View Full Version : Love it or hate it? more vids!

01-03-2008, 09:56 AM
I've been coaxing beezle out of his cage and here I've got acouple of videos, he's so much fun to watch!! Seems all he is terribly interested in is chewing on everything! :P

So you can see in the videos me giving him some plastic bird links, he attacks them viciously!! I can't tell if he loves them or hates them!?

The first vid is really dark, the second one gets better half way though, I forgot to turn on the overhead :P


01-04-2008, 11:36 AM
Again sorry the videos are dark, I really do want to know if he hates his Goofy Links though:rolleyes:

01-04-2008, 02:27 PM
Beezle is adorable - he reminds me a bit of my Blue Meanie. He has gorgeous great big eyes.

I think he HATES his Goofy Links! :)

01-04-2008, 04:29 PM
kiwi does the same thing with items he doesn't like. he flings it around, lunges at it, very different behaviour than a toy or item he likes. i just assume something about it either offends him, makes him angry, or frightens him. he is a lovie with many moods my kiwi!! :omg: ;)

the videos were so cute!!! :)

01-04-2008, 04:48 PM
You posted he doesnt like you?!?!? Heck he seems to interact with you ok, now i know my boo loves me but there is noway i could get my hand close like to her like you do to beezle she would rush me and just bite and chew for the meer thought of invadeing her space lol