View Full Version : Never Goes To Bottom Of Cage

12-18-2007, 09:35 PM
My Peaches never goes to the bottom of her cage. I changed from using the ground corn cob to paper on the bottom of the cage but she still doesn't go down. Was just wondering if anyone elses lovie does this.

I guess it doesn't really matter, she seems to be very happy.

12-18-2007, 09:52 PM
It's not natural for a bird to be low in their habitat..it makes them prey for predators. It's instinct to stay up as high as they can be.
Being on the bottom of their cages makes them vulnerable and birds will try to avoid this at all costs. Sick or egglaying birds would likely find a corner in a cage to hide out at...but it's not a likely thing to see a bird on the bottom of the cage just because.
Hope this helps.

12-19-2007, 08:07 AM
My lovebird sleeps on the highest perch but when she is awake she is often at the bottom of the cage playing with her toys and flinging them around. lol

12-19-2007, 08:40 AM
kiwi spends almost no time on the bottom of his cage - unless he needs to reach the bell toy to summon me to come get him!! :rotfl he prefers to be on his perches and toys which are placed higher up in his cage. :)

12-19-2007, 11:10 AM
The only time Ditto goes to the bottom of his cage is when he wants to play peek-a-boo over the seed guard. :happy:

12-19-2007, 11:20 AM
My birds love to find the highest place in the house and perch there. It's natural for them to stay high. Even my meyer's parrots stay at the top of their cage even though they have a lot of extra room on the bottom to play and flap around.

This is also why long rather than tall cages are preferred. The birds use more of the space.

Tutti's other mommy
12-19-2007, 04:17 PM
Tutti goes to the bottom of his cage to try and open the door. It makes a racket so eventually someone comes to take him out so he'll be quiet.:rotfl

Thats his master plan.:nyah:

12-19-2007, 05:27 PM
Yay for changing over the paper lining. Plain paper towels or newspaper are cheap and safe for our wee birdies :)

Anyhoodle, as for your Peaches not wanting to play on the cage floor: that's just fine. Some lovies like it (Beetle would run back and forth across the front of the cage when he wanted to play), others avoid it.

I'd be more worried if a lovie (or any pet parrot or bird, for that matter) was only spending time on the floor.

Hope that all is well with your sweet Peaches!


12-19-2007, 06:53 PM
kiwi spends almost no time on the bottom of his cage - unless he needs to reach the bell toy to summon me to come get him!! :rotfl he prefers to be on his perches and toys which are placed higher up in his cage. :)

That's funny :rofl:

12-19-2007, 06:59 PM
The only time Goof travels the floor is when he's pissed off. He can really make the paper fly and create quite a ruckus :omg:. Usually its because he can't come out or a new toy has just been introduced to his cage. Any other reason I'd have to think something was up, especially if its not him!....................Michael and Goofy

12-19-2007, 08:17 PM
hi....i just adopted a cockatiel from a friend....her ex got it for her as a gift but she hatessssssssssss birds she has like a phobia something happen when she was little....so she gave it to me and she broke up with her boyfriend...its a regular cockatiel its a baby and its hand tame...he is sooooooooo cute he loves me he wont let go....i felt so bad to leave him inside his cage tonigh but he has to get used to it...but he sleeps in the bottom he wont climb to the perches or anything...his wings are clip...he looks so healthy we have him in another room for quarantine....u never know...

12-19-2007, 08:45 PM
Congratulations on your cockatiel.:) I'm glad he found you.

12-19-2007, 08:55 PM
Hi Tessie. It sounds like this poor tiel was in the middle of a bad relationship and paid the ultimate price. Its a miracle you managed to get the opportunity take him into your care. These are very friendly birds and make wonderful pets. Like most parrots they need lots of toys and plenty of stimulation to keep them from becoming bored. They don't take well sometimes to changes in their environment and this may be why he is staying on the bottom of his cage. Often times they will stay there if they are frightened too. Should you hear him flapping alot at night provide a night lite or uncover part of his cage so he can see. This will help keep him from damaging his wings. I hope the very best for your new friend. At least now he's in your good hands :). Please keep us updated...................Michael and Goofy

12-19-2007, 10:32 PM
thanks guys....i name the tiel mu...i think he is a boy but i dont know, he is not sexed yet, he is a baby....he is just so sweet that my boyfriend is in love....he says is his tiel, and that he will give me money to buy me one...but yeah right he works all day...anyways i dont want another tiel right now because i am scare he will bond and not like me anymore...i will wait like 6 months to get another tiel...unless the new tiel is tame already...do u guys think this baby tiel will teach my lovies not to be scare of me?...well about my friend...she just doesnt like pets...she can watch puppies and say they are cute but she will never have a pet of her own she thinks they are stinky...and when she got this bird thank goddddddd she didnt let the tiel fly away (when her father had a new girlfriend she hated the new girlfriend so bad that she let the lady's parrots fly away)...she really doesnt care about birds or parrots they are like her phobia and i just found out that like 6 months ago we were walking in the park and she wont get near the ducks, she said she just hates all animals with feathers because something happen when she was little...anyways...the tiel didnt want to get inside his cage after i had him playing with me for like 3 hours...he cant fly because his wings are clip...but he walks around and plays...and when i left him inside the cage he wanted to get out and just stay in a corner of the cage sleeping...so cute!!!!...:clap

12-19-2007, 10:45 PM
Jack spends lots of time on the floor of his cage. Mostly running back and forth like a maniac whenever someone comes near, hoping they'll let him out.
He's also building little nests (GRRRR:mad: ) in the corners. Much of the time, he's giving "special attention":whistle: to his new girlfriend... the jingle ball. :roll:

12-19-2007, 11:05 PM
Tessie. Your friend really should not own any more pets. They are flesh and blood just like us. And contrary to what some poeple think they can suffer feelings of lonelyness and abandonment. She should put herself in their place where its cold and dark with no one around to help her and nobody she understands. I pray for her and that she no longer has any more pets. Tessie, I'm not sure whether Mu can teach your lovebirds to not be afraid of you. But because they are very observant I do thinks its possible. Of course, there could be some jealousy should they begin to want your attention too :). Well, I'm glad your friend did not just let him go. I give her some credit for handing him over to your care, especially if he's still a baby. He would have never survived without a good home like yours..............Michael and Goofy

12-20-2007, 01:27 PM
my friend....u would never see her with a pet...lol...she is the only one of my friends that hated pets...my chichi always goes to the bottom of the cage when he is bored with the toys inside his cage....

12-20-2007, 01:36 PM
I know this isn't related to your questions, but I just wondered, if she hates animals as pets, why in heck did her boyfriend get her one?? Especially if she has a bird phobia... Kind of odd.

12-20-2007, 04:59 PM
None of my three go to the bottom of the cage. I've never, in four and a half years, seen Oliver do it and Big Boi and Shy haven't done it since they were about 3 to 4 months old.

12-20-2007, 09:57 PM
hi...i know this girl since i was 14....i am 22 right now...i just found out about it like last summer...i think her boyfriend had no idea too (her boyfriend doesnt even care about her, big story)...she is a big big story too...she hates pets and whatever but when u need help as a friend she helps...thats why talk to her....but we are not best friends...she is a little wierd...i was also surprice when she called me to pick up a bird...and i just also found out that her brother lovessssssssss pets....he has a cat, an iguana, and i dont know what else....she also said how her brother used to bring dogs and cats to her house and how she and her mom used to kick them out...