View Full Version : funny story!

Pips mom
12-31-2007, 12:49 AM
Ok, so I come in from work tonight, and here is my boyfriend with this piece of paper from off of the computer desk that has been chewed up around the edges by you know who! He says----can you tell me that number that was written on there?? because it is the number he has to dial to get the messages off of the phone, and there is one message and he really wants to listen to it! Well, of course you can't see it because the numbers have all been chewed up! and here's Pip in his cage trying to look all cute and hanging upside down so someone will let him out! I couldn't help but laugh! He actually called up the phone company and told them that his bird ate the paper with the numbers on it! :rofl:

12-31-2007, 03:29 AM
Well done Pip :rofl: Try a few bills next.

12-31-2007, 08:40 AM
:rofl: :rotfl :rofl: :rotfl

12-31-2007, 09:03 AM
thats really funny and cute...it wont be funny for me next semester because i will need to sell my books!!!

12-31-2007, 09:31 AM
YEP! That's a cute lovie story:rotfl . Next time, tell your boyfriend he's lucky it wasn't cash Pip chewed up8o .

12-31-2007, 11:03 AM
c'mon - don't you just love your lovies!!! :whistle: :rotfl :confused: :( :) Could you send Pip my way to chew up our visa bill?? :D