View Full Version : 1st meeting...

12-26-2007, 09:29 PM
:clap :clap :clap :clap
Ok- I held my breath and did it- Jack and Chino were out at the same time! I put a toy gym on the floor, as well as a big branch with lots of twigs on it that neither one had ever seen before.
Chino was scared and kept trying to climb to me, (he's clipped). I didn't want him to because I was afraid it would make things worse if Jack was jealous. I kept putting him back on the gym or the branch.
Jack was curious, and kept following Chino. They kind of locked beaks for about 1/2 a second, 2 different times and I intervened.
Then Jack started flying away, and back to land on Chino's head. It was weird to see, and kind of funny, but it scared me so I shooed him off immediately.
If they lock beaks for a second or go to tussle, do I break them up in a heartbeat, or let them work it out? Obviously, I'd stop them if it looked like someone was going to be seriously hurt, but how do I know if it's going to happen in a fraction of a second?
Ok- I can let my breath out now... Whew!
Any more advice? I need all the help I can get!:D

12-27-2007, 03:06 PM
ok- gonna try again in a little bit...
anyone have any advice as to how soon to intervene if they bite eachother or "beak fight".
I'm nervous because I know it only takes a second for a hole in the beak or a bitten toe.
Chino is more laid back than Jack (who can fly). I'm more afraid of Chino getting hurt than Jack...
I wish I wasn't such a baby or an overprotective Mommy...:(

12-27-2007, 03:45 PM
I don't think you are being over protective. I say it's a good idea to break up a beak fight. I usually put my hand in the middle or just raise my voice a little. Since Chino is not flighted, Jack has more of an advantage. Plus, he's a lovebird and has a big attitude. I say just keep doing what you are doing. You could also let Chino ride around on you while Jack is out. It sounds like Jack is into doing his own thing and may lose interest. Of course, this can put you in beak harm's way because Chino or Jack can end up biting you.

12-27-2007, 04:44 PM
Jeni, just my 2 cents but I'd break up a fight if it looked like one was "about" to start! I am over-protective about my pets and even after 2 1/2 years of harmony with my three, I still worry about Oliver getting a toe bite. I've never found a single drop of blood but I'm always looking. I've seen Shy and Big Boi look like they were thinking about beaking each other (never Oliver) but they've never made contact that I've seen and never any bruising on their beaks. I'm sure that's bound to happen when you have multiple birds but hopefully you'll have an good long-term friendship with just the two.

I know you'll be very careful and it probably won't take too long to figure out if they'll be safe when out at the same time.

12-27-2007, 05:07 PM
ok thanks-
I was a bit unsure whether to let them work out a "pecking" order and get close to one another.
It seems that when they even approach eachother, someone already has his mouth open.
Maybe it'll never work...
I'm going to keep trying a few minutes a day until they can approach slowly and calmly with both mouths closed.
I'd love for them to be best friends, but I understand that they just may never like each other- which kind of stinks because as it is, I have to find time for each of them individually, my dog, my kids and my husband. I'm glad to do it, though. This is precisely the reason that people always say they're re-homing their birds because "He just isn't getting the attention he deserves". Mine do get the attention now, but as much as I want more birds... I'd never do it.

12-27-2007, 05:22 PM
Jeni, first off, it's OK to totally ignore your human family in lieu of your birds! Just ask my family! :D ;) :rotfl

But second....you took the words right out of my mouth. I know I have all that I can comfortably handle with three. There are times that I think it would be nice to have one more male, one that would love and preen Big Boi but with my luck a new bird would fall for Oliver, just like both Shy and Big Boi did and I'd have one more bird on my hands that needs more individual attention from me. Since mine are pets and nothing but pets, I really want to keep my numbers low so that I can enjoy them and not feel guilty that I'm not spending enough time with them. I never want to get to the point where I'm thinking or saying that my birds are driving me crazy. A friend came by today and we went into the bird room. She was admiring them and all I could think, and did say to her, is that I am so happy that I have these three lovebirds. :happy: Adding just one more might change that. :whistle:

12-27-2007, 06:05 PM

today was the "big day" for peaches and bailey also! i took them both to the kitchen and let them down on the floor...towel drapped over my arm and my hubby and son standing nearby. well...they went right for each other. peaches was definetly the more aggressive one...poor bailey though 3 times bigger was taken aback. as soon as they went towards each other i separated them. i too thot well maybe after a second "they'll have their little scuffle and that would be it". but being the overprotective mom i am, i didn't allow it to go that far. i waited about 5 mins. and let them down again, the second time peaches ran towards bailey, but instead of bailey beaking back he kinda coward away from peaches. i didn't like seeing him afraid so i picked him up and comforted him then put them both back in their cages. i'm wondering the same as you. should i keep doing this? i think tomorrow i'll let them out again but in a different room and further apart. when i put them back in their cages bailey was on my forearm and peaches was on my shoulder. neither one bothered each other on the way back to their cages.
i'm with you two parrots are enough for me! i guess those who have lots of them have some that get along with each other. i try my best to give bailey and peaches individual attention as much as i can...and i have so much fun with them but unfortunately i have to work, take care of the family, etc....but it's good that they learn to play on their own too.

12-27-2007, 10:33 PM
I'm so excited!!!
This time I had them out for over 1/2 hour. They didn't go right for eachother. They reached toward each other with open beaks, but didn't get close enough to bite. Then they sat on the same play gym, occupied with a little twig in each of their beaks and glanced at eachother, but didn't try to bite.
A couple of times they even walked right by one another!
Obviously no preening or cuddling, but it's a start!

ps: I wasn't brave all by myself... I had a woman on the phone who does behavior classes for birds. She was with me the whole time for moral support.

12-28-2007, 12:31 AM
I still intervene on squabbles when all my birds are out at the same time - if I'm not standing close enough to stick my hand in, I clap my hands and (embarrassing) yell, "HEY, HEY, HEY" in a real high-pitched voice.:blush: Though I haven't used it very often, keeping cornstarch, a little antibotic ointment and Q-Tips together in a baggie where I could get to it fast has helped if there was any injury. Best wishes with the continuing integration!

12-28-2007, 09:33 AM
jeni...congrats! after reading your post i took bailey and peaches out again.
bailey seems to just be curious of peaches while peaches seems to be a defender of "her" area. peaches went for bailey a couple of times but i intervened before anything happened. the best part was i put some paper on the floor and peaches started her shredding mode...bailey went right over to the paper and started it too! copying peaches..it was pretty funny. they actually did this together for about 10 - 15 mins. then i gave them a treat and some water and put them back in their cages. i'll take them both out again later today. bailey is a half year younger than peaches and seems to already have a "respect" for her when she wants her space.

deb...i think that's a good idea to have the cornstarch and q-tips handy as you never know when or how your birdie will get hurt!

12-28-2007, 10:26 AM
none of my birds like each other....hopefully in 4 years they will get along lol....good luck