View Full Version : Bossy Bird

12-27-2007, 02:21 PM
Fenway has developed the new trait of being the "boss" of everything, including sweet little Wrigley! :x

He sometimes herds Wrigley around in their cage, pushing him off of toys he wants, trying to hoard the food and basically being a nuisance. Poor Wrigley just seems to tolerate it! There are no huge fights, perhaps an occasional verbal protest from Wrigley, but in the end Fenway seems to always prevail and Wrigley stands aside and watches Fenway like "He's crazy!". :roll:

Don't get me wrong-they seem to love each others' company, they sleep side-by-side atop the happy-hut every night, preen each other all the time, and occasionally regurgitate for one another.

I just wonder if this is a personality difference (Wrigley is about a a year older than Fenway, but seems wise beyond his 2 years) or if Fenway is just a brute. :confused:

If I'm home and see it going on, I usually say something, and Fenway knows exactly what I am talking about! He always backs off and looks at me like "what? I am being a sweetie here with my buddy". Once I am distracted, back to his dominant, pushy ways he goes. :(

I have such a NAUGHTY Bird! Does anyone else have these issues with pairs they have? Can anyone recommend something for me to do, aside from separating them, if there is anything at all? I want little Wrigley to stand up for himself! :lol It probably will never happen, but I feel bad for him!

12-27-2007, 02:41 PM

Wrigley very well may learn to take up for himself, or he may just be the less dominant bird, and as long as Fenway is not too rough, that's just fine. There is usually an Alpha bird in a pair, and it sounds like Fenway is it:wink:

12-27-2007, 02:41 PM
Being a brute is a personality trait and it's definately something a lot of us experience. There isn't a lot you can do to stop it, but you should keep an eye on things. Even if Fenway isn't hurting Wrigley, it may be that Wrigley would do better spending the days in a cage of his own and having Fenway sleep in Wrigley's cage at night.

This is something we've been dealing with our two meyer's parrots. We've recently realized that Cookie is bullying Koa and that Koa is not happy. Cookie bullies in a very sneaky way and we often don't see it. Well Koa has grown his flights in and is forever flying away from Cookie and to me when they are out and Cookie gets very bullyish. Our solution is to give them separate cages and let them sleep together at night cause they love to snuggle together in their sleepy spot.

Good Luck:rolleyes:

12-27-2007, 05:12 PM
I have one very bossy bird! Shy! I love all three of them and accept this as part of his personality but my hubby and sons get so irritated with him. He truly is a very sweet bird and has never bitten anyone in the 2 1/2 years we've had him but just has to be the boss.

I gave them millet on Christmas Day and I usually put two pieces in Shy's and Big Boi's cage, one for each, and lock them up and then give Oliver his outside his cage. I noticed this time that Shy was hopping from one side to the other to keep Big Boi from getting to his so......I took Big Boi and his millet out, clipped it to the top of Oliver's cage right next to Oliver's piece, and the two of them ate happily and in peace side by side. It nearly drove Shy nuts. Instead of eating his own he just bobbed and bobbed that little head cause he was locked up and they were out. He wants to be in the middle of everything and especially if *I* am in the mix. Oliver is and always will be my No. 1 bird and he gets plenty of alone time with me out of the bird room so Shy is used to that but the second I make a move to cuddle with Big Boi, look out! Shy tries so hard to sneak up and bite his toes when I'm cuddling with Big Boi. :rolleyes: Fortunately Big Boi is not afraid of him but I'm sure he'd like to bop him over the head from time to time. Me, too! :whistle:

Thanks to this forum I've learned that each one is going to have their very own personality and you gotta love 'em regardless. :D I think that if I'd been a bird, I would be more like Shy than Oliver or Big Boi! :lol

12-29-2007, 10:35 AM
One of my lovebirds was very bossy to my other lovebird until it had enough and bit a hole in the other's beak.

They're in seperate cages now and get supervised play time.

12-31-2007, 10:19 AM
My Daisy wants to be the boss of the flock in my house. Olivia can be bitey, but she's not bossy except with Daisy. Maybe that's why Daise wants to be boss with the other lovies. Hmmm...

12-31-2007, 10:37 AM
My Blue Meanie was very bossy with her poor mate Squeaky. His food dish was at the top of the cage and hers was at the bottom. When I gave them nutriberries for a treat, he learned to drop a couple on the floor to keep her away from his food dish! She frequently chased him and didn't let him play with toys. Poor Squeaky was always on the lookout for her and he did get very fast! When she was nesting, he had a bad bite to his toe which ended up in a trip to the vet. She is gone now and Squeaky is putting on some weight and happily playing with all of his toys. I think he does miss her but not her "mean streak"!

I used to wonder why they called them lovebirds! :rofl:

12-31-2007, 08:07 PM
Little Fenway and Wrigley sounds just like my Romeo and Juliet. Juliet will get into one of her moods and starts bossing Romeo around. He just sits there and takes the "abuse" lol then fluffs up and then regurgitates for her and all seems to calm down. She never hurts him just seems to tell him that she is the boss and that he will do as he is told. If i see her doing this i will say something to her and she stops and goes and pouts in her little tent until Romeo comes over and feeds her. lol Poor little is just a push-over.

01-06-2008, 11:25 PM
Great subject- thanks for the discussion