bo is here only until Friday, we don't want them to get used to it too much! :rofl: Danny got to use the spray bottle again! he is so excited it's hilarious! Big boys little toys! :lol

07-12-2005, 04:31 PM
The squirt bottle still works great for my gals. All I have to do these days is reach for the squirter, and they run for the hills. None of my gals enjoy being squirted, and I don't think that will ever change.

I am glad the technique worked for you, and that you were able to save a toe or two.

07-13-2005, 01:00 AM
I am glad the technique worked for you, and that you were able to save a toe or two.

Me too shy!
Blu is already missing two of them. That occured before i got her. i was well aware of it and it didn't stop me from getting her. Needless to say there was a full inspection of both lovies to ensure they didn't hurt each other.

Danny was still talking about the sheer shock when the water hit them on our way home tonight. It made his day! :rofl: