View Full Version : An Epiphany :)

12-24-2007, 09:12 AM
I know I have posted a bath time post recently, Luna did jump into my hands under the kitchen sink once. I have also said that it was a one time only thing, she hates the kitchen sink otherwise. I couldn't ever get her to do it again.:whistle: --I know it is pathetic, but I did try, cause it was just too cute!!

Well, anyhoo, if I hold a spoon in my hand she shreeks, so I thought... wonder what she would do if I put warm water into the spoon. She dipped her beak into it, drank some and flicked some onto her back like she does when she is bathing.

So then I had another thought (or epiphany if you will ;) ) My dog's water dish is metal just like the spoon, I wonder if I put warm water in there would she be interested in taking a bath. Well, after vigorous scrubbing of the bowl on my part, I put warm water in it and presented it to her. Sure enough, she stuck her beak in and her whole body was in it before I knew it. :clap (Oh, I need to add that she won't do that with any other bowl)

I know that when I got her they said she was handtame- I didn't know much about it then. I am wondering if maybe she was hand-fed and that is why she liked the spoon??? Has anybody that has a hand-fed lovie had a similar experience? Do you think they remember the spoon and that they continue to have a bond to it??

12-24-2007, 09:32 AM
I've found it hard to say why some birds have the preferences they do:rolleyes: . It's great Luna took to the stainless steal bowel! Maybe she was handfed with a spoon, or maybe the bowel she used to bath in as a baby was stainless steal, or maybe she just likes the shiny bowel :rolleyes: . I do have some birds that still love the syringe or warm soft foods that remind them of formula so I know some still love their baby things:rolleyes: .