View Full Version : Potential Legislation - California

12-29-2007, 10:36 AM
Link to an ebay discussion:
http://cgi.ebay.com/CALIF-FORCES-OWNERS-TO-GIVE-AWAY-PUPPIES-FOR-FREE_W0QQitemZ130149864665QQihZ003QQcategoryZ1283Q QrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638 .m118
I've quoted the text here, as it's questionable how long this will remain visible. I got the original notification via Bird_Breeder-Hobbyist and am cross posting with permission.

AR fanatics (ARFs) and AR-zombies are trying to get this discussion
pulled off eBay. Read it before they do. No matter what kind of animal
you have, this can ultimately snowball to eliminating ALL animal breeding
and ownership, which is the ultimate goal of the ARFs.
If you can't access the below URL , just put 'give away puppies for free' in
the eBay search box. It'll be in the eBay store for GoodDogsUSA.

*Keep reading to find out about the

law proposed to force owners to GIVE

away their puppies for free!




Great keychain or conversation starter!

What a great way to start a conversation for informing others of

the potential damage that such a proposed law would have as against

the pet industry, owners, and anyone involved with pets in a business.

The ramifications of such action is not our opinion but is

taken from the legislative analyst summaries and condensed

authoritative sources.


Is Eliminating 98% of all Pets Really the "Answer?"

In California, there is actually a legislative attempt to pass a law which, if followed, would indeed do this. Incredible as it may seem, Assembly Bill (AB1634) is pushed by Lloyd Levine and other misled groups, claiming that forcing every single dog/cat (privately owned animals, which does NOT include FERAL cats or strays) in the state to be altered will "save money" and "save animals."

Of course, this is not the "real" agenda of this proposed law.

The real agenda is to start a "No Birth Nation" , which is advocated by PETA, so that all pets, if any are to be owned at all, must come from somewhere else, such as a third world country as opposed to responsible dog breeders. Currently, there are US shelters, rescues and groups

(such as the Helen Woodward Center, SD, CA; Best Friends, Utah,

which allegedly spent approx. $140,000 to bring over the stray dogs)

IMPORTING stray dogs from third world countries/or foreign countries such as

Puerto Rico ("Sato dogs"); Russia, Beruit, Lebanon; Thailand, and Mexico, etc.

If you figure there are shelter animals HERE being euthanized,

why on earth

would you purposely be IMPORTING STRAY DOGS???!!!

Shelters claim they can't find homes for the shelter dogs so they import

dogs that they "can" get out?? The shelters are not pet stores!

Another reason for pushing such a law is to stop anyone from engaging in the breeding of animals, or to profit from using a business which utilizes animals, including, but not limited to, ranching, farming, and food industry businesses such as KFC and any business which sells meat or uses animal products such as leather, wool, etc.

[The ISAR (International Society for Animal Rights)---who uses Bob Barker as their spokesperson---exists ONLY to advocate for the mandated altering of ALL animals/pets, and claims that the AKC (The American Kennel Club) is nothing but a perpetuator of poor breed standards and bad genetics and puppymillers]

The bigger question is, WHY have similar laws/efforts across the United States,

including San Mateo, CA, in 1991--- BEEN DISMAL FAILURES AND END UP


AND, even IF such a program was used, WHY would you want to end up

taking out all the breeding stock of well-tempered dogs????

AND, just how would anyone be able to ENFORCE such a law??

....AND------IF such a law were to start---and 98% of the animals were sterile-----

what IMPACT could/would this have ON THE PET INDUSTRY


(Walmart is 41 billion)

Despite these obvious problems, Los Angeles has already passed such an ordinance in 2006, but had temporarily abstained from enforcing it after a federal lawsuit was filed by the American Canine Foundation in federal court. That case is not scheduled to move forward, despite a year having elapsed, because federal Judge Maxine Chesney of San Francisco Northern District Federal court has not ruled on the defendant's motion to dismiss, for the past year, so the case is just sitting there. (In Fed Court there is no time limit for ruling on such motions.) Unfortunately, if CA should pass such an absurd law for the entire STATE---it is just a matter of time before it moves on to all the other states!

