View Full Version : Hurt wing or out of joint...???

12-23-2007, 07:17 AM
Twice now when Peanut has gotten scared, he has tried to fly, but since he is clipped, he doesn't get very far. But, it seems that when he does that he either hurts his wing or gets it out of joint. And it is only just the right wing. Yesterday it happened while I was holding him, I coughed, he got scared, did his scared chirp and flew right off of my shoulder. Then when I went to get him to step back up on my hand, he did readily, but he held his wing up and bit the living poop out of my hand as if he was trying to tell me that he was hurt.

I do want him to see a vet and plan on calling one tomorrow. But, I was just wondering if anyone else's babies do this or not. It is upsetting to see and hear him when he chirps like that and holds up that wing :(

I wanted to add that this seems to only happen when he is scared. He has tried to jump off of his play area to get to me and hasn't hurt anything which puzzles me because he lands so hard and is a horrible flyer.

12-23-2007, 07:40 AM
I definitely think a vet check is in order!

It also sounds like he either has a very bad wing clip, never learned to fly well before he was clipped or both! The cause of the pain may be just one feather and your avian vet is the best person to advise you about how to handle whatever the problem may be.

Please do let us know what happens.

12-23-2007, 08:10 AM
Thanks Linda. I do know that the breeder did let his babies fly a little before their first clip. But it seems as if Peanut never did get the hang of it. He hasn't been clipped since August and has one flight feather on each side coming in, so technically he should be able to go a little bit and not land so hard, I would think.