View Full Version : Ok, I know I'll never figure out that little nut.

12-05-2007, 06:50 PM
about 8 months ago I replaced his happy hut because he finally succeeded in gnawing through one of the straps that hang it from the cage. He wouldn't go near the new one for 2 weeks before he started "having fun with it". But he refused to sleep in it (he's always slept in his happy hut).

So I replaced it with another one a few months ago. He wouldn't sleep in that one either. for the last 2 months he'd look in it at bed time but then go wedge himself on top of his boing for the night.

Well he's almost chewed through the front strap on this one (he uses the tip of his beak like a knife across the top of it if I go to the couch after dinner without him). So I replaced it with the last one he refused to go in and he hopped right in and started making it comfy. :confused:

12-05-2007, 07:22 PM
Thats kind of interesting Dave. Wonder if the colour had anything to do with it or maybe he picked up on the familiarity of the previous one. Sure is nice when we know their in there, especially when the house gets cold. Goof goes into his but doesn't like to get caught seen in it. Doesn't like to be seen wet either. :confused: I think we've got a couple of nuts on our hands :)..............Michael and Goofy

12-05-2007, 07:28 PM
Every happy hut he's ever had were bright yellow just like him.

While he never slept in this one he used to run through it at bed time before he'd go to the boing. We'll see what he does tonight.

Even though he never went in the one I just took out he sure threw a tantrum and for the first time in years, tried to remove my fingers, when I was taking it out. Put the other one in and he was right in there. Then he had his way with it. >o

12-06-2007, 10:58 AM
I think Ditto is just playing with "Dear O' Dave". Yep, he's a smart one, and he's definitely got you trained:lol

12-06-2007, 04:57 PM
Still sleepin' on the boing. It's funny, he pokes his head in the hut, goes to the boing then back again a few times.

12-06-2007, 07:22 PM
i continue my plot to fidnap ditto.

12-06-2007, 07:49 PM
i continue my plot to fidnap ditto.

You mean this guy?


12-06-2007, 08:08 PM
yes. thats the one.:D

12-07-2007, 12:08 AM
Pity he wasn't twins and I could fidnap the other.

12-24-2007, 03:28 PM
Well he still hasn't slept in the hut but right now he's taking a nap on the perch in front of it. :roll:

01-01-2008, 06:46 PM
And he's moved one step closer. He's now napping with his head inside the hut.

I think he's doing it on purpose, just to drive me nuts.:roll:

01-01-2008, 07:00 PM
peaches is funny with her hut too! it's blue. she's green..anywho..during the day..she sleeps in it and hides in it..at nite she always sleeps on top of it..go figure? she also chewed through her straps..but i fixed them.

01-01-2008, 07:00 PM
Maybe he waiting for a nutriberry or a bit of avi-cake to help keep him occupied whiles he's in there :).

Oh heck, give one to Peaches too!

01-01-2008, 07:26 PM
Maybe he waiting for a nutriberry or a bit of avi-cake to help keep him occupied whiles he's in there :).

Oh heck, give one to Peaches too!

No, you hide those between the ciuch cushions. I swear I cleaned enough avi-cake/nutriberry crumbs out of there yesterday to make a whole bag.

01-01-2008, 08:46 PM
i got my lovebirds a coconut house....destroy in less than a week...chichi loves his green cozy!....he has two in the cage but the new one he doesnt like....tootee tries doesnt like cozys yet....but tootee tries to destroy any cozy too....its wierd

01-01-2008, 08:51 PM
Well, at least he's not like sloppy Goofy. He's got food scattered all over the place!....By the way, I really like the pic of Ditto hanging from the bottom of that lamp shade. If he didn't climb down the shade somehow I can only imagine how he got there :rotfl. You know, the last time Goof hung upside down from anything it was from the inside top of his cage. When he let go with his feet he hung there by the beak and couldn't seem to kick those little feet back up. Spent about 5 minutes watching/laughing until helping him up :roll:. Hope he doesn't do that the next time I have to leave for awhile :wink:.

01-01-2008, 09:13 PM
Well, at least he's not like sloppy Goofy. He's got food scattered all over the place!....By the way, I really like the pic of Ditto hanging from the bottom of that lamp shade. If he didn't climb down the shade somehow I can only imagine how he got there :rotfl. You know, the last time Goof hung upside down from anything it was from the inside top of his cage. When he let go with his feet he hung there by the beak and couldn't seem to kick those little feet back up. Spent about 5 minutes watching/laughing until helping him up :roll:. Hope he doesn't do that the next time I have to leave for awhile :wink:.

He is sloppy. When he eats out of my hand on the couch, bits go flying everywhere. That's how they got between the couch cushions. :rofl:

Actually if I remember correctly he didn't climb down the lampshade. He flew at it and grabbed the bottom of it with his feet and hung there like a bat. Then he climbed up like you see in the pics. He also likes to hang upside down from my shirt sleeves.

01-01-2008, 10:49 PM
These little guys sure are funny about their cozy's. I have had the same issues with Finny and Reilly. I just leave it in there forever until they break down and use it. Once they start using it though it is off limits to humans! If I try and put my hand near it Reilly actually hisses and tries to attack my hand. But once he is on top of it or anywhere else in his cage I am safe. Finny just goes along with whatever is going on, I think is secretly laughing at both me and Reilly and our battle of the wills.

Usually they do rip the strings up but this last one has lasted quite a while. In fact they dont even really poop on it or anything. They both sleep inside with one facing one direction and the other facing opposite. They are not butt to butt but actually on top of each other. It is the cutest thing! I think these two really are in love!

01-03-2008, 07:29 PM
I got Eddie 3 items from this great ebay seller. The link below has one of the sleep huts I got for him. It is the size small, I bought another that was a medium, but it seems not as cozy.

Eddie hasn't pooped in this new one at all! (I lied, he pooped two times the first night)

Fast shipping and was really nice.