As we can see, the movement to do just this has already started by calling for the mandatory altering of all pitbull type dogs, by HSUS----- regardless of if they are actually a pitbull dog or not (since there is no breed of dog known as pitbull anyway).....and since California already HAS SB861, which allows ANY county to mandate altering for ANY breed of dog it chooses to pick out, the movement is to forget the breed and just call for altering ALL dogs, with some very minor exceptions. And it is indeed minor.


For example on June 27, 2007, the proposed law of AB1634 stated

that IF one was "allowed" to breed ONE litter, and only one---

the pups from that litter MUST be GIVEN AWAY for FREE!!!

So now they can force you to GIVE away YOUR own PROPERTY???!!!


Dog owners in particular need to be aware that such laws, if passed, can

easily spell d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r and are likely unconstitutional at best.

All pet owners spread the word that these types of laws, which are gaining momentum and being pushed by large groups such as PETA and HSUS---- infringe on the rights of ANYONE who owns or works for ANY pet related business AND it obviously affects ALL businesses which are animal related, since in the long run, this is just another step toward eliminating the use of animals for any purpose. That is not denied by groups such as PETA---who clearly advocate against ANY use of ANY animal at all---no matter what. If you have doubts, suggest you research it yourself.

It is a pathetic reality that groups which claim to "save"* animals

can/will get to the legislature and push for laws

that actually want to eliminate animals, NOT save them!

*Translation: "Save" animals "from" humans by not allowing

people to own animals, period.

12-29-2007, 12:52 PM
I don't quite understand why they think they need a law such as this? Is it because of the stray and unwanted animals? Why not have tougher fines and stipulations if someone was caught dumping an animal or mistreating one. I think the Vick case was a good start.

Is it because people only want designer dogs like that of Paris Hilton? I can almost guarantee that she doesn't scoop her dogs poop and that her dog is a typical dog. It poops, barks, bites, etc like a pound mutt.

Maybe we need to fill out a from stating what can happen if we are found to be negligent or abusive to an animal at the time of purchase.

Mistreatment of any small and helpless creature is a big pet peeve of mine!

12-29-2007, 02:28 PM
All of this goes back to the fact that PETA and other animal rights fanatics do not want humans to keep animals as pets. The fact that there is so much abuse and mistreatment of animals plays right into their grand scheme. Forcing breeders to give away puppies for free will supposedly take the monetary gain card out of play so breeders will no longer find it profitable to produce more puppies.

I, personally, feel that education is the answer and I will continue to push that through this community. Understanding our pets will help us to make wise and correct decisions regarding them!

12-29-2007, 03:36 PM
Advertising free puppies or kittens won't help that. That just gives the ignorant people a way to obtain animals for fighting purposes or snake food. My dd just got a free horse, a Thoroughbred that was training to be a race horse but blew out his knee, only because the owner didn't want to put it up for auction and see it become a delicasee in Europe.

12-29-2007, 04:58 PM
Advertising free puppies or kittens won't help that.
If you were breeding puppies for profit, would you continue to breed if you were not allowed to sell them? Eliminate breeders and the pet population declines proportionately.

12-29-2007, 06:55 PM
No, I certainly wouldn't.

12-30-2007, 10:22 PM
I don't think this has much of a chance in CA to pass.

I can't remember which city is it...............I think Hollywood or West Hollywood, but they passed a law a few years ago saying that people do not "own" their pets.

12-31-2007, 08:53 AM
this might sound stupid but.....if i was the president of any country...i would stop breeding of any animal, i would not allow petstores sell any animal...and i would educate people to be good pet owners and i would make them adopt the pets that are in shelters already...and once all dogs and cats and birds and etc are adopted (it would take a longggg time)...and all fix not to reproduce....i would allow the country to breed again...i would always allow endanger species to be in breeding programs because those animals need it but just them....but yeah giving away free pets wont solve anything....and yeah under my power if anybody is guilty of animal abuse will go to jail for a long time....eating nasty food. and the same way foster children get somebody everymonth to check on them how they are doing and etc....i would also do that for every pet in the country....lol ifffffff i was the president....i always though peta was good but giving away pets free....no good