View Full Version : Misleading Craiglist add

12-10-2007, 03:03 PM
This add is very misleading, I know that people should do research before adopting a lovebird, but the person giving the bird away should be honest.


Do you guys think I am being silly? Maybe I am being silly...

12-10-2007, 06:43 PM
Personally, I don't think you're being silly. If this were an Atlanta ad, you can bet I would email the person and tell 'em that I thought their ad was very misleading and might very well cause a re-homing situation as soon as the adopter gets a good bite or when the bird won't talk or play dead. It's a shame what people will advertise to make a buck. :(

12-10-2007, 06:56 PM
that stuff pisses me off too. its almost as bad as when people advertise birds (actually, any animal) as 'a great christmas gift!'

12-10-2007, 06:58 PM
that stuff pisses me off too. its almost as bad as when people advertise birds (actually, any animal) as 'a great christmas gift!'

I'm seeing A LOT of that right now locally, in addition for people looking for "MacCalls" for Christmas gifts :mad: If you can't spell the species of parrot you shouldn't be looking for one.

Don't get me wrong: I think that lovebirds are wonderful and do make for amazing companions. I just don't think that saying they learn to talk and are cuddly is honest.

Sigh... what can you do? People are gonna do what they are gonna do :(

12-10-2007, 08:55 PM
invite him to this forum...maybe he will learn things here

12-10-2007, 09:06 PM
invite him to this forum...maybe he will learn things here

We do tend to tell it like it is, don't we! I've got a few lovies that are cuddlebugs but most are not. Independent is a much better description! As for talking, with as many as I've had here, none have been talkers!

Misleading? Just a little bit and it infuriates me! >: These 8 week olds may be super sweet right now (aren't all youngsters?) but they will not do well in the hands of someone who does not know/understand birds. They ain't cats/dogs, nor do they do well as accessories for room decor..... I absolutely hate it when a misleading ad like this one could possibly put another animal in a situation where it will be going to a different home not too long after it leaves the breeder.

lucky melatonin
12-11-2007, 08:43 AM
i've seen a lot of the "great christmas present" ads here too, i mean, sometimes, it may be the case. but you have to be sure that person wants that animal and will take care of it. not just say, "ooo he's cute, let's get it!"

and oh my goodness, i'm so happy i haven't seen anyone looking for a "mccall" ...i would definitely be tempted to send them an email on their ignorance!

i didn't get francis from a breeder, i got him from a pet store. and he was awful when i first got him, not the least bit cuddly...and i wanted a nice bird, not a demon! but at least the people at the pet store were honest with me. she said, "he's not going to play with you immediately. your bird is going to be what you make of him through time with him."

i was a little disappointed at first, but knew he would be worth it. and now we are best buds! :)

Pips mom
12-11-2007, 10:00 AM
Oh my gosh! I can't even begin to explain what it was like when we first got Pip. His previous owner had posted on craigslist and was looking for a good home for him----he posted a nice long one, warning of the dangers and that Pip likes dogs and also is a plant chewer! I had never had any experience at all with lovebirds-----I had tiels, so when we got Pip, boy were we in for a shock! lol :omg: First thing that shocked us was the noise! Boy was he noisey! and he shoved his way right out of the cage door as soon as I tried to open it-----we were thinking---now what? how we gonna get him back in?? Oh, Pip certainly opened our eyes to what lovebirds are all about!
My boyfriend used to say----what are we going to do with him?? jokingly of course, but in a way, not! I was used to having nice, fairly quiet, and behaved birds that were easy to handle! Luckily though, Pip found a great home here----bird lover, so we adjusted! but I'm sure alot of other people may have had a problem with Pip's noise level and also if they cared about his happiness at all, would realize that he is only truly happy when out of cage----in which case he tends to get into things and cause trouble! so he has to be watched and I am even afraid to put up my christmas tree at this point, so this one little bird sure makes alot of changes in a home! I have a bunch of things down off my walls that he likes to chew and poop all over! Pip is the bird they were talking about when they say that a small parrot can have a huge presence in your home----as much a big dane-----so yeah, especially with lovebirds I would think they should be warning people, not saying----oh this a great! Yeah great if you leave the poor little guy in his cage! Lovies tend to want OUT and love their freedom to do what they want and get into things! lol:roll:

12-11-2007, 11:12 AM
Thanks! When I first posted this I was infuriated, I thought exactly what you guys said, in a few months I will read a listing for an adorable masked lovebird to be rehomed. I started this long email and then I read the listing again and decided not to email, maybe I was overreacting. I'm glad that you guys feel the same way. It just makes more sense to give the bad as well as the good if you want to find a "forever" home for your little baby. Obviously this person doesn't care. I love my Luna, but I did have difficulty at first. If I had been told what she listed and I didn't do any extra research I would have been extremely confused. I would have thought there was something wrong with the bird and left it in it's cage until I could find someone to take it. I am glad that I found Lovebirds Plus because you guys have helped me through many difficult times and I have only had Luna for 3 mths. I am definitely going to email this person if it is still up.