View Full Version : Responding with chirps??

12-11-2007, 11:42 PM
I have a peculiar question...Everytime I open my tube of vitamin E (kind of like a tube of vaseline, that I keep for chapped skin/lips) Estrella will let out a high pitched chirp. I can be in another room, or he can be in a dead sleep..but it never fails he always chirps when I open it, and when I close it. Does anyone have any idea why? Does it hurt his ears? Its not really loud at all, just one of those sounds that has a different decimal range...Really confused by this behavior.

12-12-2007, 08:29 AM
Luna does that when I turn on the water faucet in the kitchen. She is in the other room most of the time. I think it is the slight squeal that it makes when I first turn the knob. She just does it once... I know I am probably wrong, but I think she thinks it is another bird chirping because she does the same thing when I open the door and she hears the birds or if she hears birds on the TV.8o

12-12-2007, 08:32 AM
kiwi does that high pitched chirp when i put forks and knives in the dishwasher rack - not anything else!! i guess to his ears, it is different, unusual - i'm never quite sure why!!! :confused:

12-12-2007, 09:21 AM
Yep, mine do this too. In fact, I asked my pharmacist for a clean empty medicine bottle for my birds. I put sunflower seeds in them to make noise and they like to throw the bottles around with their beaks. It's too funny :lol