View Full Version : How much should a clipped bird fly?

01-02-2008, 06:27 PM
Hey Gang,

Eddie has a wing clip, yet is a capable flier to I believe what is any destination he chooses. He looses a bit of height after about 30 feet of flight though.

Shouldn't the first clip keep him more dependant on me? So that he learns I am his friend? I am thinking his clip is of not enough feathers, as the long ones do not stick out the bottom of the pretty, colored outer wing part. (Sorry that is not very technical)

Any suggestions? He had been good about avoiding my glass sliders, but last night took a good header into one.:(

01-02-2008, 06:45 PM
It sounds as though they did not clip enough feathers for your liking. A properly clipped bird should not be able to attain height. Clipping should only be enough to have the bird come to a gradual and graceful landing on a lower landing. If birdie thumps to the floor or bed, there is a strong risk of internal bruising and/or worse.
If you feel Eddie needs more 'limit'...check with your avian vet or groomer for additional snips. If you attempt it yourself, watch for blood feathers and don't cut into those ones.


01-03-2008, 01:43 AM
Thanks Kim,

I would leave it to a professional, I still don't know what I am doing.

How far can a properly clipped birdie fly?