View Full Version : Problem with Lovebird Flying Away

12-22-2007, 09:37 PM
Hi Everybody, please help!

I just got a 6 week old handfed lovebird on Tuesday night (it is now Sat. night). He loves to cuddle in my cupped hands, in a sweatshirt pocket, or under a blanket nuzzled up. I can scratch his face and he closes his eyes.

***Problem*** When teaching him to "step up", or if he crawls onto my shoulder, he flies away. His wings are clipped, but in 2 days he has gone from flying half the room, to now flying all the way into the next. He usually crashes as he hits the wall, window, etc. How do I get him to stop this, and why does he do it if he seems happy when we sit and watch tv?

Thanks for the help, I want this guy to be my buddy as soon as possible.

12-22-2007, 11:06 PM
6 weeks is awfully young...how many feedings are you still giving him? Baby lovebirds are not weaned until approximately 10 weeks of age, sometimes later.
Unfortunately, your bird had his wings clipped too early and he doesn't know how to manouver in flight, so he's just hitting everything. Breeders don't generally clip wings until the babies have learned significant flight, around 10 weeks of age.
I would let him continue to strengthen his wings and body in a bird-safe room of your home. Hitting mirrors, glass doors etc and the floor are not good. Try choosing a bedroom with the drapes and doors closed.He needs to fly to gain body muscle and of course, he's a bird, so he needs to learn proper flight.
After a few more weeks of safe flight, I would then have your avian vet or groomer modify his wing clip.
You can hang curtains and keep lots of pillows on the floor to cushion his landings until he figures out the how-to's.
Do you have any pics you could post in the photo gallery? It might give us a better idea of the wing clip and his age.

12-23-2007, 12:37 AM
Just a thought on age, i think it's likley you have been bamboozled as to your lovies age.
6wo seems to be the habitual phrase for sellers who dont know much about the birds themselves- Ive been on the lookout for a second bird and have been repeatedly annoyed by being told that the lovies are 6wo when i know they are not.
One instance really peeved me as I had been keeping an eye on some particular birds for a number of weeks, and had even seen the lovies lose the black colouration on their beaks, marking them as babies- only to be told by the bird keeper that they were 6 weeks. blantantly untrue as at the very least i had seen those birds there 3-4 weeks ago.
it's become my pet peeve ;)

12-23-2007, 12:51 PM
His beak has no black on it at all. I was told he is an Australian Cinnamon with violet factor. I will try and get a pic posted later today.

12-23-2007, 12:55 PM
Oh, as to his flying... He is a great flyer. He only hits something when he goes as far as he can, and can't find anything suitable to perch on. He doesn't get height though really, only jumps from a higher spot and flys at one contant level or drops slightly. I will try and get a few pics to post later today to show you guys.

PS - Do you guys know how I can post a picture to this discussion board?

12-23-2007, 05:56 PM
Check out Photobucket for posting photos. No black on the beak tells me this bird is well over 3 to 3 1/2 months old. That is not true for all peachface lovies and I'm thinking that maybe Pied lovies don't have the black on their beaks as babies but someone correct me if I'm wrong about that. :confused:

12-24-2007, 03:47 AM
Thanks for the tip, Photobucket was easy.

Here's the pics I took today.
