View Full Version : Covered Cage?

12-11-2007, 05:47 AM
Man, I post too many threads in this forum...
Anyway, I get up and take the cover off my birds cage at 6:00am. Then they get REALLY loud. I think they will start waking the neighbors. I then leave for school and come back at 3:00pm. Should I leave the cage cover (Which is a blanket) on until I come home, or is it bad for a bird to have the cover left on too long?

12-11-2007, 06:02 AM
Leaving the cover on would "not" be good for your birds. There have been others with concerns about noisey birds that have come up with some alternatives but this depends on how much your neighbors are affected and their present location in relation to your lovebirds. I hope this isn't a problem for them or you/birds. One thing though, your birds may not be noisey once your gone. A recorder or checking with your neighbors would help to confirm this. As far as posting too many questions, thats really not a problem :)..............Michael and Goofy

12-11-2007, 06:12 AM
Hi I used to leave a radio on or the TV I found that my birds would get loud before and after work because they reconize a pattern and they know that you will be gone all day. So just like a person I would let them watch or listen. They get lonely as they expect people to be around. Maybe this might help.

12-11-2007, 09:26 AM
Most birds are more active & vocal early in the morning and early evening. Keeping them covered is not a good idea as the vocalizing you hear is part of their nature. I can hear mine outside at the mailbox when I come home from work, but I don't care. No one ever has complained and personally, I would ignore their complaints (That's just me :nyah: ).

12-11-2007, 11:53 AM
after i uncover mine in the morning, they go through their ritual flock calls to each other, when i leave for work my husband says they pretty much quiet down during the day until i walk in the door...then they start up again, guess they're glad mom fid is home...:happy: but again when going down for the nite in the jungles, they'll give one last flock call out to everyone as dusk approaches. i think it is very important for them to have as much daylight as possible. especially like in the winter when it's dark from 5:30 pm until 6:00 am! actually, i'd like to get some spectrum lighting for my birds. i'm looking into that now.

12-12-2007, 10:50 AM
I'm sorry, but everyone is saying don't cover them, but I don't know whats wrong with it?
I'm not sure what it does? does it make them think it's nighttime so they go to sleep?

12-12-2007, 11:00 AM
It has a lot to do with exposure to natural light. Although it is important that birds get 10-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night, availability of natural light is essential. It helps maintain their internal body clocks and also aids in keeping them healthy and happy.

I cover my birds' cages at night but when I wake up the cover comes off until bed time.

I guess the way I would look at it would be to try and put myself in thier position...what kind of mood/how good would I feel if I were in darkness 17-19 hours a day??

Buy A Paper Doll
12-13-2007, 08:13 AM
I guess the way I would look at it would be to try and put myself in thier position...what kind of mood/how good would I feel if I were in darkness 17-19 hours a day??

Very well put. :)

To answer the original question, yes it is bad to leave the birds covered for the day, because their bodies and brains need natural light, just like we do.

Another reason: I have found that my birds start screaming when it's daylight, no matter how heavy the blanket is. Birds are loud. :) (They're also messy and they bite, but that's another thread.)